what is the most bullshit imaginary country and why is it K*rdistan? Every time I see a new map they've added new territory to their "ancient Kurdish land."
What is the most bullshit imaginary country and why is it K*rdistan...
Landgrabbing is a common phenomenon mr turk. For Kurdistan spesifically, they want to have access to sea. Thats why you see them constantly expanding to west and north.
>Ahwaz, Antakya, Mosul, Aleppo, all cities that are like 5%kurdish and over 90% Arab, rightfully belong to the turds.
Sure thing Mr. Barzani
Separatists are cunts in general
I'm not kurdish myself I'm saying that landgrabbing is not a kurdish phenomenon per se and kurds are acting totally on purpose in their landgrabbing.
And populations change, kurds are already moving arabs/turks out of their clay. Amnesty international was reporting about it actually.
get over it, most of anatolia was not turkish either. things change. Erdogan really fucked up in Syria so you have to live up with semi autonomous kurds for quite some time now.
People usually make claims to a land after they've taken it, not when they're still thousands of miles away from approaching it.
Wasn't Israel's claim to statehood also the fact that in Biblical times that area was Jewish?
Everyone i know who shills for Kurdistan has that pudgy chipmunk numale face. Funny how nationalism is cancer however they support unconditionally a militant ethno-nationalist separatist state. Seriously though, Kurdistan would just be a US airstrip to bomb Iran. Nothing more. If you read any Turk or Arab accounts the Kurds are just these douchebag mountain raiders. Hardly deserving of a state
Wut? claims are the reason they march in the first place
Apparently independent Kurdistan also leads to a revived Soviet Union?
Glory and independence for the Kurds
>Hardly deserving of a state
good thing that's not your decision
and iraq and saudi arabia agree to departition the neutral zone
Why wouldn't they just connect them to the Black Sea then?
That's not how you spell Poland.
Hmmmm yep. Can't wait for Kurdistan. The cameras will go off and the ethnic cleansing of Arabs will begin. Then the US will use it as a springboard to take out Iran. But it will all be worth it because a tribe of ex-raiders will get to build a 3rd world state and play at nationalism
At first I was in favour of the K*rds having their nation state. Only to discover that they play dirty demographic warfare to claim more land which is not traditionally theirs. Even to the point where they would let Assyrian communities be captured by choice and then recapture them later to colonize them with K*rds. They remind me a bit of the Alb*nians, the most disgusting etnicity in Europe, who do the same thing.
This. They forbade the Assyrian Christians in Nineveh from owning weapons to defend themselves, then they let Isis take the villages without even a fight. Kurds are scumbags worse than Jews.
Mind to post the source?
My family who actually lived there when the whole thing went down. Peshmerga left the night before ISIS invaded, without reason. Without even firing a shot. You can probably look it up and find more info.
Burden of proof lies on you. And anecdotes dont count
Kurds are literally savages, Tusken raiders is the most apt image to picture them. They preform some of the most antiquated barbaric practices such as clitorectomies, and they chase people WITH ACTUAL HISTORICAL TIES such as Assyrians out of THEIR ancestral homeland if not just outright killing them. Yet they are being portrayed by the westerners as feminist secularist fighters for freedom and justice. I love the fucking hypocrisy of the westerners. They'd spiit in the faces of alleged "fellow christians" that are suffering as long as it furthers their interests of destabilizing and decentralizing the middle east further.
Middle eastern christians are a bunch of whiny,innumerous and weak faggots. I couldnt care less about them
Go look it up, it's not old, it's just 2 years ago. And how is an article written by a journalist more valid than people who saw it? Western media is incredibly pro Kurdish, you always hear about Halabja but you never here about how Kurds were butchering Turkmen in Kirkuk beforehand.
t. muslim ape
t. Eliyahu Israelstein
We already know how much you hate Christians, after all you did kill Christ, no need to remind us.
I only care for my nation you guys can die off for all i care. The west doesnt own you anything. Its your fault if you cant protect yourselves
Well for one you could claim anything and push your agenda. Atleast media provides some sort of videos and pictures.
>hehe that's right goy I'm an isolationist
>his nation proceeds to send gorillions of guns to trigger happy mudslime apes like kurds
Selling guns means profit for my nation. And why should i care about non-whites dying?
You are both non-whites thus irrelevant
>what is the most bullshit imaginary country
Why are you begging for the acceptance and help of westerners? Grow a spine and solve your problems yourself.
Its true tho.
Dumbass, these fucking weapons don't just disappear after the conflict ends. We're arming and training thousands of guys who don't really give a fuck about democracy or America. The next major conflict is formenting as we speak.
>Jewberg thinks he's white
> Peshmerga left the night before ISIS invaded, without reason.
I love this bullshit accusation. Western media also levels it at Assad too. Every time he tactically withdraws from IS forces (like in Palmyra) they accuse him of cynically aiding Islamists.
Apparently what Assad and the Kurds should be doing is suicidally attacking IS without consideration for the costs. I'm sure the FSA won't go rolling into Assad's exposed rear while he does this. I'm sure the Kurdish autonomy will be respected once they bleed themselves dry fighting to the death for every village.
>Mooooom, bring the insecticide, theres another roach on my computer.
So should the Serbs and the Kurds get together an have a drink?
They will continue to kill each other like they always do. We just dont need to let them in our countries regardless of religion.
Hey man you are the ones who are being genocided. But instead of fighting you swarm to western countries like the spineless cucks you are. Non-white diaspora shit.
Assad is a genius. When the conflict started, he immediately takes out the moderate rebels rather than the jihadists. The only choice the West was left with was to either back him or the jihadists.
>moshe hooknoseyahu thinks he's actually welcome or accepted anywhere outside the crematorium
Yeah, fuck off. You say that as if the "moderate" beheaders weren't threatening Syria's heartland and it's minority population while all IS did was roll over a bunch of desert.
I'm sure the West would love it if Assad committed suicide fighting ISIS over some sandy ruins while the rebels took Damascus.
Are these the same moderate rebels who expelled every Christian from idlib, or the ones who destroyed the ancient churches in maloula?
Moderate rebels were all jihadists, except like one or two for the western cameras.
Why don't you just start funding ISIS as well then? After all money is money and it will lead to more "non-whites" dying ;^)
He's Jewish, they already are funding ISIS.
>We just dont need to let them in our countries regardless of religion.
Yet your countries do, and this whole fund insurgencies idea you have just leads to more non-whites flocking to your country
No problem as long no one from there comes to us
Im not. Further more im atleast posting from my own country unlike you
ITT: Bunch of butthurt assyrians
Like the Arab quote goes "When you let the camel's nose enter the tent, his body will soon follow" this goes for these tiny spoiled ethnics like Kurds and Kikes who get support from big nations and grow an ego of their own. Let's not repeat kikeland with the Turds, stop the gun support. Let ISIS go loose on them.
>rightful Serb land with Albanian majority
literally the most pointless nation on earth
only exists because of America
Self-determination is for cunts
Don't ever quote Arabs to back up an argument
You have to go back.
Is that from the thousand and one nights or the quran?
You're a Jew you have no country. Fuck off shlomo, no shekels here for you. It's a shame Hitler didn't burn more of you insects.
Why wouldn't they be butthurt? People put kurds on a pedestal while completely ignoring the bad shit that they do. It must hurt too to see that other christian nations completely ignore them while praising the muslims that terrorize them.
Pol autism out please
I'm not though. I just want people to stop acting like Kurds are some saints while they fuck up your "fellow christians" like any other muslim apes would. Stop funding monkeys that kill christians.
Kurds don't fly planes into our buildings so I'd rather have them cleanse Arab sandniggers out and let them rule their own country. At least we would be left alone.
gotta love Kurds guys.
and some more
down with Daesh
one more for shits
When you say kurds I guess you're all referring to the KRG and the peshmergas, what are totally different faction than the YPG and the SDF; for example is not a pesh but what I presume a YPG soldier (she has an Ocalan patch).
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the YPG.
inb4 YPG is PKK
steppe communists...
they being communists in a place like ME means they have no sense of honour, pride or morals, combine that with guns you and u got a shitshow, which is kurds, mostly clans who are today armies who even fight between eachother, they arent even unified, its all big money and shiet.
im not him but,
>not loving assyrian people
you barely jest with knowing history.
I'm just saying he has a good grasp of realpolitik. He immediately removed the West's opportunity to fuck with his country.
Well YPG links with PKK are strong, specially in the political camp, I have the impression Syria is where the latests ocalan theories are being experimented.. I don't know if PKK is actively involved in the YPG but it's well known that both organizations have some sort of collaboration... for example, PKK thanks to the war in Syria has a stream of modern and heavy weapons like they have never imagined before
How about no, you fucking oven dodger.
Besides /pol/ no longer tolerates us, it's been taken over by JIDF and /r/donald.
it was half jewish by 1948 as well.
>Tabriz aswell as Mt.Ararat is now part of Kurdistan
lel, the map keeps growing more and more and getting dumber and dumber. at this point I am sure any place a Kurd has set foot is "Millenia old Kurdish land"
but on a serious note, the only people I feel bad about are the Assyrians and other Christian minorities currently getting either thrown out of their ancestral homelands or those who stay are taught kurdish revisionist history on a scale that makes the Black Hebrew Israelites seem sane, all to further their "claim"
and the curtain created by IS and other geopolitical participants are gonna give the Kurds the cover they need to get away with it.
Th3y are the epitome of brutal savages. Im also sick of them begging the west to fight their fights
That actually wouldn't surprise me /pol/s been weird as shit when I've visited
>Tfw the cancer hole rejects it's own cancer for a new one
What a time to be alive.
I came here to laugh at you.
The thing is, Kurds are nomads. They wander. Perhaps some kurds have wandered to every area that's red. Hell, perhaps some even live there. That area is not Kurdish, however.
Republic of Kosovo
Turkey is just as made up as Kurdistan though
>"We're central asian nomadic ponynigger LARPers!"
>"No wait, we're proud, pious Muslim Arab wannabes!"
>"No wait, we're Anatolian natives with Hittite ancestry!"
>"No wait, we're a secular state and don't care about ethnicity!"
>"No wait.."
Rinse repeat.
t. Greek.
Belguim and Ukraine.
Kurds are bro-tier and the last hope for stability in the ME :^)
No different from Arabs, then.
How so?
really gets the noggin joggin
It's even funnier when you realize that Kurds were killing Armenians and other Christian minorities in E.Anatolia even before that particular genocide happened.
Shit basically was like the Wild West were Ottomans had lose control over the area and entrusted different kurdish tribes to be somekind of authority figure in that region while overtaxing and killing Christians.
Just look up the Hamidian massacres.
>im not
>Stop funding them
You arent in the position to give us orders, non-white . We do what we want and what benefits us the most
Do you realise how autistic and juvenile you come across with those posts?
Im just extrapolating. But do you realize that your constant shilling is just annoying? Imagine being a white westerner and getting bombarded from every corner of the world with pleads of some people begging us to fight for their cause,give them money the 3664465 time etc.. Our weapon deals might be shady but russia and china are just as bad. And even if we stop the rest of the world will just sell even more weapons to fill the gap.
And please if you want to emigrate to our countries then just leave your tribalistic bullshit behind instead of shilling for your foreign causes.