Are there any good YouTube series that cover the Crusades in a concise fashion like The Great War?
I was looking into Real Crusades History, but the comment section(I know) is a bunch of islamaphobes larping as knights.
I just want something fairly impartial and clear.
Are there any good YouTube series that cover the Crusades in a concise fashion like The Great War?
Other urls found in this thread:
no such thing
What makes you say that?
Also OP read pic related, surprisingly well covered parts about crusades
What does the comments section have to do with the documentary itself?
They're easy to learn, go to wikipedia, and they're not even important. Why are people obsessed about this bullshit?
How can you even learn about the crusades if you think "Islamaphobe" is a real thing?
Kebabs would run vienna today and perhaps even more of western europe if not for the crusades. What are you smoking?
The kingdom of heaven didn't stand as an obstacle for that to happen, the wars in the middle east were no different from the civil wars the muslims faced around that time. The Spanish Reconquista, the mongol invasions of the middle east, the black death, those are the things that fucked over the muslims, not the crusaders fighting over such a small piece of land.
Check out /r/askhistorians. They have solid recommendations. >inb4 reddit
Read a book?
>but the comment section
Why the fuck do you even give a fuck about the comment section?
Just watch the fucking videos.
>What makes you say that?
It's a buzzword without a substance behind it used to shame into silence people who criticize Islam by conflating their objections with a legitimate mental disorder.
OP here, I don't mean people who just dislike Muslims. I'm non-religious so I don't like Islam either, but I know for a fact that people who are extra aggressive about a dislike of anything will be biased in there explanations.
No believe me I know, but you can definitely tell a level of bias by how the channel interacts with it's fanbase.
ie responding with Deus Vult to some retarded talking about removing kebab from Israel makes me think this guy is not gonna cover it like a historian.
>judges videos based on the comments
I don't know about the rest of you, but I want to see more of this crusader grill.
>but I know for a fact that people who are extra aggressive about a dislike of anything will be biased in there explanations.
you don't say
From what I know there's more art of her, I think. Maybe not much.
not the same but
That's just the problem with Youtube. It's only worthwhile if you're a content creator looking to capitalize on an audience of plebes looking for dinnertable factoids, or an audience of politically opinionated lurkers seeking a fount of media to attack their opponents views and values. I don't think there's an audience yet for the Crusades that's just interested in the modern research and old narratives like Classical Rome, where guys like Historia Civilis can just do videos on the mechanical workings and maneuverings of Caesar without having to pander to someone that's not just a Rome geek.
Realcrusadeshistory himself has problems, too, though. His voice is boring and grating on rewatches, and he made an entire series about the First Crusade specifically to spite James Portnow instead of just opportunistically waiting for people to do his work for him and offer him as an alternative to Portnow's "Pope rivalries and Turks dindu" sensationalism naturally.
Were there woman who participated the crusades.
Don't bother user, the crusades have too much political bias currently to get any real information from contemporary sources, stick too old books
Lmao are you fucking kidding me, the only effective crusade that didn't fuck over their own people happened five hundred years before the ottomans were at the gates of Vienna, it has nothing to do with the crusades you braindead idiot. The crusades were insignificant and a complete failure and really played no part in shaping middle eastern politics
Yes people who hate on anything Muslim without having any real knowledge on the subject and project their modern ideologies on history and use historical narratives to reinforce that shit ideology totally don't exist
As if any of those retards have any real criticism short of "ahmed" "dues vult" "mudslimes" and "subhumans".
>hahaha yea man on Veeky Forums we are cool and rational unlike those reddit plebs XD
Fuck off
As slave labor, yes.
Yes. There are books on that exact subject I'm pretty sure.
Thanks anons
>I can't read
>History of Byzantium is "ok"
Fuck off mate its great, and the narrator openly admitted he took direct inspiration from The History of Rome.
>I admitted I'm a ripoff, so that makes it okay!
Fuck off Irate Gamer.
>but I know for a fact that people who are extra aggressive about a dislike of anything will be biased in there explanations.
>Yes people who hate on anything Muslim without having any real knowledge on the subject and project their modern ideologies on history and use historical narratives to reinforce that shit ideology totally don't exist
That's not what phobia is, take your shitty regressive left memes back to plebbit
>That's not what phobia is
Yeah we all know that it's not a biological phobia you fucking mongoloid. I just want some unbiased Crusade info without Muslims eat babies rhetoric
It actually surpassed HoR, but you're too big of a baby to admit it.
>Irate gamer
Fuck that brings me back.
My point still stands that he's very well researched, in depth and he isn't rediculously biased like Realcrusadeshistory is.
>That's not what phobia is, take your shitty regressive left memes back to plebbit
Confirmed for being a braindead pol faggot, using "memes" and "plebbit" to create a facade of real knowledge and an air of superiority on the subject but will fall apart once it is questioned further. Out most definitely is phobia, the internet is full of people who immediately react to anything Muslim, whether or not they have any knowledge on it, aggressively and become extremely defensive, almost scared. I would call that a phobia. And this is not even mentioning the millions of people who vegitate in front of Fox news all day believing the muslims are out to get them
Doing the Lord's work brother
A book called God's Battalions gives a good European perspective and overview of the Crusades.
If by European perspective you mean Rodney Stark's idiocy. Personally, I wouldn't take any sort of historical opinion from a guy who thinks knights wore such heavy armor they had to be lifted by cranes onto horseback and that's why they lost to the Muslims.
>Hardcore History
>above shit tier
>the internet is full of people who immediately react to anything Muslim, whether or not they have any knowledge on it, aggressively and become extremely defensive
That's not phobia. Islamophobia doesn't exist, but feel free to prove me wrong with reputable sources.
Are you sure? Does he outline that what's reported could be after-the-fact slander like with how he covered Domitian? Does he have a voice that can be listened to for extended periods of time without being grating?
Is there any information in this comment? All I'm hearing is "no you are wrong it defiantly doesn't exist and I will ask for sources without providing any myself, in fact I won't even explain my point beyond one sentence"
He certainly did that when it came to Leo the Armenian, Percopius and his "Secret History" and Michael III. His voice is fine idk what you think is wrong with a nice British accent.
Phobia is also a term in sociology and not only psychology.
>Based in Georgetown University’s Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, The Bridge Initiative is a multi-year research project that connects the academic study of Islamophobia with the public square.
lets be serious here, you can try again
>Islamophobia doesn't exist
>Trump and co fear them so much he shuts down the borders
phobias are the ideologies of the cucked anywho
Are you implying Arabs cannot study aspects of their own culture? Anything written on Islam by a Muslim is immediately discounted? You need a white old fuck to talk about a subject to confirm your theories? If you answered yes to all three than I've proved my point, "discussion" is over
where are your sources?
Never seen his podcasts, actually. I'm just scared that I'll end up watching another James Portnow.
>no sources
try again
>demands sources on on anyone disagreeing yet fails to ever provide any of their own
>discounts source provided then demands sources
Please stop user you are seriously embarrassing yourself
>islamophobia exists
the burden of proof ins on you, newfriend
>makes excuses for not having sources instead of citing sources
Nice bluff, bustnut. What's your agenda here?
Its not like that at all, definitely give it a try.
...Does he explain why the war with the Ostrogoths "destroyed the Italian countryside" when James Portnow said that Roman troops paid for everything they took?
I seriously can't tell between satire and genuine stupidity anymore....
Maybe later. I haven't finished THoR yet, and I could use it as a buffer in the future to go between episodes of Revolutions.
>i serriously can't provied a source
we know that already
Congratulations, retard, you've found the joke.
Now fuck off back to /pol/ before we start calling you a Social Justice Imperial.
Let's go through the series of events
>You demand a source to show islamphobia
I provide source to show islamphobia
>You discount source because a Muslim is on the board of directors
I say this proves islamphobia even further because you cannot believe anything with muslims involved
>You demand source
You understand why I can't take your seriously right? Do I need to provide a source to prove your stupidity too?
You are assuming these dumbasses are being ironic, you have too much faith in them...
>You are assuming these dumbasses are being ironic
That's the joke, kid: There is no joke.
Once again, fuck off.
From what I remember he talks extensively about the failures of the Italian campaign, but its been almost a year since I listened to those episodes.
Oh shut the fuck up "kid", I've been browsing the shitty ass site long enough to know it really was once satire, it was only until the trump shit started that attracted all these retards to pol when it transformed from extremist irony to genuine extremism
>it was only until the trump shit started
You really haven't been here long enough, infant.
This is the last time I warn you, cancer: Leave Veeky Forums, or die.
>I provide source to show islamphobia
>holocaust is a lie, source:
get real
Just stop you pathetic piece of shit, you sound like a teenager. Stop acting like Veeky Forums is some secret refuge from the rest of the internet, it's just a popular and shitty as the rest. You are one of the retards that too the statire as genuine and made the shitty site even worse
Are you for real? Just the pretense of a Muslim is comparable to an extremist site used as a source? And you are arguing against islamphobia??
Oh my god, this is the funniest and most pathetic strawman I've seen in weeks. Keep it up, you might even qualify for months.
Try harder faggot
Oh, so I'm the tryhard faggot now? Not you, for thinking any of the shit you labeled me as is even remotely true? For thinking that Poe's Law has ever not applied to the way Veeky Forums talks and thinks? For assuming that all this Muslim/anti-Muslim sentiment started because of Trump's election campaign?
>Are you for real?
Saudis are extremists.
I'm for real, I won't take anything linked to Saudi royal family as credible. Phobia is a well established mental disorder so it should be pretty easy for you prove that fear of Islam fits the bill.
>Oh, so I'm the tryhard faggot now? Not you, for thinking any of the shit you labeled me as is even remotely true?
Oh shut the fuck up, you immediately started calling me "kid" as if you were the foremost expert on the history of fucking Veeky Forums
>For thinking that Poe's Law has ever not applied to the way Veeky Forums talks and thinks? For assuming that all this Muslim/anti-Muslim sentiment started because of Trump's election campaign?
Yes before it was on the sideline, and somewhat of any discussion could be had about anything involving muslims, now there isn't even a point in trying you'll be drowned in dumb one liners to reinforce the "WE ARE CONTRARIAN" narrative. As soon as the left media starts shitting on muslims you can bet poltards are gonna start posting "le muslims are superior" that's all it is and all it ever was on Veeky Forums, the attempt at being a contrarian
>As soon as the left media starts shitting on muslims
that never happened
He doesn't say that though.
>However, do not suppose that the Europeans were decked out in the complete, jointed suits of plate armor that stand around in museums. These suits came later, and only some knights of the heavy cavalry ever wore them, as they were dangerously impractical. Knights in plate-armor suits had to be lifted onto their saddles by booms; if they fell off they could not rise to their feet to fight on.
He's a hack.
>using kebab
XD good meme my friend want to share facebook polandball pages and reddit karma??
Second of all, crusades and the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans have absolutely nothing in common.
>as they were dangerously impractical
Least correct info on knights I've ever seen
He's the Jared Diamond of Medieval studies, only he manages to be even more wrong and amatuer somehow.
lol intro to romabu butthurt about Christianity
So what was the conclusion here? Should I just watch RCH? There's alot of primary sources
I watched some of Joseph Hogarty's Europe from it's Origins up to around Consensus & Crusade episode. This was back in '14 after seeing it mentioned on /pol/ and before it started being charged for. In my opinion though (and likely why it was favored by a /pol/tard) it placed to much responsibility on Muslim incursions for medieval Europe's problems, probably reflecting the author's personal gripes with Islam in the contemporary world.
i need france to make this
i will deus vult her pussy and make her lose her virginity
Perfectly justified butthurt frankly.
Euro-Polytheism and Especially Greco-Roman Polytheism --------->>>>>> Christfaggotry by a large fucking margin.