A common feature in Afro-Asiatic speaking cultures is the abhorrence of physical work, historically employing mass slavery, physical or financial, in order to eat off the sweat of others. This persists even to this day. What is the origin of this thinking? Can there be a genetic basis for this?
A common feature in Afro-Asiatic speaking cultures is the abhorrence of physical work...
>excluding europe
What is the goal of your research? why exclude another continent that also employed slavery on large-scale even to this day?
Your question is obviously biased and thus uninteresting.
>Arabic outside Arabia
Language map fampai
>a common feature amongst humans
There, fixed it for you. Also, the answer is probably yes, it's in our genes.
curse of Ham user, they are nubians descendant of Kush
Try digging a hole in France or Italy.
Now try the same in Yemen or Sudan. You'll find it's much the same, but several degrees hotter with less water and food around to help you recover, and everyone expects to be paid much more to do that work for you because there's not that many people and whoever you find will have to go a long way to get to your hole in a country with not a lot of infrastructure or resources to drive down transportation costs.
Also, while someone from the guild or castle nearby might come by to ask you questions and take some sort of due for your hole digging in Europe, in the Middle East you'd have roaming nomads who give no shits and will take a dump in your nice hole.
>employing mass slavery, physical or financial, in order to eat off the sweat of others
This is happening in every European country right now
>employing mass slavery, physical or financial, in order to eat off the sweat of others
18th Century sugar
I disproved your argument
>what's a sweat shop
user just because you don't see it or it's not called that doesn't mean it's not happening around you
>historically employing mass slavery
Wow, you mean just like every other fucking people for the majority of human history?
>mass slavery occurring in every European country right now
Unless youre referring to debt, i dont know what youre talking about
demonstrate that they did so to an exceptional extent compared to other cultures
>sweatshops are slavery
ditch the fabianism and just call everyone wagecucks, it suits you better /leftypol scum
When you have nets outside your windows because suicide is considered to be preferable by so many people, you know something is wrong.
>large scale slavery
No, European slavery pretty much died off with the fall of Rome. Unless you count serfdom or any kind of forced labor as a form of slavery.
Pretty much on the same slavery though.
>things lasted longer in one part of the world than another
>this obviously due to genetics
>European slavery pretty much died off with the fall of Rome.
Not really. The Domesday Book suggests a large percentage of England's population were slaves, and there was plenty of slave trading going down in the Carolingian empire and Eastern Europe at that time, not to mention the Vikings and all of their slave trade activities in the Baltic and Ireland.
What the fuck are you saying retard?
christendom stopped slavery 1000+ years before africa and the middle east did.
they only briefly started using slaves with africans because they found a group of people willing to sell them people who were already slaves which gave them an excuse to ignore the christian ruling not to enslave people.
>christendom stopped slavery 1000+ years before africa and the middle east did.
Slavery only declined in the early Middle Ages, and saw a resurgence in Europe during the Early Modern period.
Christianity only emphasized humanizing slaves, the virtues of manumission, and prohibited the enslavement of other free co-religionists, all things shared with Zoroastrianism and Islam during this same period.