What is the general consensus on /pol/

What is the general consensus on /pol/
You guys seem a little resentful of them. Why?
And also, what are your political leanings?

This thread does not belong on Veeky Forums.

okay, then i'm posting under /humanities/

Literally everyone else on Veeky Forums hates /pol/ because they are the opposite of how the rest of the site conducts business. Most boards purposely advocate for making your own opinions and assertions with no one ever truly being "right" or "wrong". /pol/ is disliked for similar reasons to why Reddit is disliked, they have consensus opinions and expect everyone they talk to on Veeky Forums to agree with them and if you don't agree with them they throw a hissy fit and spout their unfunny memes at you. People outside of Veeky Forums hate them because their racist, people inside of Veeky Forums hate them because they're actually the cancer killing the site. We cried wolf too many times about the newfags redditors that we attracted the same type of people just with the opposite opinions.

reeeeeeeeeeeee pol pls go

>/pol/ represents some new, dissimilar stock to Veeky Forums proper

I don't get this meme.

/pol/ was okay before late 2015 when they took the Trump worship into overdrive and started openly inviting reddit and people who post on the comments section of Breitbart in to come post in droves

>that screen cap
I'll take shit that never happened for a thousand, Alex.

No they fucking weren't. I won't pretend to be a /pol/ack but they drove /tv/ into the ground in 2014 during the wake of that black guy being cast in the new Star Wars, so they've been shit since then at least

/pol/ is a parasite. I'm actually quite worried about their growing influence. You can find idiotic neo-nazi propaganda all over YT now. And the idiota who spread this nonsense usually use /pol/ memes as avatars.

>You guys seem a little resentful of them. Why?
Because /pol/ is reddit. It's the same hivemind like /r/the_donald and /pol/tards are incredibly annoying. They spout the same memes over and over, they know nothing about history and/or current events and they go fucking apeshit if you disagree with them. It's blatantly obvious when a person is a /pol/tard. You've seen them on Veeky Forums even if you've never been to /pol/. The people who praise Hitler and the Reich without acknowledging any of its flaws.

Also, when I say "/pol/" I mean post-2015 /pol/. Back in 2013 the board was fun. Now it is just a gateway into Veeky Forums for normalfags and redditors who don't want to learn the site's rules and instead act like they are still on reddit or facebook.

They are hated on this board for the same reason that they are hated on every other board. Your average /pol/tard has zero knowledge of history yet he comes here to tell us that we're all a bunch of libtard cucks for not worshipping Hitler.

Simply put, /pol/ in 2017 is shit and /pol/tards are annoying as hell.

>go on Veeky Forums
>Thread about historical figure A
>"A is the greatest figure in history"
>"A is alright, I like B better though"
>"remember that time when A did blah blah blah"
>"A is shit because yatta yatta yatta"

>go on /pol/
>thread about person A
>"how much of a Jew is A"
>"he only became a Jew when he did bad things"
>"list of objectively retarded things touted as good things because he fucked over undesirables"
>everyone agrees and if someone dares to disagree they are called Jew and cuck instead of having the arguments actually pitted against each other

>Most boards purposely advocate for making your own opinions and assertions with no one ever truly being "right" or "wrong".
Are you fucking joking? Am i being pranked?

/pol/ is 99.9% edgy teenagers who want to say bad words and vent their dissatisfaction with life as hatred for minorities and then there's the 0.1% who do the same but can back their hatred up with facts and history.

No not really. /pol/ is anathema to Veeky Forums's spirit. This site died a spiritual death in 2008, and /pol/ is the haggard, undead shape that death has taken. /new/ was but a herald of things to come. Moot did not realize he had done the right thing in shutting it down. He thought he overreacted and needed to create a haven for politics, not knowing it was just a pit for the cancer to fester. He did not understand his own instincts, he should have heeded them. Now we're stuck with /pol/, a board borne out of the cancerous hacktivism era of Veeky Forums populated entirely by newfags brought here by tales of raids and conscientious hacking. In 2006 the idea of /pol/ would be ridiculous to this site's users, if you tried to explain to them the conception of /pol/ in 2017 they'd not understand or believe how such a thing could exist on Veeky Forums, since it is so antithetical to the site's ethos.

How far we've fallen, dragged down into this quagmire of shitty faux-ironic counter culture horseshit by redditors and wannabe revolutionaries. I miss my anime image board for weirdos and losers.

In every other board your only as good as your own arguments. In /pol/ they just make their shitty little charts in mspaint, share the fuck out of them, and then repost them constantly so they can brainwash their own succeptible retarded base into being completely pig headed and stubborn, while also silencing any criticism without an actual thought process behind their argument. Notice how /pol/ack are the shittiest debaters on Veeky Forums because they don't debate over there, they just circlejerk and laugh at false flags that they "defeat"

Have you ever been to any board outside Veeky Forums

Yeah, I've spent significant time on /b/, /an/, /tv/, /v/, /sp/ and /co/ before Veeky Forums was even created.

/pol/'s a fucking xenophobic tyrannical shithole but it's still one of the only places on the internet where you can discuss topics that go against the current leftist zeitgeist.

Got driven there once Bernie Sanders had the primary stolen from him and it became literally impossible to talk bad about Clinton or the MSM Establishment on reddit.

I'm primarily thinking of boards like /v/ or /a/ and the like, basically any board with a high frequency of anime reaction images.
They all have mindless consensus that they adopt in order to fit in, preprepared arguments jpegs, dumb strawman comics about whoever disagrees with them, anyone who goes against the consensus is flooded with meme replies.
I mean even when there is real argument on something the board does not yet agree upon it's basically just two guys repeatedly stating their opinions at eachother.

How much time have you spent on /v/? Like everything there's popular and unpopular opinions but I see "fuck you I liked it" threads and other similar types of individual posts all of the time and yeah sometimes they'll get brushed off but other times they make legitimate points and there's good discussion on it. I mean the easiest examples would be the debates between Bloodborne and Witcher 3 that still happen, the whole argument between story vs gameplay gets a lot of talk from both sides.

We don't hate /pol/. We hate /pol/tards who come here and post bullshit and are incapable of having decent arguments.

they know fuck all, spout the exact same dumb opinions, get triggered easily and whine like babies and ruin other boards trying to bring almost anything around to some talking point

>Got driven there once Bernie Sanders had the primary stolen from him

absolute nonsense, he got fewer votes than clinton and was an even worse candidate, he was always an outsider to the democrat party and decades of building support from within told for clinton compared to whatever bullshit 'movement' bernie was peddling

So were you just willfully ignorant to the obvious media bias and the leaked emails confirming the DNC's preferential treatment and collusion towards a Clinton candidacy from the get go? Or what about the suspicious record purges that changed potential Bernie supporters' registrations to Republican so they couldn't vote in the primaries?


/pol/s reason to live in a nutshell

/pol/ is not one person. It's extremist ideals that are the problem here and there but in /pol/'s case that's part of it's purpose.

Alright i'll give you that one, it's still a shitty board.
You have threads upon threads of people stating that gameplay trumps all and yet a quick glance at the board reveals that in reality the most popular games are those they can jerk off to the most or whatever graphics focused triple A title just came out.
I find it hard to browse the board because whenever i open up the reply box to disagree with someone i realise that they literally do not even have an argument to attack.

Hillbots are just as deluded as Dorito Mussolini voters, don't even bother.

>Dorito Mussolini

This honestly, the /pol/ posters that come here are honestly far more extreme and jew focused than the majority of /pol/.
Most are just /r/thedonald tier meming kids.
There are subjects on which /pol/ has pretty big divides on (richard spencer, women, fascism)

Rude boards should be deleted.

Because we should aim for objective discussion of history and humanities on this board, even if it's impossible. Both far-right and far-left extremists complicate it.

Clinton won cause of her voter base which is boomers who only know free healthcare and college = failed socialism, naturalized spics with their inmigraciĆ³n prospects for their other incoming family members, and some niggers who thought Shillary would mean greater handouts for their baby mommas, plus she had an infiltrated voter base in their churches.
Bernie found most of his support among millennials and Gen X who are least likely to consume the msm narrative.

Literally a bigger newfag cesspool camp than /b/ nowadays. Went from being annoying crazy memesters to actual stomfront and breitbart refugees. Now people associate the alt-right and Veeky Forums as one and the same. They're annoying cunts that spill out onto every board. The best solution is to remove the board entirely, since very clearly containment doesn't work since the redditor alt-right kids don't understand board culture. There will be momentary trouble but eventually they'll all fuck off to reddit again.

I can't speak for others and I personally don't give a shit about /pol/ the board, they can do whatever the fuck they want.
These new age /b/tards who enter /pol/ seem to think the entire website is like that and then act like /pol/tards on every other board need to either fuck off or lurk moar.
Also this has nothing to do with Veeky Forums, take it to /qa/ or something

Can /pol/ even be deleted at this point? If it was, you know every board on Veeky Forums would be instantly flooded with refugees spamming their infographics and maybe even converting people to their beliefs. Best to just leave it be.

then how about mods treat /pol/ like a containment board for a change and build an electric fence between them and the rest of the site?

As wrong as the views on /pol/ are it frees people from the constraints of political correctness. Plus it has been good for all the latest news and streams of habbenings.

Clinton lost by every swing state but Virginia and some no swing states despite outspending Trump by a massive margin, having leading GOP figures, including Romney, the last nominee, Trump having no ground game, Trump being retarded, and Trump bragging about grabbing pussies.

You couldn't be a worse candidate. Dems control 5 state governments vs 25 for the Reps and no federal houses. Under the Clinton candidacy they became a regional party for the elites and blacks. You can't win on that.

and sander's ideas were almost as full of shit as trump's

muh media bias, always an easy cop-out - trump managed to win with 'media bias', dead end argument

dnc emails were after it was pretty much 100% certain clinton had it locked up, unsurprisingly they got behind their candidate. I'm sure they did want clinton to win, why would they want sanders to win, a guy who has barely wanted to be associated with them before he thought he had a shot at winning?

>Or what about the suspicious record purges that changed potential Bernie supporters' registrations to Republican so they couldn't vote in the primaries?

Source for this?

The first two things in no way amount to the primary being 'stolen', the third would go towards that if there was solid evidence and also that the number would come anywhere close to changing anything.

You think clinton voters are some republican stereotype and minorities?

What a dumb post. You're right that sanders had middle-class college kids who want a policy that would help them but do barely anything for the poor (free college tuition)

I agree that Clinton was a bad candidate. Especially in the current climate where it was clear anti-establishment sentiment was high, going for the definition of an establishment candidate was stupid.

But Bernie would've been just as bad if not worse. All it takes it to drag up images of him at sandinista marches, pro cuba shit, quotes about venezuela etc.

I don't like Clinton, I can dislike her and still see that the primaries weren't 'stolen' and the Bernie was a shit candidate too.

The only thing that can be done is to ban and slide off topic threads in boards where they don't belong. That's kind of hard to do here since controversial issues of political natures are inevitably discussed. There's a slight grey area in /v/ where video games sometimes overlap with political views.

At least not as bad as Shitler.

I think it was justice for Trayvon and Mike Brown that did it.

/Pol/ was always shit but it used to tend towards Ron Paul worship and libertarianism. I worked near the Occupy Wall St. camp and I remember having discussion about banks actually needing reform on /pol/.

Today it's just a circle jerk on whatever Fox is pushing.

The riots and SJW culture made people ready to turn far right. Trump became the face. Unfortunately, Trump is also a high grade retard.

How do you feel about International Human Trafficking?

>dat screencap
oh lawd.

>The poor
Crytpo elitists have been exploiting and segregating the poor for years, just look at any dnc stronghold, at least rethuglicans are more honest.

How about you get to your point instead of asking an inane leading question?

ok? primaries still weren't stolen

Which ones were "shit?" The ones where he copied off of every social democracy in Europe?

>trump managed to win with 'media bias', dead end argument
Oh yeah you mean how the mainstream, CNN in particular, effectively gave Trump millions of dollars of free advertising?

>but it was "negative"
The media ate up Trumps shit like he was a celebrity. News basically became a gossip column.
>Come one, come all, see the retarded orangutan! Such controversial! Much deplorable!
CNN even said they wouldn't have shown Trump so much if it wasn't so fucking great for their ratings.

>Ignoring the still rigged media.
Any other country that did this would be considered democratically corrupt.

Never said anything was stolen from Bernie. What Clinton did do was use her influence and wealth to freeze the field.

You only had Him Webb come out. Aspiring Dems were told to fall in line and funding sources blocked out roads for opponents.

When it became clear early on that Clinton could hardly beat a socialist Jew who didn't even belong to the party, and when shit like her settling cases with UBS as Secretary and Bill taking a million in cash from them months later for "speaking," came out they should have run a third candidate.

Election's over guys. Get over it.

FOX and the neocons just latched on to the Trump movement as an attempt to remain relevant or part of the plan to do so through cyclic shift of power that's going on right now and Trump just used it to his advantage.

Yep. I saw it coming when MSNBC and CNN would broadcast every single rally Trump would hold in some Podunk long forgotten town in the mid to late 2015.

If people want to see you speak so much that your debates draw World Series level ratings, it's not the media's fault for showing you.

Clinton could have done set peices and stunts. She did $60,000 a plate dinners with Upper East Side subhumans instead.

>crypto-jew detected

well i don't disagree with most of this, all i've been trying to argue with is the idea that the primary was stolen from bernie

his financial transaction tax has failed wherever it's been tried

free college might be a nice idea for some reasons, but it's worth recognizing it will mainly help moderately wealthy people the most

his ideas on healthcare weren't necessarily the best either, the us would probably be best served by systems in singapore or germany (i.e., not muh single payer)

his general bluster about manufacturing and free trade was a crock of shit as well, though would have been popular with the electorate

>have a sophism list pinned on the board
>each discussion turns into a circlejerk of sophisms

I don't expect phds online, but I do expect some kind of decency. If you go against their beliefs, backed by unsourced infographics, you're obligatory a shill, no matter what your argument is.

Then again, it's also a board filled with trolls trolling trolls. And legit stupid fucks. I can go on any far right facebook page and find the same hivemind tbqh.

>some Podunk long forgotten town
again proving why Trump won: he didn't forget about them, or at least, he put in the time to make them think he didn't. Meanwhile, the DNC and leftist establishment continue to shit all over the midwest working class and blame them for all the United States' problems.

>/pol/ has consensus opinions
You have never been on /pol/.
>Most boards purposely advocate for making your own opinions and assertions with no one ever truly being "right" or "wrong"
This is fucking stupid, everyboard in Veeky Forums has some "prevalent" opinions (if this is what you mean by "consensus"), and in all Veeky Forums boards differing opinions can be voiced.

the midwest working class wants to go back to their pipe dreams of jobs where they got out of high school and made 60,000 dollars a year with benefits.

Why should they accept anything else?

Either subsidize high paying jobs or start nationalizing Americas oil reserves and doling out UBI, the (((ruling class))) has to decide and quick.

>You have never been on /pol/.
I'm on /pol/ every day (god help me) and he's absolutely right. No, the rest of the site isn't exactly a bastion of free, spirited, high-quality debate, but /pol/ is by far the biggest echo chamber of all the boards.

i used to browse /pol/ and /new/ all the time but it suddenly got way shittier than it ever was

Since the whole Trump saga everything went to shit
It's reddit 2.0 now

>Implying they aren't responsible for their own woes by putting recalcitrant neocons into power who introduce cronyist neoliberal policies and hinder social reform.



then in the medium to long run america fails to innovate and their economy tumbles down and dies because they refuse to adopt.

Hillary offered coalminers vocational training for their jobs that they lost to automation and the chance to become part of emerging solar power market.

They chose to keep mining coal.


Then the oil economy crashed and it was never heard of again.

funny that you say that. I am a petroleum engineer. Guess where the thrust of the industry is in the medium to long term?

It is not fracking.

Nice. What would you say is pushing the industry towards renewable resources and away from oil and coal?

>leftist establishment
>the (((ruling class)))
As long as we're clear on who they are it's fine by me

honestly most of my coworkers have started buying stock in renewables, especially those in the business side of things.

Right now everyone seems to have realized that fracking is a meme and the tech we use for offshore drilling is far more conventional. The focus right now is on african countries and offshore drilling. No one wants to catch an environmental hot potato that is fracking. All those environmental shitshows that fracking is associated with is done by those mom and pop oil "companies" who strike big and then leave reservoirs untreated.

oh, and oil isn't going anywhere because renewable power sources are largely not good for maintaining a baseline. You still need natural gas to keep the grid running because it's not physically possible to store the amounts of energy we generate.

Interesting, thanks.

on the other hand, if you have a 5 year old don't tell him to become a part of the oil industry.

Under what humanitarian subject?

Right. Good question, idk. But that doesn't matter, I read over all the replies and now I understand that this board doesn't hate so much /pol/ itself, but rather the fact that the users don't really think about the views that they supposedly support. That you guys hate people that don't think for their self.

I'm a right winger first and foremost.

In regards to /pol/, its a nightmare. All they do is shit post about Trump. It got to the point that I don't even go on the board anymore.

There is more going on in the world than American politics. And the memes.. holy fucking cringe worthy.

It's obvious some people have a vested interest at decreasing the quality of discourse in all places.

>If it was, you know every board on Veeky Forums would be instantly flooded with refugees spamming their infographics and maybe even converting people to their beliefs. Best to just leave it be.

Are you fucking joking.

/pol/ is already in every other board. They are not a containment board. The fucking dumb redditcunts there don't understand how board culture works so they spew their inane shit all over the fucking website.

>says the people waving confederate flags

I've been on /pol/ and he's exactly right.

I'm a Trump-supporting Paleocon.
/pol/ is good for nothing more than shitposting.

I'm sure you would have had no issue at all to talk bad about Clinton or whatever the MSM establishment is on /r/the_donald and /r/SandersforPresident.

Too many conspiracy theorists. But in their defense the left aren't much better, they're just cleverer at hiding their sophistry and bias.

I'm kind of mix, socially liberal on some things, but right wing when it comes to immigration.

A bunch of drooling retards unable to research the propaganda they spread. Which would be completely fine if they weren't in a constant jihad in other boards, using infopics, memes and sperg outs as arguments.

More importantly than our opinion is learning what the fuck it all means.

>The riots and SJW culture made people ready to turn far right. Trump became the face. Unfortunately, Trump is also a high grade retard.

It means this.

There is a huge populist alt-right movement in our world today.

Fact. It is what it is.

Because they know I won't go on /pol/ anymore, so they try to bring /pol/ to me.

Do you even know what an echo chamber is ?

You are allowed to voice different opinions on /pol/, and you get more replies if you do actually

As for "consensus opinions", it's garbage. Similar to how /tv/ hates capeshit and loves the Sopranos and LotR, /pol/ prefers Trump and hates the democrats.

This place is terrible in its entirety.

>Similar to how /tv/ hates capeshit and loves the Sopranos and LotR
A minority of patrician /tv/ users like the latter, but it's overflown with plebs into capeshit

>Too many conspiracy theorists.
I actually prefer the conspirancy theorists and happening posters to Stormfags and TRS retards.

/pol/ has taken a turn for the worse ever since stormfags became more prevalent

>you get more replies if you do actually
Yeah, you get more replies calling you a jew/shill/shekelberg/whatever meme is in vogue. Totally not an echochamber.

I'm including stormfags within the category of conspiracy theorists, as they are.

retards and the most sensitive little faggots on the entire site, which combine to make general pain in the ass