Why did Rome fall? (And don't start with the Byzantene are Romans meme)

Why did Rome fall? (And don't start with the Byzantene are Romans meme)

>Why did Rome fall?


*tips fedora*


476AD the end of the Roman Empire, but in reality by 337BC it was already dead.

>Byzantene are Romans meme
It's not a meme.

Now, back on topic. The west fell because economic activity was in the east, because of various barbarian uprisings, and never really recovering.
The parts near the new economic and commerce hub of the empire were easier to hold. The west was overextended.

State funded roads.

The disintegration of Roman empire occurred because in medium of Romans began to penetrate increasingly more people of other nationality (Germans, Galls, Vandals). Gradually Roman army began to consist by larger part of migrants. Weakening of army and whole Roman empire, especially Western, led to quickening of raids and attacks. Against the Germans the Germans of Roman protected Rome.
Rome weakened because of corruption in the authority, when aristocracy began to defend his personal interests, but not Rome's interests. Cases occur when Roman aristocrats they did not come to each other to the aid, desiring due to defeat of one to become famous to another. This did affect to lack of control of empire.

>Implying the Caliphate in your infogram wouldn't be torn apart by the inner Sunni-Shiite conflict and outer interference from Europeans, Americans, Russians, Chinese, etc who wouldn't want a Caliphate that fucking big.

The greatest area a Caliphate can achieve is something spanning from Morocco and Mauritania to the Western half of Iraq and even then minorities in south Arabia and Israel would still be a headache or an outright enemy of the state.

You're implying the Union would be based on something as primitive as religion. If Pan-Arabists can get over Israel, then the future belongs to them.

Okay, I am listening. Redpill me on your vision of a Caliphate spanning from Morocco to Asia.

Bro, do you are even do you English?

but the Bytantines were Romans

It's pretty understandable to be honest.

The Umayyads never conquered all of pain.

Even if you knocked Spain, Portugal, Georgia, and the jews off the map that glob wouldn't hold more than a week.

Pan-Arabism is a fantasy. They're far too tribal. They can't run a stable country, you think they can unite trans-nationally? Top kek


>Byzantene are Romans meme
OP you're breaking my heart.

This. Asturias, the northern half of Leon and the Basque were virtually untouched by the Al-Andalus.


>Byzantines are Romans meme
Huh op I guess being the eastern half of the roman empire doesn't really make you roman

>And don't start with the Byzantene are Romans meme
The Byzantines were Romans. People called them Romans, they called themselves Romans, they were the same state that had been founded by Augustus. It was Roman in every way that matters.

Anyway, the Western Roman Empire fell because it was unable to effectively enforce its borders or institutions. The Eastern Roman Empire fell because it was conquered by the Turks in the 15th century.

It’s the Senates fault, Julius should had dissolved it after taking over

Fuck off bitch, spain and portugal are christian territories

>don't start with the Byzantene are Romans meme
Guaranteed replies

Because repeated civil wars kept wiping out manpower and ruining the economy, and the "barbarians" just waltzed right on through the piles of corpses and ruined fields to set up shop in the aftermath.


>Rome gets owned
>magically the rest of the Empire doesn't exist
Roman Empire fell in 1453AD, bud.

it never really fell, the imperial administration just failed to keep the western parts of the empire together. the barbarian kingdoms that formed in its place were a continuation of rome, just as the byzantines were

In no particular order
>Loss of military spirit
>loss of roman patriotism
>barbarisation of the army
>plague, plague and more plague
>loss of standards in the army
>endless civil war
>constant invasions and massive migrations
>climate change

>lead pipes

>And don't start with the Byzantene are Romans meme

Not forever though

Dissolving the senate is the same as dissolving the society as such. I know you don't understand this but it's true.

>Byzantines are not Romans

As much as it meme it is actually really hard to pinpoint it down. The reason for this is Rome changed so drastically in its lifetime. The Rome of 350 was very different than the Rome of Augustus. So do you start your timeline of collapse at the moments when it really began to change even though that occurred several hundred years before the fall, or do you look at closer events which may or may not have caused by fundamental flaws in the structural reworking of the empire. The cool truth is that it something that you can look from many different perspectives and some up with many correct answers. This isn't a subject that can be properly explained in a post.

I mean if you look at it from away and wash away all the details this is kinda right.

>civil war nearly every time an emperor died.
>bad luck
>overextended army that was increasingly barbarian instead of roman.
>constant invasions
>late empire had successive periods of truly inept emperors who were more concerned with getting wasted than actually trying to run the empire
>hilarious amounts of corruption
>the slow establishment of the emperor as a divine ruler rather than a first amongst equals
>constant deluge of barbarians pouring over the borders

This, more roman emperors were killed by other Romans than all other causes of death combined.

Serious answer.

>have absolutely nothing stopping your own armies from marching on the capital for some delicious booty
>have to try and bribe your armies not to do that
>every spare cent the empire has goes towards this
>the surge of money from new conquests stops coming in at the same time that the administrative costs of the huge empire start to show up
>plagues happen
>a tiny tax base is now supporting an enormous burden
>the population doesn't regenerate to fill up the newly abandoned land because the farmers are literally being taxed to death
>emperors resort to inflating the currency as a way to meet the burden
>after a couple centuries, the currency is worthless and trade collapses throughout Europe
>farmers are the first people to die during famines, because the taxes are that high
>the combination of population decline, economic decline, and civil wars forms a death spiral
>by the Germanic migrations of the 5th century, there physically are not enough Romans left to hold back the invaders


Fuck off Gibbon.

may aswell put all of France on that map aswell, abdul :^)