>record scratch
>freeze frame
"Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation ..."
>record scratch
>freeze frame
"Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation ..."
Other urls found in this thread:
*starts singing the internationale*
*sweats profusely*
How good of a fuck does Elena give?
Shooting the wife was wrong.
Shooting the true mind behind it is wrong? He was pretty much a puppet of his wife in his last years.
Their execution is a very strange thing to watch:
Yes it was, she should have been raped and beaten to death on national television with commentary
Nicolae did nothing wrong bless his heart, shame he married her
>guy who shot them has absolutley no remorse
>shot them in the knees first
>they repeatedly played the execution on national television for days
>the woman who talks about is so happy it sounds like she is remembering her daughter's wedding or some shit
Why are Romanians such absolute madmen?
Why did Rumanians murder the based leader of their country in exchange for NWO/Zionist control?
My uncle was in the army during the "revolution".
He told me how his men captured Arab eunuchs who could only say "I die for Ceausescu" in Romanian.
how do you say that in Romanian? I'm learning it at the moment
Also how did he know they were eunuchs? What was you uncle doing to them?
"Eu mor pentru Ceausescu"
They stripped them after they captured them.
The higher-ups took them away and there was never any official word about this.
Where do you get a hold of some arab eunuchs? Asking for a friend.
I have a crazy tinfoiler uncle who was in the army too.
I mean Arab eunuchs? Seriously?
>that stunned look of incomprehension when he raises his hand but the crowd doesn't stop shouting
Caught you, fucker. No romanian would ever put "Eu" in front of that sentence. The pronoun is often just implied in romanian because you can understand the meaning from the way the verb is conjugated. You got that shit from Google Translate
Not that guy but I think it's meant to imply that they only spoke Romanian badly.
I say "meant to imply" because I remain convinced that this is some urban legend, but it makes sense that the weird foreign agents in that legend can't speak proper Romanian.
Nu m-ai prins deloc :)
Maybe that's because they were not Romanians and just parroted the sentence?
When he tells the story, my uncle even pronounces it with a little lisp, like Arabs speaking Romanian would sound.
I was shown the execution many times as a kid (I was born in 1988) and my parents were very fond of the whole series of events.
It's important to show such things to children; it's like stories of knights slaying dragons. You teach children that monsters can and should be killed.
Fuck, really thought I got you :)
Still think they would have said it without the "eu". That's how the guy they would have learned it from would have said it, so it still doesn't make sense to me.
Also like says, this story is obviously bullshit
Never said it wasn't.
Just thought I would share because I found it very interesting the first time I heard it.
Fuck off with your /tv/ spam cancer