>Catholics will worship this
Catholics will worship this
>American Protestants will worship this
>muh jooos
>Protestants hating their mothers
No wonder there are so many people in old peoples homes
Good thing I'm catholic nor American
There is nothing better than slaying heretics for our virgin queen
>claim to be a christian
>worship a pagan fertility deity disguised as a saint
>In about 1368, age twenty-one, Catherine experienced what she described in her letters as a "Mystical Marriage" with Jesus,[16] later a popular subject in art as the Mystic marriage of Saint Catherine. Caroline Walker Bynum explains one surprising and controversial aspect of this marriage that occurs both in artistic representations of the event and in some early accounts of her life: "Underlining the extent to which the marriage was a fusion with Christ's physicality [...] Catherine received, not the ring of gold and jewels that her biographer reports in his bowdlerized version, but the ring of Christ's foreskin."[2][17] Catherine herself mentions the foreskin-as-wedding ring motif in one of her letters (#221), equating the wedding ring of a virgin with a foreskin; she typically claimed that her own wedding ring to Christ was simply invisible.[18] Raymond also records that she was told by Christ to leave her withdrawn life and enter the public life of the world.[19] Catherine rejoined her family and began helping the ill and the poor, where she took care of them in hospitals or homes. Her early pious activities in Siena attracted a group of followers, women and men, who gathered around her.[8]
>catholics pray to this
That's the Protestant work ethic for you. Old people are no longer capable of carrying out work therefore they deserve nothing
t. Nigger foot washing pope
t. "Islamic terrorism doesn't exist" pope
>stop behaving like Jesus!
>stop trying to avoid conflict
If you really want a warmongering religion you can convert to Islam, you know?
What's wrong with having some kind of ideal of feminity?
>literally ok that your spiritual head is advocating for demographic replacement of Europeans with Muslim arabs that want to destroy Christianity
He's not though? Go back to /pol/ if all you can talk about is "muh white genocide".
It's not hatred to not worship something
Hi /r/Christianity
>atheists will worship this
literally nothing wrong with worshiping that ass
I'd worship her snatch if you know what I mean
why modern catholic aesthetics are so bad? who even paints like this?
Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and hung out with hookers, thieves, tax collectors, Samaritans and centurions. Stop acting like the Pope is supposed to be a /pol/tard you turbojew.
I do find it hard to reconcile a lot of the complexities of certain parts of Catholic theology with rationality. Especially the Holy Trinity. Tbh, I find the arian belief that the God is above Jesus more logical but I that's HERSEY. I reconcile belief in the saints as syncretisity for pagan and polytheistic beliefs, but also to add flavor to the religion, give people a more "personal" relation to the divine. Like yes God exists, but this saint, a man who was very pious, looks over this profession/town/family directly. Moving on the Mary I chalk it up to the former, but personally the whole "virgin" aspect of Mary is dumb to me and seems to be more due to mistranslation. On another, somewhat unrelated note, I'm an American and as someone who is religious but also loves my country sometimes I find it hard to reconcile my Catholicism with my "Americanism," so to say. Even though this was more of a discussion for 100 years ago and we have had a Catholic president since then (But I prefer not to dabble in identity politics). Idk, just something I think about
Jesus never consorted with unrepentant sinners, nor did He kiss the feet of heathen invaders.
>and we have had a Catholic president since then
And the protestant/Freemasonic government killed him.
Kek, I thought I mentioned he was shot. But I haven't found many conspiracy theories that say he was killed because he was Catholic
Catholicism being a cause of death was more subtle. More like his Catholicism compelled him to do the right thing. This country has been anti-catholic since it's foundation.
Odd how catholicism compelled inquisitors to murder
and Franco and Mussolini,Franco and Hitler to create fascist states and start wars
Two great men.
Yet the US government killed more people than all those combined. Interesting.
Ehhh, I don't know if i believe that. But, the country was anti-catholic at it's founding, but with the number of Irish and all that violence and opposition, since then Catholicism found a place in America. Ironically with the amount of immigration from Central and South America one could make the argument that the perception of Catholicism is changing. No longer is it the religion of the white working class in the North East, now some might be seeing it as the religion of immigrants, legal and illegal. It would not be surprising to me if anti-Catholic sentiment stirs up, but seeing as how Trump deporting a lot of them I doubt it.
Cromwell was Protestant, Mao was atheist, Islamic terrorism, you can make the argument for any large religion
Cromwell did nothing wrong
>Catholics worship Mary
It really makes me think Protestants are borderline retarded when they fall for this meme so easily
>This country has been anti-catholic since it's foundation.
Rightly so
Now, go join the jesuits in destroying legitimate governments, papist scum
Dont let the pope do your thinking for you, bowing to graven images is forbidden by god, moses and jesus
>j-just venerating
yeah how is that not setting an example for idolatry
Because the pope said so and the pope is always right
Really though, Roman Catholics can excuse it but if they're sincere they wouldn't be setting traps for those easy mistakes to make.
Those aren't mistakes, that's normative and mainstream. Read the canons of II Nicaea, it mandates such behavior.
If Catholics wanted to help they would avoid anything close to idolatry just to be safe, and prayer beads and statue worship is an imitation of paganism.
>Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our deaths. Amen.
Being told to say this by the priest that you were forced to confess your sins to is several kinds of heresy. Don't try to disagree, instead try to understand. I was born and raised Roman Catholic, went through communion and all the ceremony and shit, it really is as bad as the critics make it out to be.
Fuck Protestants, too, though. The only reason it's harder to make fun of Protestants is because they're so fractured and have no central guidance to criticize.
>but Jesus tho
Most of these ignorant assholes haven't even read the Bible. Nothing Protestants love more than quoting half a sentence from a Pauline epistle and trying to use it to justify whatever blasphemous bullshit they've decided they believe in this week.
All of the churches are garbage.
OrthoLARPer spotted
Maybe that's what Catholics do right, they teach you everything wrong as a kid so you know how to avoid it as an adult.
>Asking people to pray for you is heresy
The Hail Mary is a standard prayer in the Orthodox church, as well.
The Catholic/Orhtodox split was mostly a political division, since the Vatican had actual power back then and some people didn't like that.
Necromancy is a sin
We have no reason to believe that Mary, or anyone else who has died, is currently "alive" in their afterlife. It is just as likely that we will all be resurrected at the same time. If this is the case, then it's clear that asking for intercession is foolish, since the dead cannot intercede for you since they're fucking dead.
And even if Mary is in Heaven, there's not a single damn line in the Bible, old or new testament, that implies we should pray to anyone but God. As a Christian, this means you should pray to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is no holy mother, and Mary was just a woman.
>protescucks will not worship this
Or this.
>We have no reason to believe that Mary, or anyone else who has died, is currently "alive" in their afterlife
Yeah except the fucking Bible. Did you skip the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man?
Are you Jesus? Can you bring people back to life? Lazarus was very recently deceased when he was brought back. Mary has been dead for two millennia.
Fuck I want to see Mary lose her virginity to a black bull
Wrong story. Talking about Luke 16
So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
2 Corinthians 5:6-8
She already lost her virginity to Joseph
>forced to confess your sins to is several kinds of heresy.
So your no longer christian yet think you can decide what is or isn't heresy? Well aren't you special.
>tfw he thinks we worship the virgin mary
Tell us more about your meme education of Catholic theology. I'm sure you have some great insights to share.
>So your no longer christian yet think you can decide what is or isn't heresy
Sorta like the pope
The story with lazurus at the bosom of Abraham you Jew fuck. While your Pharesee rabbi burns in hell.
In case anyone here is actually serious about this and not just shitposting, Catholics don't pray 'to' Mary and/or the saints per se, but ask Mary and/or the saints for intercession on their behalf. When they venerate a statue or icon of these figures, they are showing respect, not worshiping them.
>b-but that's idolatry
You didn't post any context or source for this. We don't know what's being said, what the people are thinking, or whether they're praying to God, Mary, or the statue itself. Even if you could conclusively prove that those people are actively committing idolatry, you can't condemn the 1.2 billion Catholics in the world based off the few that are in that image (especially since none of them appear to be ordained clergy or other authorities on their faith). If you had an excerpt from a Catholic doctrinal document (or something similar) that promotes idolatry, then you would have an argument. As things currently stand, you're just another shitposter.
>In case anyone here is actually serious about this and not just shitposting, Catholics don't pray 'to' Mary and/or the saints per se, but ask Mary and/or the saints for intercession on their behalf
"Hail Holy Queen
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy,
our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve:
to thee do we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious Advocate,
thine eyes of mercy toward us,
and after this our exile,
show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen."
>When they venerate a statue or icon of these figures, they are showing respect, not worshiping them.
Would it be mere veneration if I did the same with an image of Baal?
>You didn't post any context
There is no context in which it is ok
>you can't condemn the 1.2 billion Catholics in the world based off the few that are in that image
They ALL do it
>If you had an excerpt from a Catholic doctrinal document (or something similar) that promotes idolatry, then you would have an argument
Canon 7 of the Second Council of Nicaea
>triggered by memes
I dont understand this. This would imply that Mary has any sort of power over the actions of God. You don't ask your pastor after he's dead to intercede on your behalf to God because he was merely a leader of the devout, not a line of communication to God. Is not God the final judge of all men and the sole dispenser of grace and mercy?
And what's the deal with this Purgatory thing anyway. I have never seen any Scriptural support for any form of purgatory in the incarnation presented by Catholic theology.
>You don't ask your pastor after he's dead to intercede on your behalf to God because he was merely a leader of the devout
There's actually nothing stopping you from doing that. If you think he's in Heaven, or even in Purgatory, then you can absolutely ask him to pray for you. The dead pray for the living and the living pray for the dead. We're all one Church. We don't stop being able to pray for each other just because we're separated by the veil of death.
The advantage that Mary and the saints have over your pastor is that we KNOW they're in Heaven, and thus the efficacy of their prayers is assured. We know this because of the miracles they've performed and the visitations they've made in the world of the living.
Nothing stops me from doing so, but that presupposes the idea that prayer has any effect on God's will whatsoever. Who are we to think that we can change the mind of God? And when you go to Heaven, why would you ever pray? You are already in God's bosom.
And how do we know for an absolute certainty that Mary and the saints are in heaven? No one has been to Heaven and said "Oh there's Mary and Joseph and Jesus's bro James." There are many saints that were venerated even though they were probably normal nobles with a hard on for Jesus.
This would of course be a pointless argument if Catholics don't believe in predestination and whether works triumph over faith or vice versa.
>praying to humans
>how do we know for an absolute certainty that Mary and the saints are in heaven?
The infallible pope told them, so it must be true
What happens if I ask my pastor but he turns out to be a child molester?
>And what's the deal with this Purgatory thing anyway.
Why would you ever pray in a world with predestination anyway? You can't change the mind of God or your own situation. You can't even make yourself feel better than you were intended to. Unless you think you were predestined to pray at that particular moment?
Well then he may be in Hell, in which case his prayers are ineffective.
Again, that's why we pray to the saints.
Psychological and spiritual comfort. I suppose God would know when to give me strength when I am in need.
I don't see the merit in this argument still. As a counterargument, Luke 16:19-31:
>22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
>23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
So this tells us that when you die, you go straight to your destination. Do not turn left, do not make a detour, go straight.
>27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
>28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
>29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
>30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
>31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
This tells us two things that the dead cannot intercede on the behalf of the living. Only the conduct and faith of the living has any effect on their salvation.
>Psychological and spiritual comfort.
But you can't feel any more comfortable than you are intended to. You are predestined to feel a given level of comfort at a given time point, right?
Pretty much. If it's an illusion, I'm fine with it. There's nothing I can do.
Fair enough.
He healed the romans who were heathen invaders. Fuck off back to /pol/ you Protestant white nationalist scumbag.
>So this tells us that when you die, you go straight to your destination. Do not turn left, do not make a detour, go straight.
A counter to this.
>Christ refers to the sinner who "will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come" (Matt. 12:32), suggesting that one can be freed after death of the consequences of one’s sins. Similarly, Paul tells us that, when we are judged, each man’s work will be tried. And what happens if a righteous man’s work fails the test? "He will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire" (1 Cor 3:15). Now this loss, this penalty, can’t refer to consignment to hell, since no one is saved there; and heaven can’t be meant, since there is no suffering ("fire") there. The Catholic doctrine of purgatory alone explains this passage.
>"In doing this he acted in a very excellent and noble way, inasmuch as he had the resurrection of the dead in view; for if he were not expecting the dead to rise again, it would have been useless and foolish to pray for them in death. But if he did this with a view to the splendid reward that awaits those who had gone to rest in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from this sin" (2 Macc. 12:43–45).
Clearly praying for the dead is a valid thing, and since someone in Heaven doesn't need it, and someone in Hell can't be helped, Purgatory must exist.
Well meme-d sir.
-Ancient Greeks think a war started over this.
Catholicism is masochistic and gay. After the East-West schism they gradually descended into increased corruption and ostentation culminating in the 16th-17th centuries. If that's your thing then go ahead but it isn't neither the most scriptural or most traditional form of Christian worship.
>tfw everybody in the Modern age comes at the Church thinking it's the source of all evils
"Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
Being regarded as a bastion of moral purity is a form of power of its own; hence invites corruption due to the nature of power itself. Ironically it's not really possible to have a powerful institution that doesn't invite this sort of problem, no matter how good its message is due to the nature of reality and human nature.
>will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come
Read the parallel passage. This has nothing to do with potential forgiveness of other sins.
>He will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire
If you (or rather the CatholicAnswers propagandist you took this from) didn't cut the context, both the one who receives the reward and the one who loses it go through the fire. If this is purgatory, then no one goes straight to heaven.
>2 Macc.
This isn't scripture.
Now purgatory denies the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice to save, but this is clearly contradicted by Galatians 2:21 and Colossians 1:20.
The former Paul makes the argument that if there is anything, absolutely anything, which men can do even in grace to save themselves, then Christ died in vain. For if men can be saved through the satispatio of purgatory, why did Christ need to die?
And in the latter, the apostle makes the statement that God has reconciled all to Himself and made peace with creation through the blood of the cross, and by nothing else.
purgatory is simply a purging after death. anyone in purgatory is already saved.
or so Catholic teaching
Except no one's persecuting you and they're criticising you because of what you do and not Jesus. The same can't be said about Catholics throughout history.
I am aware. The problem is they are only positionally saved, they only have a guarantee of salvation and this only because they are going through the temporal punishments that will truly save them. In Catholic theology, if it weren't for purgatory, everyone in purgatory would be in hell, not heaven.
You would think the authors of the Gospels would be very clear about whether or not there is a Purgatory considering its a pitstop before you go to the Great Gig in the Sky. The fact that there is no explicit mention of it tells me that it was either:
1. So unimportant that it really didn't deserve any real explanation and that Catholics are making a big deal out of something as simple as a door opening
2. It does not actually exist
Mary is not telling God, "God, do this." Mary is basically asking God "hey God, could you please hear me out on this guy's case? Final word is still yours, of course."
Think of her as your attorney. She makes your case, but God, as the judge, has the final decision.
This is true
From Macks Veybur's Da Prodesdan Ethnic chapter 7.
>"And the elderly upon reaching an age where they can no longer fulfill their worldly duties are thus considered sinful and reprobaits, and are disposed of conveniently."
>Think of her as your attorney. She makes your case, but God, as the judge, has the final decision.
Oh, so a mediator
>one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus
I still think this borders on blasphemy. Doing so at all gives Mary and the other saints some measure of efficacy in their appeals to God and that infringes on God's sovereignty. Otherwise, it is completely pointless and worse, you are trying to communicate with someone from the dead like King Saul did through withcraft to Samuel.
Nothing can change God's mind. Assuming someone can seems like human arrogance and trying to compensate for spiritual shortcomings in this life when Luke 16 makes it abundantly clear, the dead cannot intercede on behalf of the living.
Holy shit
Absolutely rekt
The doctrine of perpetual virginity is a lie and makes no sense in the historical context of the time. Why is it important Mary does not have other children? Did not God say go forth and be fruitful?
It comes from a Gnostic gospel, the Protoevangelium of James
This is an example of the first post being the best post. That makes the rest of the thread, including this post, completely unnecesary.
Advocate is your intercessor (lawyer for Americans) in front of God. its as if your lawyer gave birth to your savior and doubly saved you from condemnation. Protestants marry Germans and don't fight at Leponto, so I don't expect you to understand.
Explain this