The Western civilization is dying

>the Western civilization is dying
>the West is in decline

Can someone explain this meme to me? How is the West in decline, exactly? Who is overtaking it? From an economic and militaristic standpoint it's on the the top, with no serious contenders (inb4 China or Russia, come on).

Is this about culture? But what is exactly wrong about Western culture nowadays? When was Western culture "not dying" so to speak, and why is that moment culturally superior to present time?

Honestly, it just seems like baseless fear mongering, masquerading as some profound and deep statement.

Other urls found in this thread:

Birth rates and age distribution of current population.

>nuh uh I don't like that answer so I will just repeat over and over again that it doesn't matter

>Honestly, it just seems like baseless fear mongering, masquerading as some profound and deep statement.

You answered yourself.


Now you know.

Large scale immigration from Muslim countries, and a native western population without any clear values or things to believe in, who care more about buying the latest iPhone than preserving their heritage and culture, the things making their countries unique.

The political and academic discourse is apologizing to countries that were colonized and offering to compensate for this out of guilt. This is unheard of in previous times; every significant culture has been a colonizer at some point, and never apologized for it.

Growing distrust in the political system and our politicians, as they're perceived to be more corrupt now than in the past.


It's more that other countries are developing and modernizing rapidly thanks to neoliberalism raising people around the globe out of poverty and creating new wealth. It's only a matter of time until they are on even footing with the already developed western countries and eventually overtake them.

The people not in power who want to be in power always say the group in power is leading them to destruction.

Most people in the West perceive their culture as not being worth fighting for. That alone should tell you how bad the situation really is. Add in low birth rates contrasted to immigrants with triple birth number. Production outsourced to "backwards" parts of the world. Welfare states that while being generous are being taken advantage of. Overwhelming mentality of indifference. Religion, the social glue that traditionally held society together, is bleeding out in a slow, painful death. Monogamy, the essential cornerstone of any civilization has been destroyed by greedy divorce lawyers, selfish feminists, and hedonists. All of this is totally unsustainable in the long term. And it wont last long. After all, few are going to fight in defense of the West.

>fighting for your country only for the roasties and degenerates and sjws to take it all over again and tell you to check your privilege if you win

Let it burn.

>All of this is totally unsustainable in the long term.

How so?

>After all, few are going to fight in defense of the West.

Who's attacking?

>How so?
Immigrants are outbreeding the native Western people. The consequence of this is that the native culture will vanish and make room for muslim culture. Most major cities in Europe are already over half muslim and their birth rate is twice if not more than that of feminist Europeans. See where this is going?
>Who's attacking?
The muslims. Their imams have been caught preaching this strategy of outbreeding "we will conquer Europe not by the sword but by the uterus". It is barely a secret at this point, but Europe refuses to fight back and just keeps on talking about human rights, while their homeland is transforming to a mulsim state.

>Who is overtaking it?

Brown people

Europe is being taken over by Islam and America by Spics

>Most major cities in Europe are already over half muslim
Why are you lying?

>Immigrants are outbreeding the native Western people.

For now. Fertility rates decrease as countries develop.

>The consequence of this is that the native culture will vanish and make room for muslim culture.

Vanish my ass. It's like you take two points on a graph and declare that we're undoubtedly witnessing a linear progression.

>Most major cities in Europe are already over half muslim

Most major my ass. Name ten. Or five even. You won't and here's why:

>Their imams have been caught preaching this strategy of outbreeding "we will conquer Europe not by the sword but by the uterus".

And jews have been caught talking about enslaving the goyim race.

t. /pol/ pro

>See where this is going?

I actually don't, but neither do you. I'm also sure your American, haven't been to Europe and get your info from /pol/ exclusively.

Keep up your naivety. Abdul really cares about pluralistic secular multicultural societies. Along with all of the Saudi princelings promising to build expensive mosques for every 1000 refugees. No ulterior motive at all. Nope...

>and a native western population without any clear values or things to believe in

That's what made the west powerful mate

London is 60% white.

Not good!

Nice arguments, bub.

You're not European, haven't been to Europe, and get your info from /pol/ exclusively. Am I right?

>Keep up your naivety.

lol that's all you can say


Sure is Reddit in there
Why don't you visit Western Europe?

>Is this about culture? But what is exactly wrong about Western culture nowadays? When was Western culture "not dying" so to speak, and why is that moment culturally superior to present time?

For me personally, modern western culture is inherently shallow, materialist and nihilistic, it lost purpose and will to higher ideals, it is also very divided based on subcultures and individuals and as said, it lost pride and belief in itself In contrast, other peoples like Asians for ex. still have that reverence for higher ideals

I hate racism and I don't even think Immigrants are the main problem though they do contribute to it, the main problem is the westerners itself and their values, leave them alone and they will still be homogenous degenerates, what the west need is to unify under new ideal and belief in itself once more

The thing is, you don't even have to be an altright retard to see that there's something very wrong with western society, Im not even white btw

>there's something very wrong with western society

What's wrong with it?

Nice meme stats. Good enough to whipe my ass with and meaningless.

Let's talk about why it's acceptable for France to be 7.5% Muslim in the first place and why the average left cuck believe it's imperative to bring in even more.

>For now. Fertility rates decrease as countries develop.
This is an assumption. I would argue that feminism decreases fertility rate. The observation is that immigrants have immensely higher birth rates. Period.
>Vanish my ass. It's like you take two points on a graph and declare that we're undoubtedly witnessing a linear progression.
There is practically no evidence that muslim immigrnats are adapting to their new environment despite countless studies investigating this. Most point to the opposite: muslims have no desire to integrate, yet demand others to give in to all sorts of Islam traditions.
>Most major my ass. Name ten. Or five even. You won't and here's why:
Old data from bolsjewikipedia. Have a look at migrant proportions by birth. White flight is already reality. Few want to live in large cities. you want five city names: Marseille, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Rotterdam. I did not even have to mention Sweden.
>And jews have been caught talking about enslaving the goyim race.

t. /pol/ pro
Not an argument.
>I actually don't, but neither do you. I'm also sure your American, haven't been to Europe and get your info from /pol/ exclusively.
I am Dutch and have never been to the US. But my nationality is not relevant to this discussion.

I bet you're the average leftard who cares about female rights, tolerance...etc right?

How does it feel to know that it's because of you guys that European women in a century will be deprived of their most basic right?
I never understood how tolerance of homos and desire for female rights could coexist with the will to export millions of intolerant muslims who hate all those concepts

>The observation is that immigrants have immensely higher birth rates.

Because they're from undeveloped countries where it's the cultural norm for women to be baby factories and little else. This is how western culture was until technology reduced the need for it. The same thing happened to eastern cultures who modernized. There's no reason to assume it's not the norm.

>modern western culture is inherently shallow, materialist and nihilistic

So? It's still working.

>Nice meme stats. Good enough to whipe my ass with and meaningless.

Surely you have proof for these claims, and can provide alternative stats, along with evidence that they are correct?

>Let's talk about why it's acceptable for France to be 7.5% Muslim in the first place

Why isn't it?

And they let them enforce it? Hardly.

>Saudi princelibgs building expensive mosques for every 1000

More like "send radical imams to fuck shit up in ME, lose track of them, only to finally find them again when the imams get arrested for having tried to brainwhat the Muslims communities in Europe."

>How does it feel to know that it's because of you guys that European women in a century will be deprived of their most basic right?

Feels like doomsday prophecies based on imagination

>Why isn't it?

Come on man don't play dumb. You know why. You just don't like to admit it.

What's funny to me is I've never, ever, seen one of these "The glories of Western civilization are on the decline and must be preserved from the mud people at all costs" working in a place of cultural preservation, like at a museum, digitizing archival records, or teaching art history.

Of course not. How many people can you redpill about brown people and DA JOOOOZ working at a museum?

>You know why.
Because it triggers your fragile snowflake feels?

Well, maybe you're right
Maybe these millions of muslims who arrive each years and all have 4 children each will end up adapting to European culture before native Europeans disappear, and will thus continue their legacy
That's the gamble leftards are making

But I doubt it'll happen that way
I think Europe will turn into another backward shithole like every place ruled by islam

>This is an assumption.
Of course. Everything we say is an assumption.
>There is practically no evidence that muslim immigrnats are adapting to their new environment despite countless studies investigating this.
I don't particularly care about integration.
You destroy the legitimacy of your own arguments with shit like this, stop it.
>Not an argument.
Neither is "Their imams have been caught preaching this strategy of outbreeding "we will conquer Europe not by the sword but by the uterus"."

>I bet you're the average leftard who cares about female rights, tolerance...etc right?
No, I care about myself mostly.

I'm dumb and retarded. Why isn't it acceptable for France to be 7.5% Muslim?

Yup. Haha. You found me out!

Yeah, museums sure will be useful when Shariah law will be enforced by the state...

IJS, instead of staying perpetually angry about the decline of the West, you'd think these guys would actually, you know, attempt to preserve the West instead of frothing at the mouth on a Mongolian yak-husbandry BBS.


Cultural Marxism.

Well, this is a culture war, right?
Assert your culture.
>Also, Sharia is local, divided into various schools of Fiq (jurisprudence) flavored by local custom. 9/10ths of what people flip out about w/r/t Sharia is due to specific Fiq interpreted by specific localities.

The reasons have been mentioned in this thread, the reasons are clear as day if you visit a Parisian maternity ward, the reasons will be clear as day the next time a random city on the French Riviera is flowing with blood, but it's okay, it's alllll okay, just keep sticking your head in the sand and playing dumb.

>Why isn't it acceptable for France to be 7.5% Muslim?
Because he's [triggered] by the same autism that makes him have a meltdown if the items of his meal touch each other.

>the Roman Empire is dying
>the Imperium is in decline

Can someone explain this meme to me? How is the Empire in decline, exactly? Who is overtaking it? From an economic and militaristic standpoint it's on the the top, with no serious contenders (inb4 Gaul or the Huns, come on).

Is this about culture? But what is exactly wrong about Roman culture nowadays? When was Roman culture "not dying" so to speak, and why is that moment culturally superior to present time?

Honestly, it just seems like baseless fear mongering, masquerading as some profound and deep statement.

as above, so below

you have to be retarded to think the west is dying and not walking the increasingly thinner and thinner line between annihilation and omnipotence

In risk of sounding like /pol/, certain group of westerners hate them self very much to the point of ethnomasochism, which could never be seen in any other place in the world, on the other side, the conservative part of the western world is obsessed with domination and shallow historicism, most of them have superiority complex, they missed the point of what is truly essential

Only on surface level, psychologically western world is very fractured

>Why isn't it acceptable for France to be 7.5% Muslim?

Because France was 5% muslim the year before, and 3% the year before that
Guess what it means?

>they missed the point of what is truly essential
~t. Evola

lmao. I thought the same. Sounds like his prose.

Women are made for giving birth. Its their biological function. Dont confuse this with culture. You are blatantly ignoring a demographic time bomb. Look at the trends.
Poor quality post, man.
>Of course. Everything we say is an assumption.
And some assumptions have more basis in reality than others.
>Neither is "Their imams have been caught preaching this strategy of outbreeding "we will conquer Europe not by the sword but by the uterus"."
If you are going to sweep aside any evidence that is screaming in your face, I do not know what will convince you or where to even start.
Because France should remain French. Just like any nation has the right to retain its distinct culture.

Because your invadrs and we don't want you here

Fuck off of my country, REEEEEEEEEEEEE

I didn't know "rapefugees" raided costal cities with stolen warships or conquered areas to make new nations out of them. Must have missed that.

Also: the perception in the Roman Empire was of eternal decline in terme of culture and military might, until the last century, in which rulers started to believe the Empire was eternal.

>The reasons have been mentioned in this thread
Can you articulate them?

>if you visit a Parisian maternity ward
Have you?

>the reasons will be clear as day the next time a random city on the French Riviera is flowing with blood
Will they? Millions and millions of muslim invaders have entered Fortress Evropa, but you can count terrorist acts on one hand. Kinda low effort for the brown conquerors.

Why are you comparing Roman empire with the West?

>Only on surface level
That's what counts, no? If it works, it works.

>Guess what it means?

What is your position then?
You think everything will be a-ok?

My position is to stand back and laugh at both sides of this debate, because the spine of my mother culture was snapped centuries ago, death comes for all men and all cultures through all times, and I've little to no horse in this race.

>Poor quality post, man.
Shit, I'm sorry.

>And some assumptions have more basis in reality than others.
And surely your assumptions are more correct, because their yours and not some user's on 4chin?

>any evidence that is screaming in your face
Could you provide some of this "screaming evidence"?

I'm not muslim or black.

Is it wrong though?
this is just my observation from living in Europe for
quite awhile, the buildings are beautiful but the culture is dead

>That's what counts, no? If it works, it works.
Its unhealthy and fragile, its a problem waiting to explode, this is why you have blm and trumpism, the societal divide is too big

>heh I'll just keep employing the Socratic method those mean neo nazis are bound to crack eventually while I continue to stick my head in the sand because I just don't want to confront society's sacred cow of multiculturalism always being inherently good

Later self hater!

>Just like any nation has the right to retain its distinct culture.

White nations don't have this right, senpai

And your mother culture is?

No i'm not saying it's wrong, i'm just pointing it out. I like reading Evola, it's like a cozy bedtime story about everything that's wrong with the world.

>multiculturalism always being inherently good
There is one real culture, everyone should be good and serve society through work and family and countless fake cultures. "My food, flag, leaders, alcohol and methods of drinking it are better".

> because the spine of my mother culture was snapped centuries ago, death comes for all men and all cultures through all times
I don't understand
your mother culture is this interenet book reading shit.

>death of a culture
who can say we don't have another 1000 years left?

>I've little to no horse in this race.
“And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew.” (Quran 2:102)

>neo nazis are bound to crack eventually
You're not a neo nazi. I don't want you to crack, simply to provide reasonable arguments for your claims.

>multiculturalism always being inherently good
I have very little feelings toward multiculturalism as an idea.

>Later self hater!
I don't hate myself. Goodbye.

>Its unhealthy and fragile, its a problem waiting to explode, this is why you have blm and trumpism, the societal divide is too big.
Perhaps you're right. What is the solution?

What does it matter?

>your mother culture is this interenet book reading shit.
Nope, it just passes the time.

>who can say we don't have another 1000 years left?
Nobody, but the key word here is 'left'.

>“And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew.” (Quran 2:102)
Yeahyeahyeah, "Thou shalt not suffer the witch to live" despite the strong Arabic/Islamic grimoire tradition. And you wonder why I have no horse in this race?

>What does it matter?
Nothing does, I'm just curious.

>skin color and culture are inextricably linked

Maybe some places, but it sounds like you want to argue about something else.

I'm just saying, if this meme pol nightmare of total sharia law comes true you won't have the same freedom of speech you enjoy today. you do have a horse in this race.

>no japan
>no norway
>no switzerland
>no balkans
>no turkey


It's okay, it's pretty clear we deserve nothing more than nuclear hell fire for how the last time a western country treated its museums when a Muslim dignitary visited.

We're weak. We lost. We're cucks.

>Multiculturalismo is always inherently good

That is not the point most of the time when it comes to refugees, the choice is not based on whether "import" them or not, the decision has to be' made in what to do about the fact they are coming and they will keep coming for the foreseeable future, save science-fiction-worthy scenarios. Obviously it would be' easier to just tell them to fuck off, but there is only so much you can do.

With that in kind, would you prefer have them honest-to-God segregated and left to their own devices, lettino them all' forum a resentment thatwill end in a verità le bloodbath, or try to give them a chance and have only SOMETIMES, EVENTUALLY a terrorist attack and a slight growth of crime?

>mfw they define north america and australia as white countries
So we've established if you replace the native population you're all good and that land is yours now?

They are in the mind of leftists
That's why white nations, regardless of their culture HAVE TO accept mass immigration, while non-white ones, regardless of their culture, can keep to themselves if they want

>So we've established if you replace the native population you're all good and that land is yours now?
This has always been the case.

>Overwhelming mentality of indifference. Religion, the social glue that traditionally held society together, is bleeding out in a slow, painful death.

The solution is for people to worship technology, and the goal of expanding human civilization into space.

>Fertility rates decrease as countries develop.

An the countries where these immigrants are coming from are not developing.

Did that really happen? Holy fuck publicly execute the people who made that decision in middle of the street.

>White nations, black nations, asian nations.
>Implying skin colour=culture

>And surely your assumptions are more correct, because their yours and not some user's on 4chin?
L2 Occams razor.
>Could you provide some of this "screaming evidence"?
Ofc I can, look for speeches of Norwegian imam Mullah Krekar and Sheikh Muhammad Ayed. Both are talking about the Arab womb as a formidable weapon. Even Erdogan and Gadaffi have spoken about this. Not the least persons in the islamic world. A simple google search reveals this.
>who can say we don't have another 1000 years left?
Demographic trends.
How do you worship technology? More importantly, how does it stop the muslim menace? Space colonization is charming, but at the moment you will just hand out a galactic empire to Islam.

>How do you worship technology?
The pic was related.

I think for them the sticking point is "privilege" or development rather than cultural subversion (though of course there are certainly those who promote this stuff for totally misguided or wrong reasons). I think many whites now don't understand the value of culture so it makes a tough argument of "why do you have more right to be here than they?" Beyond that there's a perception among many that the "white" countries are more advanced, more fortunate, and thus more attractive for immigrants. I dunno, I think there's more to the dynamic than you mention is all.

Maybe because, aside from Lebanon, United Emirates and Nigeria, noone of them have people migrating to it. If refugees could, they all' would go to Germany, Sweden, UK, France and Norway. Needless to say, this is absurd both for he refugees and the hostcountries.

It's not some campaign to wipe out white culture, though. White nations are full of immigrants because white nations and generally nice places to live than dark-skinned nations. Nobody wants to move to the Congo.

Plenty of sandpeople would love to migrate to Japan if it accepted them
Too bad Japs are too clever for that

How so? HDI and so on seem to be rising.

>L2 Occams razor.
Well, it's difficult to use occams razor without being bias. You should know.

>Norwegian imam Mullah Krekar and Sheikh Muhammad Ayed
Looked those up. Lol, come on man, these people are complete jokes, the norwegian one has been repeatedly arrested for his bullshit. That is like taking Zhirinovsky seriously, when he talks about Russian politics.

Same shit essentially, the man has been known as an eccentric lunatic.

Panders to his base.

>white nations and generally nice places to live than dark-skinned nations

Unfortunately, this will cease to be the case as soon as these nations lose their white majority because of uncontrolled brown immigration

>haha noooo he's just crazy, the second guy is insane too, lmao the third is just playing politics 404 pattern not found

Can't make this shit up.

>these three examples PROVE that if a brown person wants to have sex he's trying to destroy your culture

The numbers of people willing to fight for their country may be skewed as a result of most wars involving western nations being of very little consequence to their citizens. The muslim nations, however, have large populations who's very livelihood has hung on the outcome of a war at one point or another.

>he's just crazy, the second guy is insane too
Yeah. Not only they are insane, but have been branded as such by others. You know it too.

>the third is just playing politics
The third guy is dead. Erdogan does in fact play politics. How is that wrong?

>404 pattern not found

Not yet. With the infinite abundance of the internet info, surely you can find more people than three branded lunatics (one killed) and a career politician?

So, what you are saying is that people owning little more than what they can carry in a luggage (if that) are not going in a trek that goes deeper in the warzone they were escaping from, across half of Asia, then find somebody willing to ferry them to an island nation on the other side of the Sea... because europeans are dumb? How many neurons do you have exactly?

BoSfag here, it was the Enclave and House who wanted to go into space, but both of their visions were not able to be realized because they wished to force the Old World onto the New World. The BoS did worship technology, but they wanted to collect and preserve it so that the Great War and the mistakes of the Old World could not be created again. They wanted to be the gatekeepers of technology and the safegaurds of humanity, not space colonists.

Im not talking about Fallout though, I'm just saying what should be done in real life. I posted BOS because they worshiped technology.

Get out of here /pol/ your pseudo-science isn't your worth here.

Yet they have been given positions to preach their "insanity". What does that tell you about the muslim world? Furthermore, two heads of state were mentioned. Surely, you cannot simply discard those as fringe "lunatics"? They are not random idiots, they are key figures pivotal in the muslim world.
Your explanation is doubtful. The question was explicitly stated as "would you be willing to fight for your country?". You are spinning results in such a manner until they fit your perspective.

But it is wise to learn from the mistakes of the many chapters of the BoS, like the Mojave Chapter. Elijah's zeal for technology brought his own chapter to it's knees. It is never the religion or article of worship that destroys, it is always the zeal for that worship that does. This goes for worshiping technology and Gods.

Why is South Africa included in western civlization?

The zeal is what drives passion, creativity, and purpose. It's what people mean when they say the west has lost purpose and meaning.

>iPhone than preserving their heritage and culture, the things making their countries unique.
Developing the iPhone is what makes the West unique