Why are modern muslims drinking and having sex before marriage in huge droves?
Do they actually believe Islam should be modernized and changed to suit the degeneracy and moral bankruptcy of the modern world?
Modern muslims are sinning hard
you gonna get SUBVERTED no matter what Abdul, your elites are already world renown for being first rate degenerates wherever they land their gold encrusted 767s
Most of them are just cultural Muslims.
This is Veeky Forums - fuck off to /pol/
Because it's impossible to force people to go against their base instincts? This stuff always happened underneath the surface no matter how hard religious organizations tried to stop it.
So many Jihadis are actually just hypocrites, many fuck prostitutes and get drunk before they go on their suicide missions.
Anyways the sooner the people of the middle east abandon their fucking barbaric savage beliefs the better off the whole world will be. Too many people have payed for their backwardness.
Muslims who were born after the fall of the Ottoman empire aren't going to heaven though, without a legitimate caliphate their spirits are forever doomed
New International Version
But if the unbeliever leaves, let it be so. The brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.
This ain't Catholicism m8.
There's nothing in Catholicism saying that there needs to be one Catholic nation and banner for everyone to live under.
Seconded. The church is only structure, your salvation is a matter between you and Christ.
But there is a caliphate right now
History & The Humanities
What are you on about? If anything most Muslims take their religion more seriously today than at any time in the past.
I have yet to see al-Baghdadi provide any evidence that he's biologically related to the Prophet Mohammad
The only thing muslims deserve is a nuclear holocaust
a lot of em sin to the extreme beforehand if they're about to become martyrs (suicide terrorists) because dying for islam supposedly wipes the slate clean regardless of previous sin
Because Islam is not a religion, it's an ethnicity.
Well, al-Baghdadi is Qurayshi
What did he mean by this?
>being a puritan faggot
why are you even on this website
>implying pre-modern muslims didn't drink alcohol
Just because their book forbids it doesn't mean they're gonna do it. Just look at medieval Europe and how much murder and adultery was going on despite the fact that Christianity was supposed to be immensely pervasive. Even the fucking popes had lovers. The Middle East wasn't any different. The rules were more like ideals to be strived for.
yeah. fuck prudefags. scum of the earth
Now if we only could get the sufi-intellectualism besides the drinking too and they would be almost tolerable instead of chimping out in order to cleanse themselves of their sins of having fun.