So I just made this.
How does this make you feel?
So I just made this.
How does this make you feel?
Nice cope faggot, this shit will literally never pop it's the future
Bye grandpa I'll pay for your funeral so your kids dont have to, or at least part of it
Pic related it's me swimming in my swimming pool in 5 years I purchased with BTC
I am just looking when ETH will BURST.
Last time it went from 200 to 100.
The bubble is the shitcoin market.
Eventually it will pop and the money will flow back to the big players (BTC, ETH, ETC...)
Keep in mind Amazon, Yahoo and Google survived the dot com bubble.
I never stated I'm a nocoiner, in fact I'm balls deep into crypto with 80k €. That doesn't change the fact that we're are in a fucking obvious B U B B L E, though. And it won't be the last.
Get out now with your 80k then, Weakhands Willie, you aren't fit to be a king anyways
>they survived
That's the fucking point, it's better to quit in a few weeks (and then buy the dip) than losing 50% of your stack and having to wait for 2 years.
You're just stubborn. Read about the fundamentals of the stock market and the history of bubbles and you'll see. Crypto is no exception.
Time the peak, sell now. I'll see you in July at 1000 USD per ETH, Willy. You can screenshot this
minister you, satoshi
You do realize that if these so-called "shitcoin" projects fail that crypto will become completely worthless right? You wont be able to use your so-called "big players" for a single fucking thing thats worthwhile.
The next Amazon, eBay and Cisco of the crypto world are trading for pennies as "shitcoins" RIGHT NOW.
Do your research you fucking dumbass.
Lol, kill yourself
>You can screenshot this
Nah thanks
newcoiner spotted
You don't remember any of these, right?
99% of the shitcoins you're trading right now will become irrelevant in a few months/years.
>Lol, kill yourself
$1,43 in January.
$19,73 now.
Yeah, you probably know what you're talking about.
Crypto is an exception because it is traded globally and all the biggest stakes come from East Asia by far, where it is also being implemented for everyday use and seen as serious investment. In the West, as demonstrated with idiots like you, it is still viewed as some fringe libertarian experiment that is due for a bubble burst "any day now".
Also the developing world is only just starting to catch on, and normies here in the west dont even know wtf crypto is yet.
We are nowhere near a bubble burst. Do some fucking research.
>Do some fucking research.
How about you take a look at the charts on coinmarketcap?
>Muh healthy exponential growth
Do you even realize how retarded you sound?
What use does ETC have? Absolutely nothing. You want to talk about a useless shitcoin comparable to the Dot Com Bubble? That is the quintessential example.
I have a feeling you have no idea what these projects intend to do and how theyre going change the game of crypto to make your crypto more versatile, to where one day youll be able to purchase real estate, cars, boats etc without ever cashing out to fiat, and other projects that make crypro more easy to use and accessible for the average everyday person.
These projects have to make it, because if they dont, crypto as a whole will never amount to anything, and eventually everyone will just (try) to cash out their earnings into fiat and kill the market entirely, essentially proving the "ponzi scheme" FUDders right.
BTC and ETH have absolutely nothing in common with Amazon or eBay besides their popularity. One is a digital currency, the other is fuel for a new internet ecosystem that also quasi-functions as a currency as well. If you want to compare coins to eBay or Amazon, you would look at SysCoin, BitBay or SwarmCity even.
So yeah, you have no idea wtf youre talking about. Youre just looking at random charts and screaming "hurr muh bubble!"
How about you stop doing retarded hocus pocus technical analysis in a market as new and as volatile as crypto and look at the fucking fundamentals.
make one for next month
>market cap
>retarded hocus pocus technical analysis
Do you even know what fundamentals are?
Tell me how the market is going to maintain this rate of growth we're are currently facing for the next 6 months.
BTC marketcap doubled in a few months. It's not a hard cap
>It's not a hard cap
Sure, let's act like there's infinite money.
>What bubble, there are only more and more people investing into crypots XD
>Sure, let's act like there's infinite money.
BTC marketcap right now is nothing, basically as much as one big company.
So you don't need "infinite money" to make it grow twice or 3 times what it is now.
Minister you, Satoshi.
National currency is an infinite currency, for all Governments brainlet
>Financial markets are trillions upon trillions of dollars worldwide
>100 billion is too large!
Another 200% in the next few month is surely possible, but this doesn't mean we aren't in a bubble.
There are these things called central banks, you know...
This. Thank you.
My god, arguing with these idiots is like slamming your head against the wall repeatedly.
PROTIP: stop looking at crypto as a mere bubble and start looking at it as more of like an entirely new economy ecosystem and an industrial revolution.
You're missing the point. Cryptocurrencies can grow to a market cap ten times higher than it is right now, but the growth rate we see at this moment isn't sustainable for the next few months. Look at the chart here .
That's what we call a bubble.
I love the ones saying it's a their minimum wage job...with no investments in paycheck to paycheck. Just sit back and watch kids.
All texh companies start as ideas with little revenue and just a concept with billions in valuatuon. Same thing here.
This bubble will pop when you see formerly 50 cent 1 dollar coins have 3 to 5 dollar up DAYS for weeks at a time.
We are in a bubble now yes but bubbles become a monster of tgeir own and dont pop until you dont believe you eyes.
Also the masses are slowly trickling into btc and eth. They will also discover the rest of tge alts soon too.
If you are smart you know what tgat means.
I'm not saying it won't have a large correction, but the assertion that it would need 'infinite money' to reach trillions in MC is so wrong. The way I see it we're in something like the beginning of the dotcom bubble. Most normies havent even heard of crypto still, once they do I expect to see a much larger MC growth before a big crash, and within 10 years the winners will come out on top nice and stable, just like they did after dotcom burst.
On my phone. Excuse the typos.
Also. Think of this as having the oppurtunity to be your very own venture capitalist. Dont scoff at this blessing you have been given user.
Exactly my thinking user. Also this is exactly how the beginning and aftermath of the 90s tech bubble playes out. 1995 to 1999 up uo and away. 2000-march 2003 tankage and all shit companies BKed. 2003 to present...the survivors have taken over the world. Google Amazon etc.
So when are you going to take your profits out of this bubble? I'm thinking about cashing out 50% of my stack once the market cap reaches 150 to 200 billion. I don't have a good gut feeling by chasing the dumb money with my own dumb money.
I take profits at every dollar amount milestone. Aka 25k 50k 100k...
And that is how much to be exactly?
There is no reason the market has to maintain this rate of growth to avoid crashing. You're applying lessons written about a specific economic system: inflationary, debt-based, pyramidal... In other words, what Bitcoin was built NOT to be. You might as well use stock market technical analysis to judge supply and demand in low level cash drug deals.
I already have my starting investment out. I am a trader by nature so i dont hold bags long unless im buying the concept or idea and I am very risk minded. But for example ill take 10-15% out at every milestone I reach. To each their own though.
What you are not factoring is the human nature element. All bubbles play out in a similar fashion. Greed and fear have been with us for a long time. Greed is in control now.
You picked the gayest fucking font.
You can't separate cryptos and fiat completely from each other. Also bitcoin has an inflation rate.
Yeah exactly, there's no doubting that blockchain tech is the future, it's just a matter of which ones. I think ETH is an obvious one to hold even after a crash.
Probably not until people are going mad over it and normies are actually talking about it in everyday conversation. I'm not exposed to too much risk either way. If it crashes it will mean lost profits more than lost net worth so I'm comfortable flying close to the sun on this one. From my past experience with crypto I would guess it's possible we will see a 'small' crash sometime this year after august, maybe to about 40-50%, but another huge surge at the beginning of 2018, and that will probably be the year the fever really sets in for normies.
My main concern is that fiat and associated financial markets could be hit multiple times (by capital flight to crypto from the popularity AND fear from looming/happening economic crises). If this were the case it would create a perfect storm for a recession much worse than 2008. Crypto would actually fare pretty well but the economy would be beyond fucked.
** crash by about 40-50%
I love NXS. Only coin secured verse quantum computing. So they say. 3 month chart looks ready for blast off.
>Only coin secured verse quantum computing
There are also QRL and IOTA.
Oh, and the team behind NXS looks like a bunch of retarded hippie potheads. It's a very shady internet representation of their own developers.
NXS. I need this tonight, cuz I ain't sleeping.
Thanks for your insight. Jobs was a Woch was a hippie lsd tripping pothead too. Also the lead dev from what I read is the son of Spacex rocket scientist.
Who knows. Its all risky. I just know there are really no such things as triple tops...see 3 month chart.
*Jobs and Woch were hippies too.