>super spoopy super computing system developed for chile to centrally plan its economy in the early 1970s
Seriously what the FUCK was this thing supposed to actually be? It looks like a cheap Star Trek prop.
>super spoopy super computing system developed for chile to centrally plan its economy in the early 1970s
Seriously what the FUCK was this thing supposed to actually be? It looks like a cheap Star Trek prop.
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Is this real? Looks like a movie set.
>This is what real communism looks like
Well at least they had the right idea. Surely computers will be so powerful in the future a centrally planned economy is viable.
I think you don't understand the problem with centrally planned to economy. The problem is not that there are so many variables involved that it is impossible to make plan the economy, the problem is lack of incentives.
*to make plan for economy
>we will revolutionize our country
>with fax machines and ergonomics
>The problem is not that there are so many variables involved that it is impossible to make plan the economy
So many variables a compute couldn't handle it? Not sure about that one
Giving control of the economy to a computer would have been dank as shit, as much as disastrous as it could turn out.
everybody on your supreme socialist council comes into the star trek room. When they want to change something in the economy they flip the switches on the armchair. These in turn show up as lights in the factory switchboards and the production assistants follow. That black panel on the back with lights indicates the feedback- if factories don't want to do it, they press a light saying NO and it goes back to the star trek room
that's the basic concept, although I probably just butchered exactly what the buttons do. It is a supremely naive idea, but mr beer THOUGHT giving workers instant feedback would be useful and not just a destabilizing nightmare. Beer claims it helped the socialists overcome an early strike by organizing traffic
star trek isn't socialist
[spoiler]it's communist[/spoiler]
Eventually we're going to reach a point where any conceivable job can be preformed more efficiently by robots and A.I., including line factory work, creative work, and senior management.
This isn't science fiction, either, it's in the process of happening right now. We can track its development and watch the first preliminary machines which can figure out basic unskilled labor work and outperform their organic peers for pennies on the dollar happening within the next 15 years. When vast swathes of the population will be rendered unemployable and our previous means of arranging labor, what you and I call "capitalism", will have to be dramatically revisited.
We're already at the point where most financial and investing work is handled by A.I.s which can make thousands of micro-transactions a second. More and more people are straight up investing in index funds and simply coasting economically with this rising tide of automation. Even Wall-street is slowly being driven into obsolescence.
That's debatable, especially depending on what your definition of "communist" is.
In it's classical interpretation communism is the stateless system which emerges after socialism renders the need for national boarders and standing armies obsolete. The Federation is itself a government, with Star Fleet as its expansionary and national self-defense wing.
I always thought of the Borg as being closer to a true communism.
Star trek...is a fucking show.
you have to be a complete idiot to translate popular media as representative of anything other than the delusions of gay jewish screenwriters.
Trust me, they're petty beyond petty.
"I only went to the 2nd most prestigious private school in LA. Those fucking goyim not letting us into the #1 school.'
t. A jew who realizes that most other jews are pursuing antagonistic policies that are going to bite them in the ass
You have to go back.
Wait why is this considered such a horrible idea again?
Only siths deal in absolutes
>tfw someone else also made a thread abou this incredibly obscure topic
>This isn't science fiction, either, it's in the process of happening right now. We can track its development and watch the first preliminary machines which can figure out basic unskilled labor work and outperform their organic peers for pennies on the dollar happening within the next 15 years.
Half the jobs are going, they're not coming back, and there are no new jobs to replace them.
I dunno if it's a horrible idea or not, because they never really implemented it. But if all you need to do to initiate a nationwide strike is push a button all the other factories are going to see, the potential for labor unrest is significant
It was a movie set mostly. The screens and so on were actually hand-prepared slides.
Central control agency to plan production and supply on real time using modern displays and high tech controls for the time era. If it looks like startrek its because its from the same time period of the stylistic design of the series.
No it wasnt. It was full of telex Machines and it was meant as a center of command. It was actually built and functioned well as an emergency center to plan and coordinate convoys of food and others during the Trucker's strike in the 70's
100% real; about 10% functional. Only the Telex machines were functional when the Cia's Trucker's strike happened. Then the coup happened and all the technicians either escaped to Exile; ore were murdered.
>awesome bronze age tier masculine raider society
>multiracial faggotopia full of balding AIDS patients in tight pajamas and elven Jewish autists mind controlling you
I'd rather have the former and I'm far from a lolberg.
So you're an overcompensating fagboy that craves the dick, is that what you're saying?
Nice projection you trekky sperg.
>idolizes bare chested manly men sweating in a fucking desert over a sci-fi utopia
>not a complete faggot
Also, I've never watched a single star trek series to completion, you gay homo.
99% invisible has a cool episode on it: 99percentinvisible.org
If you think space is cooler than a desert you're a turbovirgin.
Don't you have some greek vase art depicting pederasty to be masturbating to?
>still keeps implying that masculine = homosexuality
Numales in a nutshell
You're the one who said that not me. But why are you so butthurt? Oh wait you're a buttfucking fag never mind lmao.
Said what? Nothing gay about masculinity, but plenty of gayness in tight pants wearing communists.
Why do you have such a fixation on tight fitting garments? Try containing your homolust for at least one second, jeez.
>being against something means you are secretly it xDDDD
HuffPo tier "argument"
ur gay
Nigga, read this.
You have serious reading comprehension problems. Just curious: you wouldn't be of African descent would you?
>Chilean computers
>You have serious reading comprehension problems. Just curious: you wouldn't be of African descent would you?
He's right though. Computers just keep getting better and better at this shit.
Libertarian society looks fun desu