Teach me of the Barbary slave trade
How racialised was it?
Why did they stop the slave trade?
Did the slaves like it?
How did Europeans react to their people being taken into slavery?
Generally just anything related.
Teach me of the Barbary slave trade
How racialised was it?
Why did they stop the slave trade?
Did the slaves like it?
How did Europeans react to their people being taken into slavery?
Generally just anything related.
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It appears that we were slaves, and stuff.
>Did the slaves like it?
This I can answer. No, they didn't like it. Do want to be raped multiple times with the possibility of fucking animals for the Sultans amusement, or have your genitals mutilated, or even both?
Hot girls would sometimes become slaves to rich men. Outside of that you'd probably starve/freeze to death in some mine.
They're treated like the human sex cattle they are, used for breeding and pleasure
>implying white slavery ended
Just more oppression by the Asiatic and African races as well as a reminder why we should show these shitskins no mercy.
>How racialised was it?
Not at all and a lot. The Barbary pirates were a motley assortment of ethnicities, but depending on the region the market favored a certain region as the driving source for slaves, which would translate into racial undertones for a while.
>Why did they stop the slave trade?
Europeans crushed the market for piracy in general through conquest, leaving no financial incentives for Berber tribesmen to go a viking anymore.
>Did the slaves like it?
Probably not, since most of them were free and were taken hostage by a hostile, foreign people. Many were brutalized as mining and agricultural laborers, while many more were made domestic servants. The worst off were chained to galley oars. Some men and women were sold off to noblemen as pages and harem servants, and the more ambitious among them made the best of it by becoming queen mothers or freed pirate lords in their own right.
>How did Europeans react to their people being taken into slavery?
Horrified, generally. Several organizations existed for the purpose of ransoming people lost to North African piracy. Some states took Muslim (and Jewish) slaves in kind, and continuously raided and pillaged North Africa in a low-intensity war for centuries. The later Enlightenment era public of England and France used it as a theme for eastern eroticism while paying off the Barbary states for immunity from piracy until diplomacy broke down and they began conquering the North African coast outright.
They're sold in the markets, In the grand Bazaar, where they're stripped of their clothing, bounded and chained, their lewd, shameful bodies are displayed as if they're a merchandise
>their lewd, shameful bodies
t. catholic
We're fully clothed though
Oh yeah, what the fuck did he mean by it?
There, she's sold to the highest bidders, to be included to the Muslim man Harem, where she joins in with countless woman as unfortunate as hers
Obliged to fulfil her master every desires, she became subject to the most sick depravity of the Brown Muslim man, who is cruel and show no mercy to her
Do Arabs and Turk have guilt over slavery like white people do?
If a white person really has guilt over slavery they truly deserve the title of cuck. Anyway Turks and Arabs still have no problem with slavery in the modern day (anti-Slavery sediment was imposed on the world by the British more than anything) and certainly don't feel guilt for their ancestors owning slaves.
Muslims aren't cucks
No, of course they don't, why would they? Their religion and cultures explicitly say "Slavery is acceptable, and it was fun destroying Whitey's shit, we should do it again".
No. Islam expressly condones the enslavment of non-Muslims. There are very detailed religious rules on how slavery should works. Incidently, those rules are the reason why Muslim states don't have populations of former slaves like black peopl in the US. If a non-Muslim slave converts to Islam the owner isn't bound to frre him but the slaves'future children are then automatically born Muslims and free. Consequently there is no incentive to breed a population of slave. In the end it was simpler to simply castrate all male slaves. This had the added advantage of making the slaves more docile as their testosterone production would plumet.
It was only racialized insofar as white women fetched much higher market prices than non-whites and therefore were highly sought after by pirates.
nobody cares, not even the people that used to be enslaved kek
More like young women of good health and looks had a much higher market value by default. It's not as though non-white slaves were plentiful targets for the corsairs.
>Did the slaves like it?
stop being deliberately facetious
lots of the males were taken as galley slaves.
if you think picking cotton and working sugar in the new world was bad, just wait till you read about this shit, row in chains until you die and get thrown overboard.
Lepanto was the great reckoning in this regard, the turning point in that battle was when the greater part of the Christian slaves the Muslim fleet depended on rose up and attacked their captors at the most opportune moment.
>How racialised was it?
This is completely irrelevant, go somewhere else with your post colonial cancer.
kys idiot
Do you not understand why European women were so prized? Or are you not even aware because you're ignorant?
European women weren't prized for being European, but for being women. Who else were the Barbary corsairs going to enslave? There's not that many options in the Mediterranean for cheap to find/transport, non-Muslim and outside the borders of their own emirate that their own ruler wouldn't care for, and plentiful enough to actually find on a regular basis.
>How did Europeans react to their people being taken into slavery?
>Why did they stop the slave trade?
Europeans began to dominate the Mediterranean. Eventually the USA sent in the marines.
There's Africans but who want to touch that
Glad you asked, because African slaves were highly prized and traded in the Indian Ocean, because just like European women in the Mediterranean there were a whole lot of them available for capture. Getting an African slave to Constantinople was far more expensive in transport than getting a girl from the Crimea, so few would really bother.
>he doesn't even know that European women fetched a higher price on average specifically for their distinctive features
you fail to understand a large reason for why the Corsairs existed in the first place, it's cause they were located in a good spot to supply the demand.
You're absolutely confusing a subset of women who were prized in a particular market with broad white/black racial undertones. White women were simply the most widely available domestic slaves on the market, and they were priced according to what set each of them apart from one another.
And the idea that the corsairs existed in the first place specifically for supplying a demand for white women over black women is absurd.
>Yes, as eunuch
They were prized as harem women in the Indian Ocean. There's a distinct reason why so many "Arab" island emirs off the coast of African (and even as far as India) look very African.
The only reason black eunuchs were a thing in the Ottoman court is to serve as a political counter-weight to the white harem eunuchs, by the way.
>Black harem women
south arabs and africans are dark skinned in the first place btw, and Muslim courts in north Africa such as Morocco, Algiers, etc. doesn't even seem to prefer them though they're probably easier to catch than raiding Mediterranean
*south Arabs and Indians
> Do Arabs and Turk have guilt over slavery like white people do?
lol fucking no.
We actually brag about it.
Fuck, we laugh about it and joke about it.
If you spoke Arabic or Turkish you whites would be astounded by the amount of slavery glorification going on in our world.
>the idea that the corsairs existed in the first place specifically for supplying a demand for white women
it wasn't the only reason they existed, pirates have operated out of North Africa for a long time, but it was a big part of why their operation got so large.
You're suggesting people back then didn't have specific sexual tastes, which seems odd to me. The Barbary pirates sailed as far as Iceland to kidnap people, the entire village of Baltimore in Ireland was taken. Seems like a long way to go doesn't it?
it really makes me wonder why leftists love you guys so much
Exactly, white people are so fucking weak now it is hilarious.
If some nigger started to preach arab-privilige or arab-guilt we would laugh in his genetically submissive face.
There's an entire field of study for the Indian Ocean slave trade, and it's the real focus of study for people serious about the Arab slave trade in Africa. Subsaharan slave trading with North Africa was and still is a meme subject in comparison, and it's prohibitively more expensive to walk a person across thousands of miles of desert than it is to capture someone off a ship a few miles off shore.
And while south Arabs are fairly mixed already, you can see what I'm talking about in motion by looking at the portraits and family histories of royal families like the sultans of Zanzibar.
>>If you spoke Arabic or Turkish you whites would be astounded by the amount of slavery glorification going on in our world.
>"but muh white racism! Muh Islamophobia! remember how you enslaved da black man! And da nadive amerigans!"
t. every turk I ever had a serious conversation with
>You're suggesting people back then didn't have specific sexual tastes
Except I'm not. I'm saying those specific sexual tastes were molded by availability to the point where the choice was not between white and black, but white and white.
The reason Ireland and Iceland was (rarely) raided was because it was considered easy and profitable to do so. If you ever studied these campaigns, they hinged on an Irish or Icelandic sailor or captain agreeing to guide the corsairs north through regions of least resistance and carry away completely unguarded people.
These pirate raids were a fairly sophisticated economic enterprise, complete with insurance and investors trading stocks and shares.
Those are islamised Africans, not even Arabs, they're dark in the first place, if anything its reverse, Arab migrants whiten them, nothing to do with black Harem slave
Dude, Turkish and Arab language internet is pol on steroids just our version of it and it is the whole fucking internet instead of just a couple cave like cesspools.
The most racist shit is like an everyday post.
We have 12 year olds laughing at Orlando massacres and then the adults join in.
Turkguilt or Arabguilt is not even a considered concept in our world.
Because fuck the weak.
Zanzibar was an Arabian colony.
I'm so fucking jealous. The worst part is most whites are still racist as fuck but the load powerful minority that will shut you down if you post racist stuff in public.
post memri
>Because fuck the weak.
That kind of bragging is a staple of the weak, which is why it's so prolific among the Middle Easterners and /pol/tards, while the social and political elites of the world are free to believe differently.
Middle eastern women are gorgeous, shame they are Muslim.
> That kind of bragging is a staple of the weak
Hahaha, sure thing liberal white cumstain.
If men like you were in any effect through history, we would have pushed all the way to Scotland with our rapetrain.
Fucking modern weaklings.
>muslims think their religion is legitimate
>Did the slaves like it?
Of course
Or are you implying that non-whites can be cruel too?
I bet you're a Drumpf supporter
cognitive relativism dipshit
It is not about religion.
It is my sword will be legitimate on your neck and my dick legitimate in your womens womb.
Weak scum.
Your pike and musket wielding ancestors are rolling in their fucking graves.
That's nice, Ahmed, but please get back to work and wrap up that kebab to go. I've got a Pole coming over to fix my toilet and he'll want to tell me all about winged hussars and shit.
Your understanding of power is like Tyrone or Billy-Bob's understanding of wealth.
Minshaallah God willing brother
you gon get droned sukka
the more muslim people post on the internet the further I am getting convinced that in the end our civilizations will have to clash and solve the problem with outright genocide
> That's nice, Ahmed, but please get back to work and wrap up that kebab to go.
I do not work, oil.
I just fuck black women filipino women and shitpost internet.
> I've got a Pole coming over to fix my toilet and he'll want to tell me all about winged hussars
Yes, because your backstabbing cumstain of a country betrayed his and surrendered them to the Soviets to be economically fuckraped into oblivion for 50 years.
> I've got a Pole coming over to fix my toilet
At least the Pole has identity and culture.
What do you have westerner?
Fish fries and cum in your eyes.
Yes. All you do is abuse third world women with no better prospects than modern slavery and I enjoy the benefits of a nation that toppled countries and exploited geopolitics to create an enormous financial and civil infrastructure that gives even the lowest earning pleb more buying power and net worth than most of your middle class.
Now you understand power, and why you fantasize about having it so much.
> and I enjoy the benefits of a nation
No, you work.
Brown people enjoy the benefits of your nation.
> even the lowest earning pleb more buying power
lol no, even your middle class can barely be above paycheck to paycheck.
Expensive country.
> net worth
Yes, net worth that will go to my cousin and his 6 kids once you and Ms. decide not to have children.
Your culture is dead and your people are dying.
It is over, we already won.
The moment you became altruistic is when we won.
Just wait until climate change kicks in and messes up entire regions of Africa hahaha, 100-400 million people on the march, all towards you, and you stupid fucks will let them in instead of gunning them down.
Egypt population doubled in mere deecades.
Ethiopia population doubled in mere decades.
Nigeria population doubled in decades, expected to overcome USA population within decades.
Hahaha, I can't wait for that shitstorm, I will be watching it from a safe distance haha.
That's a pretty good record actually.
>I'm proud of being a welfare leech
this is why nobody takes you or your """religion""" seriously, and why you're forced to blow yourselves up constantly
it's pathetic, you are literally savages
Does not matter.
Demography is destiny.
>he thinks overpopulation is a good thing
the die-offs when the west falls (bronze age collapse style) are going to be absolutely massive
cry more crank ass whities
i will be so happy when whit* ''''''people'''''' finally extinct
Yes, and when the dust settles, just a fuckton of Muslims around and a fuckton more black people to enslave.
We will take all your advancements and simply continue, just as we did over the corpses of the Romans and Greeks.
Like clockwork.
fuck I lol'd
Implying you'll survive
damn whities, I bet you'll your grandchild will be Muslim and brown
only good white is dead whites
>take all your advancements and simply continue
doubt it, the Wahhabis are literally stone age tier
besides, you'll just get btfo by the Chinese
you never actually made any meaningful advances, just look at what Euros were able to do in comparison despite constant Muslim aggression for 1000 years
>>my sorry ass will legitimately get blown up in a US air strike
Fixed for reality, snackbar. Your life, and the lives of all your family and friends are forfeit.
>That kind of bragging is a staple of the weak
>Vae victis
>staple of the weak
Learn history you ignorant fucktard.
Your drones aren't going to fix European birth rates and immigration inflow.
Fuck white people
No, but the rise of fascist populism will. Mostly because the mudslime death rate will quickly exceed the mudslime spawning rate.
You mean the self-same history that tells that Rome ultimately conquered the Gauls and not the other way around?
>European birth rates
I was hoping genetic engineering and artificial wombs will take over, but you're probably right. The propaganda machine of the left and the deep international state will never allow these things to pass because it threatens their hold on power. They would much rather import a new voting bloc, a new underclass of people to take advantage of.
You will become effectively enslaved, not really so different from your situation now anyways. Don't mock the plight of the last westerners while you so rapidly flock to take up their same end.
>fascist populism
Probably won't happen.
>How racialised was it?
Not much. It was more muslim/non-muslim. They enslaved pretty much everything they could get their hands on.
>Why did they stop the slave trade?
The Barbary states made pacts with some countries not to raid their vessels if they were too powerful, like the UK and France, for example. Ot countries paid tribute like a bitch, like the young United States. Then the US got sick if being a tributary state and invade the Barbary states to put an end to this situation.
>Did the slaves like it?
They tried ransoming the slaves for cash, because that yielded the most profit. Sometimes they were sold to locals or to slave trader, sometimes the slaves were put to put in the nearby quarry.
>How did Europeans react to their people being taken into slavery?
Hostility. They tried to attack the Barbary states , but none ended their piratical attacks until the US did.
>Generally just anything related.
A Dutch convert captain sailed to Iceland and raided it for slaves.
>>Probably won't happen.
Not yet, no. But soon, within the next ten to twenty years. The slaughter will be Yuuugggeee and the streets of europe will run red with the blood of mudslime vermin.
More hands, even proportionally, have probably been chopped off in the US alone in the last 100 years.
Wahabbis aren't stone age, they're deluded anti-Westerners that adore and use technology
>the streets of Europe will run red
yes, this is almost certain.
but in the next 20 years native Europeans will be outnumbered by those faithless who take advantage of virtue, and the outcome will certainly be in doubt.
Don't forget the efficiency of the Hutu, who nearly annihilated the Tutsi in a short amount of time with nothing but radio, machete, and group think.
Neighbors who had known each other for decades, suddenly betrayed.
>criminal system is so fucking shit it caught six thiefs in 4 centuries
Y-yes please
Sounds hot af to be honest.
>you will never be captured with your family and castrated as you are forced to watch your new owner defile your wife and daughters
Nah, white euros won't be outnumbered by muslims and africans in 20 years, it will take at least 50 and the new blackshirts will have arisen long before then.
>Racializing anything
Mudslim aren't Christians or Jews
They're universalist cucks, anyway, you just to look at Saudi Arabs some are niggers or even asians.
Hell, even the so called White Mudslims aka Albos and Chechens are shitskins, samegoes for the so called Asians Mudslims in Indonesia and Malaysia they look like Arab-Asian mongrels or Nigger-Asian mongrels, same goes for the Pakis i also saw Hindu anons calling several Pakis "Arab/Persian/Turk mongrels"
Everything in history was "racialized" to an extent. The idea ancient people didn't care about race/ethnicity/tribe/phenotype just isn't true. Those things were a huge influence.
>Everything in history was "racialized" to an extent
Only for Whiten Jews, and anciet people like the Assyrians.
Non Whites are already mongrels and do not care about their blood being impure.