After death, would you prefer heaven, reincarnation, or annihilation?
After death, would you prefer heaven, reincarnation, or annihilation?
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Reincarnation as another human in a different time period.
Do you mean nirvana? Either way, heaven isn't what most people think it is (a state of oneness with God) and reincarnations ultimate goal is reaching oneness with God.
This one please.
Oh yeah, if you choose reincarnation, pick whether you want to be reborn in the past or future.
the point of reincarnation is to stop reincarnating though
if you reincarnated it means you didn't break the cycle
>After death
If this is even a coherent question to you, then you're dualismfag.
>Listening to Deva propaganda
Asura master race embracing the hedonics of phenomenal reality.
Go home gnosis your drunk...
i'm leveling up my avatar in heaven
Reincarnation and Heaven.
Trust Heaven doesnt have 475672883756739915771999999683 souls in it. We all get reincarnated till we do enough good to get to heaven, or do enough bad to get to hell.
Eternal "pleasure" without pain in heaven would be just as bad as eternal pain in hell.
Anyone who claims otherwise is just trolling.
1) Heaven where only the civilized people find their way.
2) Oblivion has a strong case for getting away from all the severely ignorant.
3) I can't stomach the thought of coming back with the ignorant.
Personally, I would infinitely prefer to not suffer and die; but they're so depressing and rude.
reincarnation, and i say that as an atheist
2) Heaven ( by that I assume you become one with the universe as a spirit, not christianity heaven)
3)Reincarnation, shittiest option.
desu the idea of forever, eternity scares the heck out of me. Like it would be awesome but it is actually unimaginable to think of eternity in any real sense so how would that be?
really gets the meniscus firing
I can't bring myself to believe in any gods or spiritualism, but the idea of eternal nothingness is terrifying
You will not be yourself as you are now, but pure spirit (assuming such as thing as souls exists in the first place).
So don't worry about it.
assuming I meet the requirements, then heaven
you're not supposed to reincarnate right? Either way I lose my memory and still have my karma, thats bullshit and pointless imo
meaningless to me, why not?
eternally unconscious
eternally concious
the later is more scary imo
None of these are true.
I meant it in the case of heaven. Like paradise forever still is odd... the concept of forever, whether it is in heaven or non-existence is spooky
Hinduism is bullshit like the rest.
I choose exposing my genitals and pissing on whoever's offering me the choice.
Nirvana you noob.
Heaven. It'd be cool if Heaven was exploring the entirety of creation. I could explore the cosmos, go back in time and see how Napoleon really lived stuff like that
too edgy for me...
>Get reborn in the future
>Forced to live as a dumb mixed race mongrel
>heaven isn't what most people think it is
And how do you know
You'll experience it all at once, every moment everywhere. It'd get real boring real quick, then you'll find yourself doing stuff like making universes and living lives in limited form for fun/to expand possibility and therefore your knowledge. Wait...
If you don't remember your past life how is reincarnation any different from obliteration?
You'll be able to possess bodies. You know when you lose your senses and control of your body to emotion, that's the devil taking over and playing you like Starcraft.
>the idea of eternal nothingness is terrifying
You already experienced nothingness for 13,000,000,000 years before you were born. Was that so bad?
Think about it. That would suck.
>Wait in line for centuries
>Finally you see it
>Wow, a city that's exactly at the height of what man from the middle ages era could have imagined!
>Complete with castles (to defend against what, idk), and rivers flowing with milk and honey for some reason because apparently those are the most valuable things ever?
>Oh look everything is made of gold... Literally everything... Wait gold isn't even that strong of a metal, why would they make their supposedly impenetrable gates out of?
>Finally get inside after passing a questionnaire that checks to see if you fit a suitable image of morality that middle ages man had
>Get to kneel in front of some hippy Jew and kiss his feet
Sounds fucking fantastic. If that's heaven I might just give hell a try.
>You know when you lose your senses and control of your body to emotion
No that's adrenaline, a survival mechanism. Emotions like anger and distrust can keep you alive at times, there are times where suppressing them would be inappropriate. Don't listen to your cuck pastor, there are in fact times when you shouldn't turn the other cheek and let people walk all over you. Keeping things civil is virtuous, so don't go full nigger but don't be a little passive cuckboi.
If suppressing your emotions leads you to starve the devil takes over and uses food like a carrot on a stick for a rabbit.
That's not what I asked
Don't forget to drink your estrogen, goy.
It is... I'm implying it's extremely illogical for that to be the ultimate outcome. It's so limited and quite frankly, gay.
I want to know the fate of the human race, and then I'm chill for afterlife or annihilation.
Humanity is one big story, and I hate not knowing the ending.
>Don't forget to drink your estrogen, goy
hi satan, nice to meet you again
really makes u think
Fucking autism.
>knocking milk and honey
try it first
Not if I could golf every day
Do we get a choice of what heaven we're getting?
Mormon heaven was pretty nifty if I recall, so that'd probably be my first choice.
One evening as the sun went down
And the jungle fires were burning,
Down the track came a hobo hiking,
And he said, "Boys, I'm not turning;
I'm headed for a land that's far away
Beside the crystal fountains
So come with me, we'll go and see
The Big Rock Candy Mountains.
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains,
There's a land that's fair and bright,
Where the handouts grow on bushes
And you sleep out every night.
Where the boxcars all are empty
And the sun shines every day
On the birds and the bees
And the cigarette trees
The lemonade springs
Where the bluebird sings
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
All the cops have wooden legs
And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth
And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs
The farmers' trees are full of fruit
And the barns are full of hay
Oh I'm bound to go
Where there ain't no snow
Where the rain don't fall
The winds don't blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
You never change your socks
And the little streams of alcohol
Come trickling down the rocks
The brakemen have to tip their hats
And the railway bulls are blind
There's a lake of stew
And of whiskey too
You can paddle all around them
In a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains,
The jails are made of tin.
And you can walk right out again,
As soon as you are in.
There ain't no short-handled shovels,
No axes, saws nor picks,
I'm bound to stay
Where you sleep all day,
Where they hung the jerk
That invented work
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains ...
I'll see you all this coming fall
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
Depends on what your definition of "heaven" is.
Live the same live but with my memories.
The internet without cancer.
Had a dream about it yesterday. Heaven hands down.
Definitely annhialation, 10 times out of 10.
>inb4 edgy
Try walking in my shoes and you'd understand
reincarnation or being reborn in an anime
Not having to see people suffer through this and die a slow, agonizing, depressing death would probably be an improvement.
Heaven, while it sounds great, is too incomprehensible and varied in definition. Certainly few of the heavens described pre-modernity sound at all worth spending all eternity in. Retaining consciousness for eternity at all sounds terrifying AF in general.
Reincarnation - fuck that.
Annihilation is my pick. Can't be much worried about any experience I, by definition, won't have. Can't think of any more absolute release.
Heaven, obviously. I don't believe in that sort of thing, but that's no reason not to prefer it.
For... Eternity?
This universe only has so much time left in it. It's gonna run down and then tear itself apart, after which ya got effectively nothing to explore. Without agency for creation, you're eventually out of shit to explore and experiences you've not already experienced an infinite number of times.
Even with all of creation and all of time, without the ability to forget it all - you'll get bored.
Well that, and with less than two dozen particles and four forces... There's only so many combinations available.
How long can you play Minecraft? As with infinite memory, that's what the universe will eventually become to you, and eventually, it'll become even less.
(And man, those fucking creepers.)
personally i think oblivion is the better of the two, obviously i wouldnt be around to enjoy it- but being alive gets dull after a bit kinda just meh, i'd imagine after 60 years i'll be more than ready to shut up all the business
spend an eternity growing and learning everything there is to know in the universe. consume so much knowledge that you collapse and implode on yourself. the resulting impolsion containing all known truths in the universe is so massive it creates another big bang, thus the cycle repeats.
one can dream
You, you would like this:
But how do you know that's what heaven would actually be like? That's the question is asking
Reincarnation, heaven, then annihilation when I get bored in heaven. But I hope it doesn't happen.
Oh yeah, didn't think of that... I retract my statement: Heaven with annihilation as an option sounds bretty gud. Celestial suicide anyone?
>For... Eternity?
Sure why not. It would take a long, long, long time to get bored.
Assuming our memory is like that on Earth, I don't think it would be possible to be bored of everything.
After a million years, you could rewatch a movie, and it would be like you're seeing it for the first time.
>It would take a long, long, long time to get bored.
I don't think you quite understand the concept of "eternity". A "long, long, long time" isn't even the blink of an eye.
>Assuming our memory is like that on Earth
Well, assuming that, it might be so bad, but that limit is a result of physical limitations and faults. If your immortal soul is subject to the same limitations of the body... Well...
Plus, if we assume the soul's mind works the same way the brain does, it compresses everything into notations of recurring patterns, making time move faster and faster - that being why time seems to move so slowly when you're a child, and so quickly when you're old. A young child remembers every step of brushing their teeth, while an adult, having experienced it so many times, just denotes they did so. So, eventually, even in that scenario, in a hedonistic treadmill type fashion, everything would become same-ol-same-ol, and new stimulating experiences would become increasingly difficult to obtain. With all the persistent patterns running throughout experience, perhaps even, eventually, impossible.
Thus, eventually, pic related.
Well if you reincarnate without memories it is no different then annihilation as everything that makes you up would be gone, but if I had to choose I would say reincarnation, into the future, going backwards in time would be odd.
Isn't most modern people's idea of Heaven merely a form of paradise where everything is perfect?
Kinda of like Instrumentality.
Doesn't this just seem stupid?
Usually reincarnation entails some sort of soul-born evolution. Having "everything that makes up you be gone" rather precludes a soul.
I suppose you could say your point of perception remains and changes its "anchor point", but if that's all the soul is, and nothing else...
Christian heaven is sometimes represented that way, but I dunno how wide spread that is as an adult belief. "Eternal joy in uniting with God and your passed loved ones" and other such abstract concepts seem to be the rule of the day.
The Bible is all over the place with it (beyond that it's apparently really bright), save in Revelation. In there we're told there's a big jasper wall, pearl gates labeled with the tribes of Israel and various other signage involved, surrounding a gold city, some 1,400 miles wide and tall, sitting on labeled foundations of various precious stones. Other odd descriptions akin to "[A throne watched over by] beasts, full of eyes, with six wings and neither rest day or night in their proclaiming the holiness of God", and other such stuff that reads more as symbolic code and numerology than an actual recounting.
...So you can see why they tend to go with the more abstract stuff. In the more modern concepts, joy is supposed to be measured by your distance in emanations from God, and heaven is supposed to be as close as you can get - the other place, being the furthest.
initially I was going to vote annihiliation (I still do), but I want to emphasize on this Veeky Forumserary board, even at the hazard of reducing mystery, that this is the best post in the thread.
I have grown to love this song. I myself have busted ass in working class jobs, and continue to do so, with absence of meaning. But it goes beyond that. Here, there is something /better/ than heaven - a world of instant gratification, requiring no submision to some other thing - a straight-up pleasure palace of which one never tires, where the ancient elites, who understood that work is for plebs (unlike the poor modern elites who are obliged to take high-powered jobs to keep up appearances) and hobos alike are free to do the best possible thing - not fucking work. One of the best lines: "where the hung the jerk/that invented work", which also works as a rejection of traditional notions of God, if you are so inclined (I am). IIRC the song is specifically related to old medieval ideas of "a pleasure-world" that had little to do with heaven. It was necessary to imagine such places, exactly because life in general is so miserably hard and unpleasant, and was far more so back then.
Annihiliation, sloth, not burning in hell, not kowtowing to anyone, not suffering. Truly, the asians were onto something, but in my western treatment, it's the Jehovah's Witnesses who get credit for theologically maintaining annihilationism. See, this, I can deal with. I will be quite happy to be totally destroyed, as they see it.
Beautiful, beautiful song. Everything about its sentiment is beautiful. I do sing parts of it to myself sometimes, when I am in a tight spot.
I can tell you right now that most Catholics I've known in my life ascribe to the concept that Heaven is just God's domain and you live in a perfect utopia of clouds and light and shit.
I have a lot of problems with this concept because the Bible is pretty explicit about who can get in/can't.
Thus it seems to imply that if we were to take this more modern version of heaven that it's literally just Instrumentality and not a place of existence where multiple (read as: however many as necessary) are transferred.
Multiple consciousness's/soul's that is.
The human brain can't fathom the concept of "forever". If you die but are somehow still conscious, you wouldn't have a human brain.
We are all visited by the little blue haired harbinger of death and are all made one in an endless ocean of tang.
Same difference, I suppose.
If you're interested in what the afterlife is really like read a few of these:
Actual recounts of people who have seen it. Common threads among their stories include
1. A dark tunnel that takes you to a realm of light
2. Some form of 'life review' where you see your entire life and get judged on it
3. An all encompassing feeling of love and acceptance
But this is why I hold it to be a retarded belief, just like Instrumentality is.
I know the supposed rules, and so if there is any basis for them -- and I apply even the smallest hint of Bayesian logic to the circumstances I find myself in, I'll have to immediately default to this being an Instrumentality situation and thus the locality defaults from its status of "paradise."
For instance, say I had major oneitis. And that person appeared in my "Heaven" yet I knew for a fact that they despised me, or didn't even think about our relationship after however many decades passed.
How would this be heaven for said person? And further, why would they want to participate in my version of heaven. Additionally, let's take this a step further.
I had a very good friend who was a Jew that killed himself. Because he was A. a Jew, and B. he killed himself, there is absolutely zero possibility of him gaining entrance to heaven. And yet without his presence, I could argue that I am not in heaven as I am being deprived of his person.
Yet if he was there, I would also know that I wasn't in heaven either because of the aforementioned rules.
Basically... I think the whole modern concept is retarded and that the notion of a Christian afterlife is terrible regardless of when you pluck it from the timestream.
You can have your ultra-orthodox prison, which in no way appeals to me, nor comes off as being heavenly in any way. Or you can have your absurd simulation. They're both gonna suck ass, but for different reasons.
You're making the VERY flawed assumption that the joy you experience in heaven has anything to do with earthly joy. In short your 'oneitis' won't even matter to you in Heaven things like that would seem absolutely trivial when you're bathing in Gods love.
Why would you even have the idea that Heaven means you finally get to hook up with your high school crush? That's kind of cute in how incredibly naive it is.
of course, the accounts are flawed in that the people went to the brink and "came back". It is very easy to argue on both sides about this.
I do recall an old oxford debate where a near-death-experience survivor and learned man did describe especially the latter point that you've laid out, user.
Because of Free Will.
>inb4 no such thing
Then sin doesn't exist, and we can't be held accountable for our actions by God as actors due to determinism.
God can't make me love him, and if I am dead set on following all of the rules to get in, and get in, yet won't yield and decide to just sit down and give god the middle finger the entire time there's jack all he can do without violating his own covenants.
Do you know how naive you sound right now?
Meh, I think the idea is only the like minded will end up there, hence the low numbers of intakes, or, among the more inclusive religions, that we'll all be singing kumbaya in the light of God as we realize that all our differences are ultimately meaningless as we bask in his greatness while all negative emotions are somehow banished, or some such.
...Or tang - we're all part of God and merely returning to the source. Which I suppose works from a Spinozan style sort of view - none of us have our own consciousness anyways, we're just flawed mirrors reflecting the light of the higher consciousness of God.
Either way, yeah, quite a hit to individuality - but as other musings in this thread have hinted towards, given how much of our individuality seems dependant on our physiological form and function, I suppose it at least makes sense that you'd lose some of it, or all of it, in death.
Loving God is the #1 rule to get into Heaven so if you don't love Him then it's a non issue. That said God is love so to hate God would involve hating everything that is good in the universe, you'd need to be a supremely twisted individual, or just an edgy 14 year old, to think you could ever 'hate' God in any meaningful sense
That isn't technically true. That's just the accepted, and feel good thing people say. I simply have to accept that God exists, and follow the rest of His covenants and teachings through the Son. That's literally all there is to it.
I can tell you right now after all of my time sitting in church pews, and going through Catholic school I've never once had a priest or nun say to me, "And do you love God with all your heart?" They just want you to accept the glory and goodness that is the trinity. Reciprocation never comes up outside of hymns and prayers.
In any case, I am not going to let you try and lead the conversation astray.
God may be love, but if I am not able to be with people that added some meaning to my life then guess what? It isn't paradise. It's compromise.
The point is in Heaven you won't care about those people anymore, at least not in the traditional Earthly sense. The grandiosity of creation will be laid out before you, you will understand Gods creation in all it's glory and bask in his love for all eternity. The idea that Heaven means you get to bro it up with all your old friends is a rather quaint idea. It's not a country club where you get to rub shoulders with your ancestors, it's heaven, where the ultimate purpose of your existence is achieved.
I just want to be able to see my family again someday.
Heaven is a neverending party.
Annihilation and reincarnation are not possible.
Hell is a bubling lake heated with fire where the excrements of all creation go to aswell as the cursed. Literally boiling shit.
The only mildly amusing part of hell is a mechanized sign that tips its fedora towards hell while a sign reads "ow, the edge".
>wanting a neverending party while people in hell are suffering horribly
How very christian of you. If you were an actual christian, and not a /pol/ CINO, which is what you probably are, you'd feel sorry for those below you and would do everything you can to help them.
Unfortunately, you're too proud and too vengeful to even consider them as equally valuable as you. If you were an actual christian, you'd know that God doesn't really like that
Luckily you get a cosmic perspective in Heaven, that informs you of why it is necessary they be there.
Yeah, and you'll also get one, which will inform you that spouting out of context Bible verses to show how le redpilled you are to the cool kids on /pol/ doesn't make you a christian
Fucking cringelord. Why don't you fuck off back to /pol/ and blame the jews some more for the fact that you're sad and lonely
No, I wouldnt feel sorry, true christians are hated, reviled, commited to psych wards unjustly and many more things by the world.
I'm not your usual church going larper I'm the gnostic persecuted real deal.
I've been going to Church my entire life dumb fuck
>I'm the gnostic persecuted real deal.
Wow. Sometimes there isn't enough cringe in the world
Ah yes, the world despising me again.
You're proving my words true.
Sure, and the jews are the real reason why you don't have a girlfriend. It definitely isn't the fact that you're a spiteful little muppet who projects his own failures and shortcomings onto others.
Now, would you do us all a favor and take your "pious" ass back to /pol/? I heard they need some more out of context Bible verses to justify being a spiteful loser, and you seem like just the kind of guy
Yes, behold, the true magic of a persecution complex. What a martyr you are. You can congratulate yourself endlessly without having to leave your house and actually helping others. I'm sure your inaction will turn this sinful world right around
/pol/ isn't a board I visit and I'm actually genuinely confused why you're being so vitriolic considering I haven't posted anything offensive, nor have I actually quoted any Bible verses like you keep saying so what are you on about?
reincarnation as a qt girl (female)