B.C./A.D. or C.E./B.C.E.?

Seriously why the fuck people start using this Common Era crap? They're both based on the Gregorian calendar and it "fixes" a problem that doesn't even exist. Political correctness once again ruining everything. Lindybeige has perfect video explaining why all this is utter bullshit.


>inb4 lindyposting

Other urls found in this thread:


None of my colleagues use it privately or in casual conversation but some publishers are quite uppity about it so we use it professionally just to be safe

Very few essays that I've marked have used it. I once did mark one where the student had used it and I cheekily gave it a strikethrough and wrote "Ha!" next to it

I personally think we should use an updated version of the old roman calendar instead.

>basing dating on the life of one man who wasn't even born in 0-1A.D.

My real question is: at what point will we determine a new era has begun and what will we name it? Will we start again at 1?

Or will we just keep going to like 12,000A.D.

>sjws and communists (read: satanists)

>I personally think we should use an updated version of the old roman calendar instead.

Not sure if clever or stupid.

What's wrong with having the western world's calendar start at the foundation of the city that would ultimately wind up creating the very foundation of the western world?

Long Count.


Whichever you like better, unless there's some professional requirement, because who gives a fuck?

Theoretically, I prefer CE/BCE because fuck religion.
Practically, I prefer BC/AD because it's one letter and punctuation mark shorter.

>Political correctness once again ruining everything.
You're also complaining about about a non-problem. Why do you care if someone uses BCE/CE?

12017 Human Era. :D

>Theoretically, I prefer CE/BCE because fuck religion.
Back to ribbit


I've never been on /pol/ unironically.

Clearly, however, you have and still do. Dozens of you turds came from Reddit, to /pol/, to Veeky Forums once it was opened. I, on the other hand, am not a Straight Outta Reddit intellectual.

>fuck religion

Because BC/AD is objectively incorrect about when Jesus was born.



I only recently realised that the AD notation isn't a replacement for a regnal year system.

AD years *ARE* regnal years.

Blew my brainlet mind.

When you're publishing books or research papers now the audience is the entire world and not just your own country or the West so using AD doesn't really make sense.

>i believe Veeky Forums is /rel/
Stay pleb

>fuck religion


Why so triggered every time?

Who gives a shit

Are you retarded? The fact that its 2017 AD doesn't magically change when you cross a border.

hey there lindy

Clearly annotating something as "in the year of the Lord" is not really appropriate for a non-Christian audience.

I'm not sure why that's such a complicated concept for you to wrap your head around.

Professors was an atheist and was very adamant about writing down Ce instead of ad.

Who cares what some heathens think?


>Being this bigoted and intolerant of other cultures
>>"but it's ok when it's with Christianity"

Why is that not appropriate? Should we also scrub our language of all biblical terms and references, lest non-christians are offended?

When referring to AD one simply continues to use term that's been commonly used for 2000 years. I'm not verbally crusading, I'm merely using a term that clearly conveys what I'm trying to say.

This. If it comes down to being pedantic and nitpicky, BC and AD don't even make sense as terms because they're factually incorrect.

What's the point of assigning those terms to Jesus, when the events being described don't fit the chronology as intended? Plus, in America at least, there's even more confusion caused by a common misconception that AD means "After Death." It sounds kind of ridiculous, but I've run into tons of people that think that (even in college), and it throws off their understanding of those dates even more.

>factually incorrect
Back to ribbit

We'll be going to at least 40k.

God damn I wanna punch each one of these retards. Muslim women face some of the worst abuses, the largest oppression, and are given the fewest rights amongst all cultures and religions in the modern world, and these retards celebrate it as apart of them trying to fight against imaginary oppression in the US, when they should be fighting against the fucking Koran. Hell, the bitch in the picture insulted a woman who was a victim of Muslim Genital mutilated practices, and she said the woman doesn't even deserve a vagina. Absolutely despicable.

I use these.

I'm not much into the social justice stuff, but isn't CE a whole lot more offensive than AD? Why does the west just get to decide when the "common" era starts?

>Veeky Forumstorian
>Attempts to downplay the importance of a cornerstone of human history

He prefers CE/BCE, I'm pretty sure he's /humanities/

The issue is that any calender or naming system is rather arbitrary so only autists and sjws get worked up about it.

top kek

A.E. / B.A.E.

Atomic Era / Before Atomic Era is the only logical, scientific and historical choice for a global dating system.

Human Era (as in ) is a neat idea for minimum effort.

Modern Era (as in post-colombian exchange) is also a pretty neutral start point, as it marks the point where exploration of the planet gets to its final stages and all of humanity is finally accounted for.

Spare Era might also be a good one, whether it starts with the first man on Earth, the Moon landing, or the first colony outside of the Earth (this one is the best candidate, if it ever happens).

And lastly, we also have Post Apocalypse if WWIII ever actually happens.

That video and Kurzgesagt in general send me into depression and day long drinking knowing we're galloping towards Brave New World at incredibly high speed.

I started using it precisely because it pisses people like yourself off.

Now if only we'd switch the start point to the first successful atomic test and overhaul the calenders entirely.

I think an alternate choice could be the Columbian Exchange.

The only reasonable option is P.A.E./A.E.

Pre-Agricultural Era/Agricultural Era with the start point at the Agricultural Revolution.

>Not dating everything from the founding of the city of Rome.