Just thought how it must be like, to view the world through a mindset of somebody who believes in physical deities/forces.
Whats it like, thinking that you might walk past Zeus in disguise one day?
Just thought how it must be like, to view the world through a mindset of somebody who believes in physical deities/forces.
Whats it like, thinking that you might walk past Zeus in disguise one day?
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Pagans worshipped fallen angels and demons.
Israel was the only one who knew the Creator God in those times.
t. Abraham Goldstein
1.Go to /pol/, /int/ or quroa
2.Find the Desi-general
3.Seek Hindu.
4.Talk about gods
Had an interesting talk with a guy about household-deities.
>fallen angels
>Implying the deities/angels are not positive emanations of the godhead and will help you to understand him better
I wouldn't know, but my ancestors probably know what it feels like to kill pagans, since they took part in the Northern Crusades.
>Whats it like, thinking that you might walk past Zeus in disguise one day?
I dunno, what's it like thinking you're going to live forever with your skydaddy after a giant golden cube descends to earth?
I'd imagine the feels aren't that different, mate.
The romans also had household deities, and a lot of the little polytheism of europe, spirits of the grasslands, forests and mountains survived in one form or another until the 19th century or so.
OP, this question is going to be very difficult to answer, not because of monotheism, but because of the modern scientific way most people in the developed world view the existence of the world they live in.
Japan never christianized, and yet the average person there doesn't seriously believe in the shinto gods and goddesses anymore.
European paganism is superior to Middle Eastern monotheism in every way. The world would be a happier place if we were all still pagan.
Difficult to answer but really interesting to discuss, I think.
Dude, imagine watching a sunset in 500BC, not knowing dick about what we know now, and wondering how the fuck any of it was possible. The feels were worlds different you fuck.
It will feel bad after I beat you up, LARPing faggot.
>Dude, imagine watching a sunset in 500BC
>not knowing dick about what we know now
If I cared I probably knew a good deal of asterism and procession and astrotheology, sorta like I do now.
>and wondering how the fuck any of it was possible
Because that big hot warm thing that maybe has its own priesthood is crossing the horizon?
And how is that sentiment any different than when a low tier Christian apologist says "Tides go in, tides go out, you can't explain that?" Why are so many Christian creator arguments rooted in natural wonder?
Functionally speaking there's little difference between evokation of a godform and evokation of the transusbsantiation; from the psychocultural standpoint I can see no reason why they'd be fundamentally different ritual states.
Nah dude, Zeus comes back as a bull and rapes the mothers of kings.
lol Ok buddy
Different user here; agreed.
How different situations, religions and languages shape people's perceptions and thoughts is hella interesting.
I would agree. I'd also posit that perspectives from another culture are less alien than one would be inclined to think.
Entertaining a foreign perspective for a moment might be not as alien as you are inclined to think, to life a foreign perspective and see every little mundane shit though its lense is tho.
Tell me more about this cube
>Had an interesting talk with a guy about household-deities
My senpai has one of those.
>and yet the average person there doesn't seriously believe in the shinto gods and goddesses anymore.
Read Rev. again.
We have a whole academic discipline rooted in doing exactly that. Not to mention the people doing it for shits and giggles.
People are different, yes, but to think each culture is this incomprehensibly alien special snowflake is just as essentialist, patronizing, and colonial as thinking they're all backward mud-savages.
Sir, I share your disdain for abrahamic monotheism and your fondness for euro-polytheism, but you really need to read this post I made here. Modern society in most of the developed world isn't christian, it's secular and non-religious, and the self-same change of thinking that scientific thought brought into the modern world that killed christendom dead as a doornail also finished off the "little" polytheism of europe.
>Define "pagan"
t. Chaim Schekelbaum
Shit didn't meant to use the greentext at "define"
Oh really? What proof do you have that Japanese people seriously believe in the Shinto faith?
See what Chinese folk religion or African animism is like today, there's your answer.
The world would be a terrible place if Europe was pagan as the nation gods would be too busy quarreling among each other for land to stand up against a much larger threat like the monotheistic Allah, or his counterpart YHVH.
If anything, most of Europe's problems are what happens when Dionysus, Dagda, and fertility goddess are given too much power: Lots of eating, drinking, partying, and populating in excess.
What's your favorite Pokemon? Imagine that except with some religious fervor
In other words literally autism.
I like to imagine if I had lived in the pre-Christian era, that I would have been one of those enlightened few who worshiped a single transcendent God above all pagan idols.
Perhaps I think too highly of myself.
However, I do believe there is one single god, and that all polytheistic societies are in error. I see this evidenced in the fact that between polytheistic religions, there seem to be none who can agree on how many gods there actually are; is it 12? 88? a million? One God just makes sense. Occam's razor and all that.
If you believe in aliens and technology, which both seem scientifically plausible, then you have to admit that a holographic devise that makes an alien look like a human being is scientifically possible/plausible.
If an alien can do it using a tool, why can't a God do it, provided they exist. Instead of using a tool, they just use their mind to directly manipulate energy in exactly the same fashion.
If they can do that, could they say choose to incarnate and live the life of a mortal? Why not?
27 Eloheim created man in His own image, in the image of Eloheim created him; male and female; created them.…
34Jesus replied, “Is it not written in your Law: ‘I have said you are gods’?
That's a good point. It also seems pretty suspect to me that the pagan deities are just as debauched as the people who worship them. It's almost like they use these idols to justify their own wickedness and dress it up as """"""fertility rituals""""""" and so on.
The pagan deities are literally fallen angels (demon-aliens) who deceive people into worshiping them.
I can't speak for all pagans, but I've dealt with (and dated) a lot of them working for CUUPS, and for the bulk of those... Paganism isn't generally what folks tend to think of it as.
It isn't really religion as we currently understand it. It's more of a system of templates that you draw upon for guidance than it is a simple act of worship. The worship and ritual is more mental reinforcement and decoration than the obedience to divine will found in abrahamic religions.
Regardless of their particular faith, most of the pagans I dealt with treated their gods more of a pantheon of masks that they could lay upon themselves and thus see through. If you wanted to deal with something from a warrior's point of view, you might call upon Ares, if you needed the mother's view, you might call upon Isis, or whatever the war and mother dieties of your particular pantheon might be.
This requires learning the ins and outs, the meditations, etc. etc. to provide a specialized insight beyond your normal perception. It is, after a fashion, a self-imposed multiple personality, allowing you to view the particulars of a situation through different "divine eyes". You'd have to regularly commune with such divine personalities to solidify them in your mind, and the more time dedicated to said, and the rituals that surround them, the more solid and honed your conceptual vision of the deity would become.
But in many ways, the dieties are, in the end, merely a shared tool - a Jungian concept that various members could draw upon... Even if the particulars were always subject to endless debate, due to the lack of hierarchy and organization in the modernized variants of the religions.
The tales are widely regarded as parables to demonstrate the nature of the dieties. So no, not a lot of pagans expect to run into the physical manifestation of Zeus in the street, but they maybe less surprised to be overwhelmed by a personal vision of him.
My cock is literally a phallic angel (demon-alien) and I decieved your mother into worshiping it.
>thread about paganism
>first post is an Abrahamic shitposting
By that reasoning, no gods makes the most sense.
But that aside, Occam's razor doesn't apply here, since it's not a logical rule, just a suggestion for research methodology.
In a polytheistic view of the divine, there are potentially infinite gods, each associated with various phenomena; mankind would not be assumed to know them all, as they don't necessarily have an imperative to talk to mankind.
Just because you can't feel or see the neutrinos doesn't mean they aren't there.
You could say Faster than Light Travel doesn't exist.... which is also true; as far as you know. That doesn't mean anything in regards to whether it exist, has existed, or could exist.
The same thing applies to "magic" and the existence of intelligences which violate our understanding of the "laws" of physics.
I never made any claims about things you can or can't see. You tried to use Occam's razor as proof of one god, but the whole point of Occam's razor is about assumptions. You've already made an assumption that the divine exists, and so an infinity of gods is just as likely as a singular god. There's no hard evidence for any amount of divinity, and so Occam's razor, used in the way you used it (which isn't how it's supposed to be used, by the way) would leave atheism as the conclusion to pursue.
I suppose that would entirely depend on how you define "divinity" wouldn't it?
I would also say that's disambigous to say there is no evidence for "any amount" of divinity.
How did those go from "what's it like to be pagan?" to religious "proof god exists" circle jerk #314159265359?
Meh, I'm sorry OP, but as you can see, Veeky Forums is too full of militant christians and atheists to discuss this sorta thing.
Ya might try on - but while you may get less of that, you'll probably get all sorts of other shitposting. Might at least be more entertaining shitposting though.
Come back when you wanna learn about how all Catholics are really Satanists, Socialism is Satanism, atheism is Satanism, why gays are Satanists, or how blacks never had a civilization, cuz, Satan... Or whatever else is passing for /& humanities/ for the hour.
pegan you know the word pegan is derived fron paugmas es pleam wich sands in place for the over man in nezches prominent works as "the place one comes from" i believe this to be remenisent of ones own interpritation of an ideal self was it this consept that lead to the paridime shift in fate for the 1730s or the idelest movement in the colinys
I agree.
People think God is "oppressive" but think about it like this; what would society think of a dad who lets his children do anything they want? They'd think he's an awful parent, right? A good parent has to say "no" sometimes. A god who agrees with you on everything is no god at all, that's exactly what idolatry is.
>that's exactly what idolatry is.
You might wanna check that definition, particularly if you have Jesus on a cross laying about somewhere.
A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
- Luke 6:45
Well, I don't, because I'm a Muslim.
Yes, Jesus (as he is worshiped by the Christians) is most certainly an idol.
>Abrahamists and neopagans don't know our modern idea of a single all powerful God comes from Ancient Greece.
Shit thread
>Yes, Jesus (as he is worshiped by the Christians) is most certainly an idol
How can God be an idol?
But European paganism is alive and well.
>protestants and muslims agreeing with each other on matters of idolatry
Jesus isn't God. And projecting the idea of God onto an earthly being (whether it's a statue or a living human being) makes no difference, it's idolatry.
>Jesus isn't God
At what point did God leave?
Looks like all the Arians didn't get the memo.
Oh boy.
Autism is speaking, let's listen.
I've seen it with Germanic neopagans as well. It seems to be that hard polytheism isn't really all that common these days, and even in the latter portion of the Roman empire it was uncommon among the educated.
You don't understand what paganism is.
Not a pagan, but my family is primarily made up of Celtic pagans. There's no real belief that the gods and spirits are physical entities, but that they suspend, or rather dictate, natural laws. Abiding by the entirely arbitrary whims and laws, as well as adhering to a moral code in line with the demeanor of the certain powerful forces, allows them to work those forces in their favour.
As an example, most of my family own market gardens or smaller home gardens and still put aside a sacrificial offering during harvest, as well as adhere to a group of rules around when/how to grown and which items are best to sacrifice.
My family is also filled with soldiers, and it's fairly common to take various symbols and iconography for luck, added strength ect. as well as to offer petitions to gods and spirits for supernatural protections.
it's standard christian doctrine.
are all christians autistic?
Oh hey i've been here.
You can hear people speaking under their breathe in the centre while you're at the top.
Pantheism is for you, friend.
Bait is getting increasingly worse, yet anons are falling for it harder. Ergo: Anons' IQ is getting increasingly lower.
That's Helen of Troy you piece of fucking shit.
>facts are bait
stay mad
>God let fallen angels and demons come to ravage the earth and claim innocent souls millennia before introducing the correct religion
Fuck, what a cunt.