The ICO can't deliver great profits like STRAT because its too hyped. The key to get rich is to invest in things that are out of the radar, THIS ISN'T.
We must look for projects that aren't overcrowded and have substance, a task increasingly harder as more people come into the space....
We know she fucked us, tezos could have been good but they have unlimited tezos and unlimited interest
coins are fucked lads
Nathaniel Smith
this is not a fucking overnight pnd coin.
if you understand the scope of this project you will buy it, hodl a year or however long it takes before you can retire.
it's that fucking easy ffs.
Ryan Turner
stop trying to help them
Joshua Bennett
I can't tell if all these FUD threads are just people trying to keep others out of the ICO (for their own benefit) or if they're actually stupid enough to miss out on the most legit project of 2017...
Adrian Clark
Why is this a long term investment again? does it have a limited supply? is it decentralized? why would the token go up over time?
Honestly you might as well buy into eth rather than bancor
Carter Hughes
>is it decentralized
Brody Hughes
>i cant say why this jew trick will go up
Eli Price
Lies, Galia strong, also cute.
Nathaniel Nelson
Buy posw it went off the grid but its coming back to be better than coinbase
Lucas Torres
ok I'll bite.
big issue in crypto, especially for small/specialised tokens is liquidity. bancor solves that. bancor is like the wordpress of crypto. if you want to make some super specific type of currency you can code it yourself, but if you're a non-autist who wants to create a token (to do anything from act like an ETF, to serve as your company shares, loyalty points etc) that has liquidity from day 1 you will use Bancor.
BNT directly increases in value with every fucking shitcoin people create on it and it directly increases in value when ETH goes up. with 80% of the excess funds guaranteeing buybacks at ICO price for the next 2 years, shoving some ETH into this is a fucking no brainer.
make no mention of the partnerships they have already announced (wings, aragon, the fucking architect of the euro), and the ones that are bound to make in the coming weeks.
no you won't make an overnight 10x with the uncapped ICO, but more funds=more liquidity=better chance of success for the product.
ok maybe the 10k people that want in on Bancor will all be able to get in tomorrow. who gives a fuck. this is one of the few coins that has the potential to appeal to a maaaassive audience, not just crypto-nerds jerking off in their moms basements.
Robert Flores
>inb4 "bancor devs shilling on Veeky Forums" >inb4 "you deserve in an oven"
Ryder Richardson
She may not make me rich but she's making me erect
Who is this boner condoner?
Carter Ross
dude she looks like Christian Bale
Brandon Baker
Can you explain how this is different from waves? Niggercoin was very easy to make.
Daniel Taylor
waves has no answer to the liquidity problem.
Also I believe bancor has plans (just rumors for now) to integrate with the Waves blockchain soon, and others later as well.
Jacob Diaz
She is so goddamn beautiful.
Kevin Ramirez
holy shit she's too hot. I HAVE TO BUY BANCOR, I CANNOT RESIST HER
Kayden Cooper
DARCRUS. Recently got investment from a venture capitalist firm. Price jumped from 30 cents to 50 cents. Very undervalued.
Hunter Thomas
Jacob Cooper
Lmao @ any cuck defending this ico
>devs are known scammers >main code consists of 20 lines >main dev thinks web stack counts as code too >only web developer on the project >didn't solve liquidity problem >jews
Will it go up? Sure people are throwing their money at anything Is it legit? Hell nah
Mason Martin
Exchanges serve the same purpose of liquidity; We don't need centralization with BANCOR we have BTC serving the same purpose as a mediator currency that backs all alts. Also, creating a currency is not that difficult and I don't expect people to be making shit coins for every business like a loyalty point system because that defeats the whole purpose.
Jeremiah Adams
>with 80% of the excess funds guaranteeing buybacks at ICO price So no need to invest in the ICO, better wait to see if they fucked up, and if not, then buy at ico price, thanks to the 80% excess funds normies will throw at it
Zachary Gonzalez
I have a couple of questions to ask about bancor, although obviously everyone is investing either way because the fomo is just too strong.
So say I run a donut shop and for some reason I want to make my own currency instead of using £. Firstly why the fuck do I do this, but more importantly, if I'm the one who sets the value don't I just say that one donut costs 1 donutpound? How will the price change? Actually fuck my shitty analogy could someone give me a simple real world use case for this that involves a real normal person.
My other question is about the number of bancor tokens, will it be a fixed circulation? what happens to them when they are cashed in for eth? i just dont get it
Alexander Cox
Bancor jews fuck off. Shill your shekels elsewhere. Sage
Noah Adams
1 eth= 100 banco so unlimited cap for the number of tokens, I'm expecting round 350M tokens that's like 100$m in ethics's but we will see tomorrow, personally I won't buy bancor cause I don't see how the no cap ICO can be a good thing
Aiden Jackson
>fudding to scare people away from the ico and profit off their FOMO
i'm onto you ;)
Jack Robinson
This ICO is not even that hyped compared to status. Status has almost fucking 7000 people in their slack. This only has like 2k. If you want real money try to get into both, status will go in less than 3 blocks just like BAT.
David Butler
Will this be on a market exchange somewhere? IF so which one?! and when?
John Torres
the most basic, dumbed down use of this is this. If i want to buy NGR coin, but nobody wants to sell it on regular exchanges, then I cannot buy any NGR coin.
If NGR is a "smart token", backed by BNT, then I can always buy NGR. Similarly, I can always liquidate my position, even if no one wants to buy it on a normal exchange. BNT will be tradeable ~7 days after the ICO. I'm guessing they'll be on bittrex/liqui.
Brayden Brown
>will be tradeable ~7 days after the IC awesome thanks. Do we know price? like will it be around $1 or $10? any general price?
Nathaniel Brooks
USA cannot purchase right?
Hunter Myers
I've seen plenty of people on bitcointalk having that sonm logo in their profiles, but I can't see how it's different to golem or gridcoin.
the dope thing is they will use 80% of excess funds to basically set up a huge buy wall at the ICO price for the next 2 years. so basically if they shit the bed, you will (if you're quick enough) be able to at least get your initial investment out. also since it's pegged to ETH, if ether has increased in that time, you will gain from that even if BNT fails.
Connor Watson
>hodl a year Just go fuck yourself right now with this meme. Only the most basic retards keep spewing it out. You can make good money by investing into other coins and it takes days or weeks not a full fucking year to profit.
Jeremiah Rivera
What wallet or what ever do I use to convert ETH to IOC? I'm currently using JAxX Waller because boob friendly
Colton Evans
Gl buying (hidden) cap from israeli bankers.
I will keep holding eth
Owen Martin
that's why you use Bancor as a store of value ya doofus. ETH is fine too.
take a decent amount of your gainz and put them in Bancor+ETH and you will have (relatively) stable, long term profits.
Xavier Lewis
it doesnt make sense how you can just sell at a generated price when price is fundamentally derived from the clash of buyers and sellers?
Justin Cruz
Yeah most ICOs are scam at this point but this one take the cake.
Michael Campbell
How quickly was the BAT ICO over? they sold 156,000 ETH of tokens in less than an hour iirc.
Brody Roberts
read through their whitepaper for the specifics.
like I said before, I don't think they will replace conventional exchanges. they will just facilitate the creation of a new class of tokens, which will no longer be reliant on bids/asks. also think about newbies who have no clue how to navigate an exchange. a simple UI that lets them buy whatever fucking starbucks coin or some shit instantly is all they want.
It lasted 24 fucking seconds. Over 10,000 transactions were attempted but only about 155 bought the entire lot.
I read that if all the transactions had gone through it would have been over 250MM, and that was when ETH was not much more than half what it is now. I would not be surpised at all if Bancor raises the 1m ETH stop in the first hour. I think I will sit this one out and buy into smaller ICO's with more room for rapid growth.
Nicholas Thomas
As long as their hidden cap isn't something ridiculous, the more they raise the better since 80% of the excess funding will facilitate a huge buy wall at ICO price.
Also, more funding=more liquidity for the network.
Dylan Harris
Didn't BAT slow down the network for a few hours aswell?
Joseph Peterson
How much are you all throwing into this?
Also can Americans buy?
John Sullivan
Michael Perry
The hidden cap only comes into play if they do not hit the 1,000,000 ETH limit in the first hour. If they hit that, the market cap will be 700MM day one since they are only selling 50% of tokens to the public and ETH is at $350 right now. That seems a little bit ridiculous to me.
Angel Watson
Everything I got. Even if it fucks up, you still get your initial investment back. Nothing to lose really