Were the ancient Egyptians black?
Were the ancient Egyptians black?
No, nobody takes the "we wuz" position seriously. It just like the black Israelite shit, you won't see an actual academic talk about it.
Look everybody, he posted it again.
I never implied that, friend.
Yes, they were. The slaves in pic are western africans, eastern africans have a much lighter skin color.
>thinks everyone who scoffs at we wuzzers is a nordicist
couldn't be further from the truth. I'm Italian and dislike wewuz Blacks or wewuz Nords.
>the left arm in the second part
No, they were whites that emigrated from Thule when the great old ones sent all of antediluvian Human civilization to the bottom of the ocean out of jealousy.
They haven't done real, accurate DNA tests on the pharaohs yet. On highly misleading STR stuff. But they were dark skinned most likely
Those boys are having part of their penises cut off.
>Were the ancient X black?
Every day, all day.
This fucking thread.
If you want to see how they looked, go to Upper (Southern) Egypt today. They pretty much match up with what the art tells us.
"blacks" didn't exist back then
Both of those would be considered black in the West. Tons of AA's have skin lighter than both of those people
ya because blacks in the US are 20% white on average so the range of "black" phenotypes has broadened.
in any case, Egyptians certainly were not "negroid" if I may use crude terminology.
It's hard to believe that this is still a debate. Yes, the ancient Egyptians were black(stuff like pic related pisses me off to no end, acting as if only a few pharaohs were black. Almost all of them were black). Yes, they built one of the greatest civilizations in the ancient world. Yes, modern day egyptians are not black, but that's because whites and arabs teamed together to take down the civilization. They raped and pillaged the land, and took down the society like savage beasts. They then have the audacity to claim that it was them, the barbarians who destroyed everything, that created the pyramids and the sphinx. It's fucking ridiculous. Egypt never turned into a great empire after those filthy arabs came. It was black ingenuity that got it to its height, and it will be black ingenuity that will bring it their again.
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think this thread finally triggered it. We need to take back Egypt. I'm gathering a lot of people well-respected in the African-American community: Lebron James, Kyrie Irving, Rachel Dolezal, the leaders of BLM, hell I'm even thinking about getting some bloods and crips to unite for our army. We're gonna take Egypt back. We're gonna overthrow that fake government. We're gonna make Egypt black again.
Perhaps now but not then. The Egyptians considered themselves as equally distinct from black south nubians as they did white libyans.
nice try
The majority population of Egypt looks like what the majority population looked like in Ancient Egypt.
Stop trying to find some shitty tiny tribe to try and imply those were the ancient Egyptians
The Copts are as close as you can get to what they looked like.
I dont know if id go that far. I've studied a countless amount of their art and its pretty clear that the majority were more pigmented than your average Copt.
The Copts are definitely the best representation of pre-Arab conquest Egypt; especially Lower Egpyt as the studies have shown.
>You've been visited by the Good Shave Slaves
>I dont know if id go that far. I've studied a countless amount of their art and its pretty clear that the majority were more pigmented than your average Copt.
No they weren't
Ancient Egypt was a legit example of a successful multicultural society. There were black people, white people, and brown people.
>Stop trying to find some shitty tiny tribe to try and imply those were the ancient Egyptians
kek dude they were clearly browner than Copts. Its clear that they were of Upper/South Egyptian stock. You'd have to cherrypick pretty hard to think that the majority of Ancient Egyptians were as pale as modern Copts or Rami Malek.
My personal theory is that during the Hellenistic age, power moved up North but idk.
>smooth genitals will come to you, but only if you respond to this post with "thank mr slave"
Soros please go