What does Veeky Forums think of Ernst Jünger?
Storm of Steel is the best account of WW1 I've read.
What does Veeky Forums think of Ernst Jünger?
Storm of Steel is the best account of WW1 I've read.
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A great man, a real German hero
nazi scum.
you need to read about the plight of the jews in WWI
You realise plenty of Jews fought for the Germany Empire? Juenger distanced himself from the Nazis, he wanted nothing to do with them.
Storm of Steel is p good desu.
fuck off, /pol/lock
I enjoyed it. The dude was an absolute mad man in battle.
I was going to read it but then I heard he was mostly fighting the British and I knew it was bullshit because Britain hardly even fought in WWI
Are you retarded? That was pretty obviously bait
I'm a Junger sperg. I've read everything about him available in English
>tfw monolingual scum
He is actually more interesting after WW2 desu but Junger as warrior is very powerful. I recommend On Pain and The Glass Bees for a contrast between the pre and post wars Junger
Junger disliked the nazis though.
I fucking loved it too, the man himself was totally insane in his love for war and indifference to danger, but his accounts are so visual you feel as though you're really their, his memoir of the spring offensive has a real impetuousness and momentum to it.
Some men like him are just protected by the old gods and cannot be killed.
Harry Drinkwaters account is a good one from the british side, its a literal day to day diary though so the format is different but you still feel the emotion in his words very strongly as its often written right in the middle of a bombardment or after an attack.
>Britain hardly even fought in WWI
tell that to the 900,000 dead
I will read Glass Bees next
The British lost more men in WW1 than WW2 moron.
Angry Frenchie who also lies.
Britain was a token force, France was basically holding the western front alone, I'll give you the Brits were doing most of the naval stuff and without them the France couldn't have blockaded Germany as well.
We all know you're the same guy who cries when someone mentions BF1 because you think the British have too much mention.
Just go away, its obvious you have an emotional investment in your bullshit downplaying of the British. 900,000 dead and an entire nation mobilized for war and took part in some of the biggest battles completely dispells your token force argument which no historian accepts either.
What really happened, a Brit steal yo gurl?
how can you sit there and type that and not realize the absurd amount of bias in your post
i've only been able to read an online .pdf but i'm gonna get a hard copy soon, i feel like i'd be able to follow it easier. His descriptions of the battlefield and surroundings and whatnot is really vivid, but for some reason i'm just not able to picture it in my head
>France was basically holding the western front alone
France would've crumbled without Britain and you know it
Less than the French, but far from negligible.
Storm of steel is great to read together with all quiet on the western front
Shows what ww1 was as a different experience for different people
For junger it was great, he was a hero, got tons of medals and saved his brothers live
For remarque it was horror
Thats because different people experience war in different ways
The dedications are telling:
Remarque‘s: “This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure for those who stand face to face with it. It will simply try to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have escaped its shells, were destroyed by the war.
Junger‘s: “To the fallen.”