Which historical figure deserves the title of "Cucklord Supreme" ?
Which historical figure deserves the title of "Cucklord Supreme" ?
>le ebin cuck meme
hahaha le epicccc XDDDD!!!!!!!!!
The man you call your father tbqh
>Claudius' wife Messalina was infamous for regularly cheating on her husband.
>at one point she entered into a competition with a prostitute to see which of them can have sex with more men in 24 hours.
>Messalina won with 25.
His second marriage wasn't much better either. He appointed his wife's son as his successor and eventually get poisoned by her wife, who also frequently cucked him.
Yeah, and you can believe as much of that as you want to.
Women who got too big for their britches and got too involved in politics in Rome were routinely assumed to be as deviant in their sex lives as they were in their political lives.
Plus, accusations of depravity were a handy cover for an Emperor who needed to punish coup plotters but didn't want to call to much attention to the idea that a coup was even conceivable under such an obviously great ruler.
Note that right after Messalina fell, the first thing Claudius does is marry Agrippina the Younger, and adopt her son Lucius (who became the emperor Nero), the last descendants of Augustus -- thus not only shoring up Claudius's position as Emperor, but also putting obvious people around whom a rebellion might form more securely under his control. Not much need to do that if Messalina was JUST a slut, but it makes a lot of sense if there was unrest in the air.
>Implying Claudius even loved her in the first place
less than I expected desu
>Suspended Habeus Corpus and cucked journalists
>Tricked South Carolina into attacking first
>Eternal presidential martyr
he was based as fuck
Stirner was a ultra-cuck.
>based as fuck
>forces the US into it's biggest war
>doesn't deport the blacks
>gets shot
>forces the US into it's biggest war
South seceded, South shot first
>doesn't deport the blacks
because he was killed before he could
he also wanted to go easy on South but butthurt dixie shot him
which is kinda similar to right wing retards voting for tax cuts for rich and against public healthcare
Didn't Messalina publicly "marry" a guy, even though he was still married to Claudius? Her various sexual exploits were probably exegerated, but she certainly had at least that one love extramarital affair.
Go back to bed, Cletus.
I have never met anyone north or south with that name.
wasn't napoleon a cuck
t. op's mom's husband