Is he, dare I say it, the GOAT Economist?
>cut taxes for the rich, goyim
>retards actually believe that taxing the rich more will raise the amount of taxes collected
they will just stash their money offshore or move, retard.
Thus we need laws that prevent such immoral actions. A man shouldn't be so powerful as to dodge the will of the people, Friedman is literally surrendering your democratic ideals to a clique of wealthy bankers and investors.
So maybe we shouldn't allow them to circumvent tax collection instead of just giving up.
>retards actually believe that banning rape will reduce the number of rapes
They'll just do it in Thailand, retard.
Ricardo, Keynes and Smith shit all over him.
Top kek good point
and how exactly is this realistically possible?
Hint: it's not
Look at it this way. tax in usa is 50% everyone flees to country 'y' where tax is 30% thus the will of the people is served in country 'y' but not usa. so long as there are countries there will be people moving (their money) to where they can keep more of it
he seems like more of an evangelist or propagandist for the free market than a researcher to me.
and by researcher I mean a real economist who is actually breaking new ground
then they'll just stop becoming rich in the first place
>people will work 50% less hard for 5 million dollars than for 10 million dollars because humans are automatons
t. neoclassical """""economics"""""
I'm an economist and I legit don't understand what his big deal is. His models are basically the same as those of neokeynesians, except he uses adaptative expectations, which already was a thing in the initial model of the philips curve. Outside of that, his work seems to be either economic history or economic philosophy. He seems to be liked more as a capitalism apologist than as an economist, similarly to hayek, but maybe I'm missing something.
>maybe I'm missing something.
yea a brain lmao
It is easily doable. Taxes on financial transaction, would be a good place to start especially in an economic power-house like the EU or the USA. It's not at all hard to imagine this being feasible.
this is bait
a bad one
you should feel ashamed
lmao no
>tfw an economist was using a bell curve near me
this is true. he's really stupid to anyone who knows anything
Strong laws and the will of the people can only do so much to circumvent laws of economics. People will do what is best for themselves. Even if you manage to keep the rich in your country, you can practically say goodbye to any sort of foreign direct investment, and with it your competitiveness in an international market.
False equivalency. Going to another country to hide your money will harm your country while raping in another country will not.
People will be willing to do more things for 5 million than 10 million dollars
>Hey our market share in the world is declining and our manufacturers are already moving to Asia due to high taxes on manufacturing but I'm sure taxing financial transactions won't move finance to Asia as well this time!
Maybe not the best ever but he is certainly intelligent.