>be Russia in WW1
>on winning side
>lose land
Explain this Autism
Be Russia in WW1
Their army wasn't very good.
The real autism would be funding bolsheviks that would inspire revolutions in your own country and ultimately kick your shit in 30 years later
Regime change and the Bolsheviks signed a cease fire with the Germans.
Because Russia, despite being on the "winning side", was losing.
This isn't rocket science.
Russians bowed out early
No need to include them in jack shit, they made their peace
They lost their part of the war. The French, British, and Americans said "fuck no" to the Germans occupying the land they'd taken and been ceded under the treaty with Russia, but Russia was in a civil war at the time and they couldn't exactly hand the land to anyone else. So they just left it pending the result of the war. Bolsheviks won and got most of what used to be the Russian Empire. The exceptions were Poland, Finland, and the Baltics, who successfully fought the Bolsheviks for their independence during the civil war, and kept it.
>be Poland in WW2
>on winning side
>lose more land than anyone on the losing side
Explain this Autism
If not for the Cuckshevik revolution, Russia would've been treated as the winner of WW1 even though they got objectively BTFO. The same as Poland in WW2.
This. I will never feel bad for Germans.
>le happy merkaiser
Did they? They gained a lot of what used to be German land, and all they lost was the land corresponding roughly to Western Ukraine and half of Belarus.
Meanwhile Germany lost Austria, Sudetenland, the parts ceded to Poland, and East Prussia. Italy lost its African empire and Albanian and Croatian protectorates. Japan lost its fairly old and well-developed colonies of Taiwan and Korea.
By the time the bolsheviks were storming the winter palace, it was expected that the germans would arrive within less than a fortnight. There was no army units available to stall them.
So let's imagine that the bolsheviks didn't kick off october. How do you expect Russia to stay in the war?
Once again, see Poland. Poland got actually annexed as a whole during WW2 but during the peace conferences they were negotiating as the victors and the fact they never officially capitulated helped them a lot.
USSR signed a separate peace treaty and got excluded from all the post-WW1 peace talks because it was factually a different country than the one that entered the war. I think they could've been BTFO to hell and back but as long as Germany got raped in the west and sued for armistice with the Entente, they would probably be speaking Russian in Istanbul now.
>Did they?
Yes. Poland lost over 200,000km2 of land after WW2 and Germany lost 100,000km2 of land. I'm literally talking about lands that were lost. Even when adding in the addition of German terriotires, Polish losses are only slightly smaller than German losses.
Colonies are not reflected in this since the winners of WW2 also lost huge ammounts of territory at the same time as the losers. Just think how much the British empire had shrunk by 1950. India alone represents more territorial and population loss than than all the axis powers lost to decolonisation.
Germans were truly abhorent people. It's good that a healthy dose of anglo strategic bombings and naval blockades, combined with a bit of slavic gang-rape sorted them out for about 50 years.
Now they are starting to get a bit too big for their boots again....
>Poland got actually annexed as a whole during WW2 but during the peace conferences they were negotiating as the victors and the fact they never officially capitulated helped them a lot
Except for the bit where this post-war administration did not involve a single member of the government in exile, seen as the legitimate continuation of the polish administration by most of the allies, until they had to cede to the soviet-dominated government. Seriously man, ask any pole what they think about this form of liberation, they're not too happy about it.
>I think they could've been BTFO to hell and back but as long as Germany got raped in the west and sued for armistice with the Entente, they would probably be speaking Russian in Istanbul now.
with what soldiers would it triumphantly march to its now legally held territories
They got the shit kicked out of 'em.
>100 years later.
>Not know it was Germany's intention on ending the war in the west, breaking the treaty and intervening against the Soviets while they were still just a nuisance
This was the real tragedy of the 20th century. That a temporary solution became a long term nightmare.
Gommunism in a nutshell
Are you retarded?
But he's right, it was the commies who gave Germany a bunch of land.
Russia became the Soviet Union (or whatever it was called at that time) half way through
By the end of it they were communist (ideologically).