People say history has no practical function. This image is proof that isn't true. People need to be able to correct this bullshit in order to create a population which actually has some context to the why the world is what it is and can't be brainwashed into believing whatever stupid shit some shyster wants to fill their mind with.
Why we study history
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Funny because it's mostly the right-wing morons who try to distort history to fit their agenda.
I mean its not a bad comparison right? In that show the fire industrialized and expanded. Kinda happened with Europe.
You probably made that image.
>I mean its not a bad comparison right?
Yes. They are talking about all of world history. Not the expansion of European empires. The idea "everything was peaceful, but that changed when the White people attacked" is retardation on another level.
Fuck conservatives, you have no fucking right to complain
>Defund liberal arts
>do not study liberal arts
>encourage stem and stem only
>attack liberal arts rhetorically 'hurr enjoy bein barista'
then you complain why it is left dominated or liberals manipulate it. Because there are not enough conservative interest.
'its dominated by liberals' due to your anti intellectualism and general disinterest to the subject, the right wing interest in classics/history/philosophy etc are very recent phenomenons (for usa at least) I would understand the poorfags who would need a job post college but personally knew many interested and bright conservatives rich kids who went to finance/business majors due to peer/family pressure,
It should read "Most of the world lived in literal shit. Then, everything changed when the white people came."
You realize throughout most of history conservative WERE the intellectual class, right? Even as late as the 1940s the most prolific writers and critics were right wing.
People like Molymeme or Sargon are way more dangerous than this garbage. Same with conspiracy theorists and holocaust revisionists.
Yes, but even pre 1940s conservatives attacked the liberal arts for not being `utilitarian enough'
In defense of conservatives there were plenty of them who defended the liberal arts, take 'Value of Classics' for example from 1917. But guess which side won the war.
Also liberals are also at faul, FDR's G.I. bill flooded the good and decent universities with soldiers who should never have been there in the first place, not only they diluted the academia but they also imposed 'everyone should go to college' mentality to their boomer kids.
No. Those people may have a perspective which you disagree with. This image is bullshit on a whole nother level and reaching young minds who don't care about history anyway and are going to observe whatever narrative is simplified such as this.
Except their views have been discredited by historians long Time ago.
Propaganda is only effective if It appears true.
>Propaganda is only effective if It appears true.
To most Americans this appears true. Although it's 100% false. Hence true historians have their work cut out for them this generation.
Except it doesn't.
In all honesty, every Democrat I know believes this kind of stuff and posts it all over fagbook.
American students know notoriously little about history, user. They know more about Avatar than American history. Let alone world history.
I can also generalize like that and Sa that every Republican believes that Rome fell because of moral degeneracy.
And of course they compare it to modern world, which is not history but dangerous propaganda.
>mostly the right-wing
In school I only remember being taught about the islamic golden age, colonialism, slavery, imperialism, the rise of hitler and the holocaust. The subject choices alone aren't bad history but this was combined with hand picked sources that only show one side of an argument and patent bullshit like Europeans didn't bathe. There were no debates, no discussion of how careful you need to be before jumping to conclusions, the conclusions were fed to me.
Wtf? Tribal warfare has existed since forever. The Levant has seen some of the biggest wars since civilization began, Mayans and Aztecs subjugated and tortured surrounding weaker tribes, East Asians fought East Asians, East Asians fought people in the Stans, shit there have been entire civilizations wiped off the face of the earth by empires that had nothing to do with Europe. They're also implying it started with colonialism, when it would have been Rome if anything, and how does that explain shit like what the Mongols did? Absolutely untouched by Europeans then BAM they're riding through Asia killing people and making mountains of skulls just cuz.
Why do SJW's literally lie to demonize one race of people over others? European colonization was a cakewalk compared to what the Assyrians, Aztecs, Mongols, Muslims, and others did... If anything it gave them a chance to become civilized.
>Fuck you for disregarding psuedoscience and psuedohistory!
>It's your fault the left adopted them!
Frankly, I don't believe you. Where are you from and what textbook did you use?
We just want jobs, you idiot.
And conservatives have always been interested in history, conservatives are the ones who learn Latin and Greek to study the classics. We're just not so foolish as to think we can get a job with that.
Is anyone hiring a bullshit corrector? Please I'll do anything.
Discredited but not disproven. The people who fund historians have an agenda to push just like everyone else in power
Moral degeneracy was a symptom of its downfall but not the only reason.
>dangerous propaganda
How so, Schlomo?
>history major
>work directly under my state director of the Republican Party who was also a history major
You're full of shit. The defunding of liberal arts departments comes from both sides of the aisle and has come from the monetization of universities which began in the 1940's. Don't blame conservatives, blame increasingly greedy university administrations (who are also usually left-leaning).
America. It's all nigger bullshit, user. Nigger bullshit.
Roman Empire fell when it was Christian. Early empire was more 'degenerate' than late empire which was actually rather conservative.
I believe history is the most important study. It surpasses all the more practical fields like math and science, as those only truly matter in the circumstances of a society. History is how we as humans understand ourselves and how to make the world a better place. Without it, the world would have no direction to go in.
Yes but the people became over tolerant and complacent. They allowed their hallowed ethics to be degraded. Christianity may have played a huge role in this decline in ethics. What made the Romans strong was dying.
That image is from tumblr, taking that as representation of how average people view history is equivalent of doing the same with pol
Both are idiots on far edge political spectrum
Reminder Roman Empire survived in the east in tell the 1400s.
Also American and can confirm. We learned about the Holocaust in 4th, 8th, and 11th grade. Slavery was also the main subject in history (which was called "social studies") for 3-4 separate years. These were the big chapters that took up half the semester while everything else just got a brief mention. I think the moon landing got about 30 minutes and a 5 minute video clip, meanwhile the Holocaust got like 100+ hours, watched the diary of Anne Frank one year, had to read the book another, had to read Night by Eli Weasel, had to write an essay on it, watched some other Holocaust movie, wrote an essay on that, etc. The slavery chapters follow a similar trend, as well as stuff about how the natives got genocided by whites.
Also had to take a mandatory Holocaust prevention class when I got into my profession (will not out which agency I work for but it's state level, no NSA/FBI here). It seemed very official, like we had special instructors from the Holocaust museum that flew in to teach it and had to sign a state document saying we attended. The whole class was about how German officials made the Holocaust happen and how we can prevent another one from occuring. The indoctrination is very strong in the US.
I'm being honest. This "fucking white people" stuff is pretty common amongst leftists. A lot of them actually believe Thanksgiving should be called Indian genocide day and that we murdered 100 million natives here.
>implying those aren't centre-left doing it le ironically
millennials aren't given power for a reason
>in american highschool
>teacher asks the class why history is important
>class drones out "so that ((it)) doesn't happen again
We had the holocaust just about every year of school in both social studies and english class.
>tolerant and complacent
Can you point to any historiographical information which indicates that this was the case or did you just make it up
Yes, holy shit was this ever tiresome. Robotic planned responses to things that you know are "right" in the back of your mind, as in, you know it's what they're looking for
I wish i fucking learned this much shit in high school.
In australia it's just
Gold rush
And a very shallow runthrough of medieval england.
The average person is historically illiterate and completely defenceless next to this.
This kind of education, along with the assorted myths that so frequently get pushed by teachers are precisely why /pol/ exists.
Why do leftists always try to disassociate themselves from the current liberal groupthink where it is socially acceptable to talk about white people the same way the Nazi talked about Jews during the Weimar Republic?
I mean, this phenomenon *literally* comes from post-structuralism and post-modernist studies and people like Foucault or Derrida certainly weren't "right-wing".
Because they're ashamed of "SJWs", hence the whole "SJWs aren't real leftists/liberals" narrative. Or the more ridiculous "they're actually right-wingers!" one.
They want to de-politicize SJWs even though all SJWs do is parrot academic leftism.
>where it is socially acceptable to talk about white people the same way the Nazi talked about Jews during the Weimar Republic?
Yep this.
As a Greek, the sort of language you hear used about whites in the US is the sort of language that precedes pogroms. Honestly.
>"they're actually right-wingers!" one.
What? When have they dais this? I want to see this, myself.
See: Sargon of Akkad and other people who use the "regressive left" term employing the whole "horseshoe model" bullshit.
>"Heh, both sides actually believe in something with conviction. That means they're the same."
History is useful to individuals. You learn how people screwed over, lied to, and tricked other people. Once you learn that, hopefully you learn how to spot lies as well.
>confirmed nigger
>"both sides are rabidly ignorant of truth for the sake of their political agendas"
and now it's a bunch of dumb-dumbs
Not an argument