ROLL CALL. Who's Long on ARK?
I am.
Still up $6k so I can't bitch.
Bag holding LBC though...
Selling at 2 bucks, literally no point in longing a coin in a bull market.
no, but will consider buying if it dips below 0.00025
Sold when it looked like it was about to drop and I forgot to set a rebuy order. I hope it's dropping.
Holding 10k ark here
Me too bud
I got 275, putting them away for a couple years.
my hands are getting weak brehs. pls give me some encouraging words
I speculated with it and already made 18k € with my first investment. I sold 15k ARK today and kept 5k ARK. Let's see what the future brings.
Too much hype, grew too fast.
Early adopters are newcoiners who will lose patience and dump their bags for the next hyped coin.
It's just consolidating. Nothing unusual. What's happening is an indication of health, and we can expect it to drop down to 23k before picking up it's bullish trend.
Holding 14k
It's going to crash isn't it?
Here you go
Never understood what these graphs mean.
>tfw only 335 ARK
Bots are controlling the price currently. You can ride the waves and make extra if you are ballsy
Maybe read about what coins do instead of doing everything Veeky Forums says and then you wouldn't be a giant bitch because you would know the coin your holding is solid.
If you like money then you should fucking learn. Internet is there for a goddamn reason. LEARN STUFFS
Green is buy orders, red are sell orders. The big green wall is a good sign
I'm aware of the bots controlling the price. That's what worries the most. They can dump it whenever they want.
LBC will be the next BTS/DGB. DONT SELL
Thank you user
If I could find the name of the graph I'd happily learn. Unfortunately, people don't title all their fucking graphs like they were taught in primary school.
How the fuck does it keep dropping if the buy orders are that big in comparison to the asks
They're manipulating the price to keep it low, so they can acquire more. The end goal of that is to pump it higher so they can cash out. They will then pump it to a higer price (~$4-5?). Even if you miss the height of the pump, it will end up in the $3-4 range
So youre saying to hold?
Yeah, even if the growth of ark was natural (which I'm no so sure), this past week the bot was shaking weak hands to get their coins, so I understand this situation mimics a pump phase.
I just don't want to miss the tip.
Some people say bot manipulation, which might account for some of it (I personally think the effect is overrated, though it does exist). The problem is that it mooned recently, and now it's settling down a bit. The price doubled between 6/6-6/7, and it's still up 30% in the last 5 days. Also, almost all alts are down due to climbing BTC/ETH prices, but once those go sideways for a couple days, alts will start climbing again.
How long do we need to hold until that happens?
Is it likely to be a fast grower and get dumped in a couple of weeks or are we talking months?
nigga I only have 50... Got them for $9 though so I can't really complain
I don't really know. I don't try to time the market, I just buy coins I believe in and hold until they make money. I don't have the time to try and analyse markets, I just know that eventually good projects get noticed and go 4-5x pretty regularly, so I just try and spread my money between a few I believe in and wait.
I get what you mean but my concern is more around your statement that we might miss the peak and get caught in the 3-4 range.
What's the odds that it just totally crashes after the whales dump it?
26K coins here. Bought in at 10k sats. Loving life.
It will follow a pattern that lots of coins follow.
Look at Stratis. Starts low, absolutely moons to $11, from like $.5. Could be bots, could be over exuberance, or just people chasing pumps. After that, people kind of wake up, realize they may have over bought after it stalls, and start selling to lock in profits. Then it drops dramatically, hits a bottom that is much higher than the beginning of its run, and then starts rising again.
My point is, if you're holding ARK now, you are going to get a huge return somewhere down the road (2-5x). If you time it perfectly, which will involve checking the charts every five minutes, analyzing peaks and drops, and driving yourself crazy, you may sell at the top. Or you may sell too early, and miss out, or you may sell too late and settle for 3x, instead of 5x.
god dayum
35k sell wall absolutely demolished. it will test 40k soon
Elaborate on your reaction please. That graph doesn't look particularly spectacular to me.
awesome, cant wait for it to push up, combined with the ETH rise recently i'll have had an amazing 7 days
It's up like $.07 in under 10 minutes
Alright who's messing with the bots, because you're doing a damn good job at it, take all their money if you can.
someone probably ddosed em, lmao
Same thing is happening on Ubiq.
Both were manipulated by the same bot.
Didn't plan on it until I make 2x. It's poised to moon a bit more
good fucking riddance. ready for moon mission brehs
never selling it tho, holding till 10$
Down 7% on ark.
LBC has been treating me nice.
Called Market depth on poliniex, order book on Bittrex
Thank you
Learn how to watch for whale manipulation using all the charts. If you're savy you can make a lot more $.
2500 ark. it hurts watching my portfolio go down 1k in two days, but I know it will be worth it in the end. Every time ark goes up by $2 worth, I get $5000
Looks like the bot is back. Thinking about shorting this fucker.
Huh. So that's how math works?
Thanks for laying it out for us, bud
Get the fuck off my board.