Why did the West betray Spain during it's most crucial hour? Why were the only nations that supported the Republic turn out to be the Soviet Union and fucking Mexico. Why did thousands go to volunteer to defend democracy but the supposed defenders of democracy tried to block them from going such as in Britain? Was it a lingering feeling of non-interventionism from the end of WW1 or was it just purely out of not caring, someone else's problem? Genuinely interested for an answer.
Why did the West betray Spain during it's most crucial hour...
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Due to prevailing public opinion stemming from the unsatisfactory conclusion to WW1 the US was firmly committed to isolationism despite Roosevelt having pro-republican sympathies and attempting to send a small amount of arms to Spain through France. Recently passed "Neutrality Acts" meant that the US could not legally trade arms with ANY belligerent power.
>Why were the only nations that supported the Republic turn out to be the Soviet Union and fucking Mexico.
Because they were literally anarcho militant atheist commies and those were the only two governments that sympathized with that bullshit.
France wanted to help, but the Eternal Anglo diplomatically prevented France from doing so.
You seem to think the Republic was "true Spain" for whatever reason.
The republican insistence on doing this kind of crap: en.m.wikipedia.org
Didn't help, this however is something both the USSR and Mexico sould understand having both done similar shit
Franco was a faggot and a fucktard, but the Republic was a complete disaster.
Why would the dominant colonial powers (one a fucking monarchy) be supporting fucking commies?
Because of the upper classes (that ruled said "democracies") silent support for fascism.
Uh, the communists supported by the USSR had interests conflicting those of the anarchists.
>Hey lets support the unstable republic which essentially is an unstable coalition of anarchists, commies and socialists.
>Oh btw the world is burning elswhere. Japan is acting up and germany is rapidly rearming and becoming threatening.
>Francos Government actually was easy to control.
If you want a less of a meme response: Brit and American strategy at the moment was to pacify Hitler and try to be ok with him, so they didn't want to spoil this balance by supporting the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War, which might have been an early proxy war for the WWII.
I mean, you have to remember that Hitler and Mussolini actively helped Franco.
It was a democratically elected government, the only period when Spain was having something even remotely close to the liberal democratic system existing in the Allied countries. They allowed fascim to rule our country for FORTY fucking years, and then in 1939 they went to a World War against the nazis to "fight fascism".
Fuck you.
Yes also this. Pure geopolitics. WWII was not about "defeating fascism" for England or USA, at all.
It was in that a big reason Britain & America became hostile to Nazi Germany in the first place was their mad dog style of aggressive militarist expansion that was upsetting the stability of Europe and reviving the spirit of the nation through the crucible of war was a pretty big tenet in fascist ideology.
>'Uh' is a reddit word
Yes, but he his point was, that if Germany hadn't expanded so rapidly and dropped that part of the Fascist-ideology, Britain&America would have let Germany be fascist
Cramming exclamations into written text like a retard is a reddit/salon/tumblr trademark.
Fourteen words too much for you user?
It was quickly apparent that the choice was to either back the Catholic fascists or the Leftist coalition which would (as always) become subservient to Moscow. Prior to the Anschluss the West looked at the USSR as the greater threat, so not backing the Republic was the prudent move.
Like usual, the Commies used other leftists as cannon fodder in the hopes that they could seize control after the Francoists were defeated.
Why would the west support communists?
Uh user like UGH like you know geez um like wow like totally like ummmm like you're like a total faggot yeesh
It was funny
they certainly had more legitimacy than Franco
Being democratically elected is only one infinitesimally small element to a nation's legitimacy.
The key to a government's legitimacy is the faithful effort preserve and advance the nation. Pat of that is defending it's identity and heritage.
The Spanish republicans forfeited their legitimacy when they and their proxies waged a campaign of terror on Spanish identity, with their main target being Spain's catholic institutions.