whats bulgarias problem?
Whats bulgarias problem?
Thracian blood
Turk blood
The eternal Serb tried to screw them out of the land they'd promised, even though Bulgaria had shouldered the majority of the burden in defeating the Ottomans the year before.
Doubling its size very quickly, while its neighbors didn't.
It was innevitable that a coalition against her will form.
"Balance of power must be perserved" ~ le hateful kraut man
Bulgaria, at the time an Ottoman vassal, attacked Rumelia, at the time an Ottoman vassal, while having a truce with the Ottoman empire.
This violates so many international wars, it should've been invaded by Austro-Hungary and made a province.
Not getting what was promised, Macedonia, they decided to attack Serbia and take it, but Serbia and Greece had a mutual defense pact which went into action, after that everyone decided they wanted easy pickings.
What are you talking about?
Thats not what happened, Serbia and Greece doubled in size, Bulgaria had smaller gains, but took the most casualties, they thought this unfair and decided to get back what was promised to them by force.
Bulgaria doubled in population and area, while Serbia and Greece didn't. It achieved this by invading Rumelia though a million peace treaties. It nearly got the UK, France, Austria and Germany to declare war on Russia over it.
This is also why Russia retreated its specialists, engineers, generals, intellectuals and equipment from Bulgaria, basically leaving it alone to avoid war. In turn, Austria replaced the russian friendly bulgarian king with an austrian friendly bulgarian king, while they should've instead just partitioned the country.
Bulgaria violated many treaties and ruined the balance of power, and because of that Serbia and Greece created a pact against her, and the vultures of Romania and Turkey made use of the moment.
Oh fuck off Rumelia was 100% Bulgarian, they had every right to unite, it was a unification not an invasion, and Serbia the traitorous cunts attacked Bulgaria without declaring war, whilst most Bulgarian troops were in the east, yet people like you do mental gymnastics and claim Bulgaria was invading and breaking treaties by uniting with itself, but when Bulgaria attacks Serbia in ww1, its le backstabbing bulgarians meme, fuck off.
Consider this:
1. You are a king of a young nation with big ambitions.
2. You have claims to land you don't own.
3. Your neighbor also has claim to that land, and they are about your strength.
4. Suddenly, your neighbor invades a disarmed vassal state and DOUBLES its territory and manpower.
Tell me you don't feel threatened. Tell me you don't want to invade them right the fuck now, as a preemptive strike, because you know whats coming if you let them consolidate.
Serbia was acting within its best interest.
Further, Bulgaria was an Ottoman vassal, an so was Rumelia. Both were STATES, and both had their independence guaranteed by the nations who helped create them - Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia among others.
Bulgaria attacked its vassal overlord (one reason to get invaded), while at peace with them (second reason to get invaded), without consulting their great power zone of control pall Russia (third reason to get invaded), and without even declaring formal war (fourth reason to get invaded).
I still have no idea why Austria didn't send its own army, rather than letting its creature Serbia do the job. I guess they didn't consider failure a possibility, with the russians having withdrawn all their specialists and intelligentsia following pressure from Britain, Germany and France.
/Romania/ here. We shouldn't have meddled in...
Why? Free land.
You see someone getting gang banged, you join.
Modern day Romanians are like Germans only poorer.
They indulge in self flagellation and love to apologize for everything.
Romania helped restore order and kept the balance of power in check that's all that matters (and also recovered some territory).
>territory that was never hers
Can anyone redpill me on Bulgaria?
I lost my virginity to a Bulgarian girl but I know nothing about their history besides that we fought against them in WWI, and I learned that from a loading screen in battlefield 1
Bulgaria... has had a hard life...
Ruined the Eastern Roman Empire with warmongering, until a Byzantine-Russian alliance put them down.
Then had a second period of ruining the Byzantines, to ensure that when the Ottoman Turks came there was zero power in the region, only 20 splintered kingdoms.
Russia tried to make her into a puppet state when they beat the Ottomans some time later, but Austria wouldn't have it, so they only released a small piece of land.
Bulgaria tried to unify all its land, leading to wars with Serbia, then against the Ottomans, then with everyone at once, and then entry into the two world wars.
The most notable things about Bulgaria is that historically it tends to bring many, many more people to war than you'd expect from her total population.
This also produces a large amount of poets, scientists, actors and musicians dying in trenches for no fucking reason.
Thanks for the info. I have a couple of questions.
1. Why did they end up fighting on the same side as the Ottomans in WWI?
2. What's the connection with "Macedonia" (FYROM). The girl I mentioned told me that the people there are basically Bulgars but she never told me why they're not part of Bulgaria
>1. Why did they end up fighting on the same side as the Ottomans in WWI?
Bulgaria fought the Ottoman Empire in the Balkan War, did most of the fighting, got least of the territory.
Macedonia was occupied by Serbia, but it was negotiated that that would later be transferred to Bulgaria.
The transfer didn't happen, because Serbia and Greece didn't want a strong Bulgaria, and because Italy had taken Albania, which Greece and Serbia wanted some of as compensation for Macedonia.
So Bulgaria attacked Serbia, trying to force her out of Macedonia, Greece attacked Bulgaria to defend their secret pact with Serbia, Turkey declared war (despite a treaty, and didn't get bashed for it either) to retake Edirne, Romania declared war to take Silistra that had been promised to her by Russia as compensation for losing Moldova.
During the aftermath it was clear an anti-Bulgarian coalition was formed to ensure Bulgaria doesn't access Macedonia, and Bulgaria basically made a defense pact with the only guy left in town, the Ottoman Empire, to come to each others aid if they are invaded. Invasion of Bulgaria by Greece, Serbia and Romania seemed on the table, since Bulgaria's huge drafts meant many casualties and slow recovery, especially after she took Edirne from the Ottomans by storm, not siege.
Later Bulgaria joined whoever-is-fighting-Serbia during WWI, and it looked like Greece would also join, but it was occupied by the British and French. Unlike neutral Belgium being occupied by Germany, the occupation of neutral Greece by the allies is often forgotten. Their capital blockaded and starved until they declared war on Bulgaria and Germany.
So Bulgaria joined the side that would give her Macedonia, and thought Greece would too, which she would've, if not for occupation by Britain and France. Turkey was simply also on that team, it wasn't a goal to be together.
Also Bulgaria joining allowed for grain to move from Turkey to Germany, which was much needed.
Not true, actually we were rude for doing that to Bulgaria.
>2. What's the connection with "Macedonia" (FYROM).
Originally when Russia wanted to create Bulgaria from the defeated Ottoman Empire, it included all ethnically Bulgarian lands.
This was boycotted by Austria, as she didn't want a strong Russian ally there. In the end Bulgaria got 1/3 of the land that Bulgarians lived in.
She united another 1/3 by moving an army into it and fighting Serbia for it, and the Balkan war was fought over the last 1/3, which is Macedonia/FYROM.
It was a majority Bulgarian area back then, but today its different.
West parts are majority Albanian, north parts have many Serbians (not sure of majority). The people who are called ethnic Macedonians today are the Bulgarians who remained.
During the communist period, Stalin wanted Bulgaria to enter Yugoslavia. To do this, the conflict between Serbia and Bulgaria had to be buried, so it was party policy to call all Bulgarians in Yugoslavia to be Macedonians, a language and history were created for them, and education reformed.
However, since Tito and Stalin got in a fight, this was abandoned, and Bulgaria had lost her claim on Macedonia, and the Bulgarians in Macedonia had lost their identity, without the unification happening.
Nowadays Macedonians have missed out on a few key reforms in writing and language, so they speak kinda funny, but still clearly a Bulgarian language. They also are very patriotic about their fabricated nation and ethnicity, and are in fact making territorial claims of their own on Bulgaria.
Thanks for such a long and detailed explanation. In case you were wondering where I'm from and how my country fits in to all this, I'm Irish. Apparently Irish soldiers fought the Bulgarians on the Macedonian front in WWI.
I was recently at the spot where the British colonial troops attacked the Bulgarian trenches, there was a monument near the lake. A FYROM patriot broke it down a few months ago. They are clearly their own people now, and they hate Bulgaria with the passion reserved not for infidels, but rather for heretics.
Also depending on who you ask (though not me) WWI was lost there, when the Bulgarian army decided to fight its government rather than the enemy, because they didn't want war anymore and just wanted peace.
Certainly some German nationalists insist that Bulgaria surrendering was the reason Germany lost WWI, and that she would've won if the war had dragged on. Like I said, I disagree, with starvation and the recent loss in the west, but we can't know.
>I was recently at the spot where the British colonial troops attacked the Bulgarian trenches, there was a monument near the lake. A FYROM patriot broke it down a few months ago. They are clearly their own people now, and they hate Bulgaria with the passion reserved not for infidels, but rather for heretics.
I get that they're their own people now, but it still makes me sad that they'd disrespect my people that way. But that's their prerogative I suppose.
Balkan autism.
its the eternal serb. thank god Veeky Forums isnt a slobodan shill like /pol/ where everyone sucks on their slavic jew balls. the serb is and was the instigator of most fights in the balkan. everyone hails them as kebab remover, even though they betrayed their christian brothers for the turk.
Those kebap memes have made more for the international recognition of Serbia than any of its historical deeds.
>made more
done more*
No wonder why Bulgaria is known as the Prussia of the Balkans. Always causes meaningless wars until everyone has enough of their shit and gangs up on her.
>Later Bulgaria joined whoever-is-fighting-Serbia during WWI, and it looked like Greece would also join, but it was occupied by the British and French.
Greek didn't really have any reason to invade Serbia though, plus both nations always had good relations. Greece had more to gain against the Ottoman Empire where it had actual claims instead.
The greek king was a german fanboy.
Greece could gain what most small countries wanted - german engineers and officers to tour their country.
Also there were british and italian holdings in the sea nearby, and there was Albania and Serbia.
>fucking with the British navy
that doesn't sound like a good idea, desu
Hello, my name is Ferdinand I and welcome to Jackass.
If they joined Germany, and Germany won the war, why not?
The greek navy was to the british navy like it was to the ottoman navy, honestly.
the greek king WAS german, wasnt he?
>territory that was never hers
There was a considerable number of Romanians living in that area. That alone justifies our actions
I don't know how they did it, but by the mid 19th century the entire European royalty was German. Russian, Greek, Romanian, British, nothing but Krauts everywhere.
One german family had divine right. They had blue blood. They had mandate of haven. They were chosen by God to rule the others.
So if you wanted to be a monarchy, you needed to import someone who is divinely elected to rule. Else what legitimacy you have?
No, that area was majority turkish. The Ottomans colonized it, so they can have a turkish population on the border with Russia.
They also wanted a turkish majority in the land that fed their empire after the loss of Egypt, so riots don't turn TOO bad.
there were literally 2 deaths during the "attack"
The unification was achieved with four stages:
1. The liberal party funds "gymnasiums" which train people to fight and shoot guns
2. Coordinated happen all over Rumelia, organized by these gym members
3. A military coup is performed to prevent backlash from the government
4. The Bulgarian army invades to prevent an Ottoman reaction
During stage 2 some people died. For example, in Chirpan, the gym rioters fought and lost to the local police force when they tried to seize the town hall. There are five confirmed dead from that clash alone.
William Ewart Gladstone was in power in Britain when it happened, and his reaction prevented the Ottoman Empire from invading to reclaim their vassals, and since Bulgaria and the military coup in Rumelia had levied all men between 16 and 40 years of age, it would've been a massacre for sure.
As I said earlier, Austria should've invaded and prevented this, but they decided to send their dog Serbia instead, and were surprised to see it lose. This event is far more important to history than most people give it credit for, and ensured that the Balkans are a shithole. Bulgaria got too strong too fast, and that led to a coalition against it, and that led to revanchism, and that led to all the conflict and suffering in the region.
Balance. Of. Power.
You can't double in size like that and not compensate your neighbors.
>Coordinated happen
Coordinated riots happen*
By the way stages 2-4 were done overnight.
Russia's annexation of Crimea was slow and dirty in comparison to Bulgaria's annexation of Rumelia.
It was very much an invasion and occupation and annexation of an Ottoman vassal, by another Ottoman vassal, while at peace with the Ottomans, without declaring war.
You can't double in size like that and not compensate your neighbors.
Which is precisely what Greece and Serbia did with lands populated by ethinc Bulgarians at the cost of Bulgaria who lost the most men and took the brunt of the land campaigns. Yet thats not a problem, had your precious Austria not intervened with Albania and Bosnia, Serbia would have its Adriatic and its land, it would have honored its deal to give Vardar Macedonia back to Bulgaria, Greece would have had Aegean Macedonia while Bulgaria got Thrace. And there would be no second war, AND no world war, at lest for some time.
Why are you so anti Bulgarian, did a Bulgarian gorrila fuck your greek ass?
Austria was the great power in charge of the south slavs, stop being so mad.
bulgaria aka bulgaristan or turkgaria was/is a turkish pashalik filled with subhumans
And russia
T. Perfidious Nemanja
What a crap, just stfu if you have no clue.
Point to the parts of that post you disagree with, and why.
Basically Serbs what they can do best, backstabbing and lying and provoking wars, then losing them or crying for help.
OP isnt about Rumelia but BWII, which has nothing to do with Rumelia.
You lost that war though
One vs 5 its not that easy, yes.
Still had less casualties than the others and lost only because Romania out of the blue decided to attack us whilst our troops were busy slaughtering serbs.
Serbs are pathetic
Pathetic really, take some responsibility for your country and the way it acted.
fuck off serb
once turkish always turkish, really hope that bulgaria gets partitioned by 2020
fucking backstabbing miniturks
t. serb (only 500 years turkish)
Serbia, like pretty much every Serbian neighbor.
your country is a shithole my man
You do realize we have a standard of living twice as high as yours, right serb?
>hey, Serbia and Greece lets work together to remove the filth that are the Ottomans. We all get a fair share of our historic territories back, is that ok?
>sure thing "friend"
>Bulgars deal mostly with the ottomans, en.wikipedia.org
>Greeks help as well
>Serbs stand back and throw menial troops at the problem
>They refuse to give back the territories they promised dishonoring not only the young nation but also being huge shits.
>Bulgarian Tsar is having none of that and starts a preliminary attack so early 3/4 of the army is still around Constantinople (which would have fallen were the troops not called back).
>stinky servs and gayreeks have Pyrrhic victories over the troops on the western front, but soon get their assess handed to them when the army arrives.
>Romania has to step in unopposed because neighbors are weak non-warrior slaves to the bulgar cock
>Bulgaria is defeated and licks is wounds but is ready to participate in the coming world war pretty fast, considering it was in ruins after their losses in the Balkan War.
>Serbs start shit with the big boys because they are megalomaniacs
>Expect us to play nice even though they have betrayed their brothers
You got what you deserved you evil cunts
I hope you get NATOED
t. ikibey
turkgaria big strong ottoman sperm
Grow up
By the 17th century the Ottoman administration was run by janinasries taken from Bulgarian lands because turks were too stupid to run their own shithole lmao
we will make as many macedonias as we need to get your filthy shithole out of existence
God is on our side
You are a dead "nation"
Bulgaria is awakening
talking about dead nations while you are 6 million half turks and gypsies and the rest subhumans and critters like you
here's a fact for you sad nationalist retard, most of you miniturks leave your shithole and never come back
t. the city state of belgrade by 2020
pick one
wtf i hate bulgaria now
>gypsy sybhuman kicking another shitskin down the stairs
I see nothing wrong here.
Can we return to history, lads?
Cease the dick measuring, you are all dicklets anyway.
i'd rather die than live in some barren shithole like turkgaria
freeing bulgaria from the ottomans was a mistake
i love how irish-scots-aussies get rekt by englishmen all the time yet fight for them when needed. keks. puppets.
i have heard that bulgarians treat turks well and i know of no design as to bulgarian turks revolt or any support for that kind of action by turkish gobernment
i might have kind of a sympathy for them. balkan people seem like honest folk, considering our eastern borders. kek.
t. turk
Except the Serbs, which are war mongering animals.
their biggest fault was that they were not strong enough to commit this kind of crimes. it's what only englishmen are permitted to do in this angloglobe.
Why are the serbs so butthurt?
Because /pol/ is whispering in one ear that they are le ebin kebap remover honorary aryan, while reality is whispering in the other that they have to stop the water while brushing teeth to be able to afford paying the bills.
>they have to stop the water while brushing teeth to be able to afford paying the bills
looks at this turkgypsy projecting, bulgaria is a shithole but i didn't think it was that bad
It's a fact that Bulgaria has a higher GDP, bigger population, more developed tourism industry and more land than Serbia. How retarded do you have to be to call it a shithole when your country is even worse?
>higher GDP
turkgarian whores are so charitable
>bigger population
literally being colonized by turks
just say it mahmoudov, your country is a big steamy pile of shit that leeches of thd eu and gets colonized by turkey
Are you schizophrenic or something? Both countries are almost identical today so calling one a shithole means that you're also insulting your own.
>Shumadian subhuman being this asshurt
nothing to see here folks
just quit replying to me you retarded filthy turkish gypsy
>The greek king was a german fanboy
Nope, he could've easily joined on the Central Powers but he wasn't a retard that's why he opted for neutrality in a country that had been through war after war
>Greece and Serbia did with lands populated by ethinc Bulgarian
Serbia maybe, Greece no, in most of the lands conquered by Greeks there was a Greek majority
Greece had a defense treaty with Serbia in from 1913. When Bulgaria invaded, Greece was obliged to help Serbia. It didn't, because the king wanted to join forces with Germany.
The prime minister got mad, invited Franco-British forces, and the British send MUCH more than was asked for. They sieged Athens in a ""peaceful"" manner, just parking the navy in the port to stare the city, and parking the army nearby to prevent breaking out.
The king was forced to surrender his castle, took down the Greek flag, put the British one up, and soon a military coup followed and the prime minister had Greece joining Britain.
>almost identical
Meanwhile Bulgaria has a 50% higher gdp
>because the king wanted to join forces with Germany
If he wanted to he would've
He opted for neutrality, while Venizelos got the allies to bully Greece into entering the war
>If he wanted to he would've
He wanted, but his government didn't want to. There was a clash between them, and the government brought a British-French (and later Serbian and Russian) armies to help it tip the balance.
Read a book.