Any Veeky Forumstorian ever visited Auschwitz? If so, what did you think?
Any Veeky Forumstorian ever visited Auschwitz? If so, what did you think?
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No but I visited a few others such as Majdanek and Treblinka. Treblinka is nothing more than a field with some memorial structures now but Majdanek was completely intact and was very interesting to walk through (especially considering it was right in the middle of a major city).
Had this playing in my head while walking through the exhibitions of shoes and all that.
I filmed my visit and debunking of the camp's myth
I've visited it. It looks like the barracks I spend 2 years in (ex USSR) doing mandatory service.
What was different were the large tanks full of shies, hair, nails, teeth, bags, and so on, allegedly confiscated from prisoners to be recycled for use in the now starved for resources german warmachine.
The hair for example would be woven into socks for soldiers fighting the russians, as Germany didn't produce, and couldn't during war import, fabrics.
There are also a lot of pictures of prisoners killed there, many of them having the obvious facial characteristics of the mentally retarded.
The gas chambers were unconvincing, and the polish guide said so himself. He insisted that most prisoners were killed in the showers/bathrooms in one of the buildings, shot in the head and left to bleed. There was some blood staining between tiles.
I also saw the "chimney" for the gas chambers, which isn't connected to it, and it is an obelisk that I know for a fact russian soldiers build all over the place when they conquered something.
Its worth going, the place isn't large, the guides are detailed, they answer questions, and you can also see the salt mines on the same day from the nearby town, both cheap trips.
I've been to Dachau with class.
I learnt there that there more catholic priests inprisoned than jews.
My whole life turned out to be a lie. I thought only jews got killed.
>allegedly confiscated from prisoners to be recycled for use in the now starved for resources german warmachine.
thats real tbhfam.
>thats real tbhfam.
I think so too, to a point. I am not sure how useful nail clippings are to the german army.
Golden teeth I get, property and prosthetic of course, the leather fro, boots and bags, but the hair had me thinking, and the nails I still can't rationalize.
What do you with human nails that is worth the labor associated with making them useful?
they had signs warning about pickpockets that was the most i took away
Well, lots of jews visit the place...
I might go this summer. It's an art-focused course but it still might happen.
I think nail clipping burn pretty well.
>I think nail clipping burn pretty well.
My reasoning:
>grind them into a powder
>mix them with some other cheap flammable solids and maybe a liquid
>send them out as fire-starters
Surely the smell that would create would be so bad that it would make that impractical.
I'm from Oświęcim (Auschwitz), ask me anything.
>I've visited it. It looks like the barracks I spend 2 years in (ex USSR) doing mandatory service.
It was a Polish artillery barracks before being turned into a camp.
Also one thing that's often overlooked is that Auschwitz proper, with the red brick barracks and Arbeit Macht Frei sign, was mainly the subcamp for non-Jewish inmates (mostly Poles). Birkenau was the camp for Jews and Gypsies.
Which didn't stop international groups forcing the locals to remove the memorial cross erected in front of the entrance to Auschwitz on the grounds that it insults the memory of Jewish victims. The nun convent next door also got so much harassment they had to move.
Who owns the camps? Are they state owned, or privately owned?
Why the hell would you need that?
Did they run out of leaves in germany?
No real person has visited Auschwitz, yet everyone has an opinion about it.
I've visited it. Checkmate, atheists.
1. Are the local chicks hot?
2. If I visit and cough up enough shekels will they sneak me into the gas chamber at night so we can "debunk the gas chamber myth together"?
It's owned by the Polish government on account that crooked real estate developers would rip it up and turn it into a strip mall (at least I would).
Went during the summer
Full of fecking tourists
Almost no one dressed respectfully (probably due to the heat, but come on)
Germans were the only ones with any respect for the place
The little exhibitions in the barracks are way too old looking and need to be updated
Intake is a horrible and clumsily organized event
Toilets there are horrible (inside one of the fucking barracks)
Everyone is taking selfies; Reeeeeeeee
Transportation from Krakow is a mess
Went there 4 years ago with my polish gf. I'm portuguese, spent the whole day there, even with the tour guide. Felt nothing but my gf was angry.
Does it cost money to go into Auswitchz?
The tour costs money, and you can't enter without a tour.
I went 2.5 years ago, its a fucking theme park now. I went in full black, at least something respectful, and every faggot there was taking selfies and shit. Flooded with Americans and Brits, the Poles maintain it to a acceptable degree, but there really should be a dress code. DONT WEAR SHORT SHORTS AND A TANG TOP YOUR IN A FUCKING CONCENTRATION CAMP.
I went on my own, I found it eerie
I'm trying to not be anti-Semitic, but do they really have to profit of Auschwitz?
Can't they make it free to educate more people? I'm sure there's some entity that would fund it.
It operates in the same way as a museum. You pay money, and they use that money to keep things maintained and running. If it was free, that place would just be a cash vacuum for Poland.
That's how most sites make money for upkeep and preservation.
Stop spreading bullshit, nazis loved catholic priests Hitler was a christian and he even mentioned that he hates the jews for killing jesus.
Also "god with us" on the belts, but sure he wasn't a christian .....
bit tragic, but I decided to buy a ticket
How should I dress when I visit?
Catholics have always been regarded with scepticism in the Protestant countries as they are not just loyal to the crown/state but also to the pope. This distrust is way older than Nazism and Nazi Germany merely inherited it. The whole "Gott mit Uns" thing is also way older than Nazism.
"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited."
-Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922
fuck off christcuck
How many Catholic Priests do you think there were? Like, in all of Nazi occupied Europe, the total number of Priests?
Maybe a few hundred thousand, if they arrested every single one.
That quote does not discredit what I just told you: Catholics were distrusted due to their conflicting loyalty.
>he whole "Gott mit Uns" thing is also way older than Nazism.
So what?
They didn't change it and the nazi movement was founded by Hitlers fanatic christianity and christians hate towards jews.
Also I would like to see the actual evidence for the "more catholic prirests than jews" argument because I have been to Dachau as well and don't remember this interesting "fact".
Sure lets post a picture that will show him.
Actual evidence you retard, btw if christians were against Hitler and Nazis why didn't the church excommunicate him?
Oh right they agreed with his actions.
>Hitler wasn't a devout Christian,
>"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited."
>-Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922
Christians in denial like always, huuuh fuck science fuck evidence fuck reality I will make up my own.
God with us was the motto of the German Empire, it was more in reference to history and nation
Hitler wasn't a devout Christian, but it was impossible without more time to openly ban Christianity in favour of the neo-pagan LARPing he loved so much.
That didn't stop him from imprisoning and killing Catholic priests that didn't support him, though.
>Hitler wasn't a devout Christian
"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country. This text presents selected quotes from the infamous anti-Semite himself.
Quote from "Mein Kampf"
>the nazi movement was founded by Hitlers fanatic christianity and christians hate towards jews
Nazism was not a Christian movement. Take a look at their early political program and you won't find anything particularly Christian. They were nationalistic, they were anti-semitic and anti-capitalist, but they really didn't care all that much about Christianity.
>I would like to see the actual evidence for the "more catholic prirests than jews" argument
That's a claim by another user, not me.
>neo-pagan LARPing he loved so much.
You're mistaking Hitler with Himmler. Hitler didn't care all that much about Paganism and he actually found it rather cringeworthy.
>Hitler was a pagan
This meme needs to die. It was Himmler, not Hitler.
>neo-pagan LARPing
Adolf was pretty inconsistent when it came to his religious beliefs
>Nazism was not a Christian movement.
Sure if you ignore all the evidence.
It's antisemitism and anti capitalism are christian-friendly ideas I never said that the Nazi movement was created by christianity but it was heavily influenced and supported by the catholic chruch and christians all around the globe.
Hitlers own personal mindest was influenced by his christian worldview just look at the quotes I posted.
But like always christians ignore facts and reality to appear not as the bad guys.
No he was not stop spreading this bullshit you vatican shill.
He was serious about his christianity till the end and it was a fundament for his hatred and insanity.
He literally never endorsed paganism.
I think you're got a bad case of bogeyman-syndrome. You're probably American and you believe I'm an American Christian who wants to blame atheism for Nazism or redeem the Catholic Church or something, but that is not the case. I'm not a Christian and I'm not American either. And while anti-semitism and anti-capitalism might be fairly common among Christian thinkers and perhaps influenced the Nazis, as they were socialised in Christian environments, the Nazis themselves did not view themselves as a "Christian" organisation - most definitely not a Catholic one - and they didn't have a particularly Christian agenda. They certainly weren't openly opposed to Christianity, but they had no ambition to turn Germany into a state governed by Christian dogma or something. On the contrary, they later tried to diminish the influence of the Church and its various organisations as they wanted to have absolute control over every aspect of peoples' lives. Also: Germany already had a Catholic party and they competed with them. Not to mention that Catholics were - as I told you - distrusted in the Protestant states, so calling themselves a Catholic party would have hurt their reputation.
>According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[232]
Similarly, Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."[234]
Also, more than one person can post on Veeky Forums
>You're probably American and you believe I'm an American Christian who wants to blame atheism for Nazism or redeem the Catholic Church or something,
Using a strawman to accuse me of a strawman end your life.
>, the Nazis themselves did not view themselves as a "Christian" organisation
Sure that's why every soldier had to swear "by god" and should carry a bible with him and so on.
>According to x, y said in private.
While in every other recorded instance he talked about his strong christian beliefs and talked about how he is doing it for the allmighty Herrgott.
Sure... if that is your kind of evidence to support your position you should probably leave this place.
>Using a strawman to accuse me of a strawman
That wasn't my argument. My argument was what followed afterwards.
>Sure that's why every soldier had to swear "by god" and should carry a bible with him and so on.
Are you literally too retarded to understand that these were traditions the Nazis merely inherited from the German states that came before? The Nazis didn't invent this.
>They didn't change it and the nazi movement was founded by Hitlers fanatic christianity and christians hate towards jews.
It's way more complicated than you make it out to be though.
Hitler played on German people's ingrained Protestantism, but that doesn't mean he believed any of it, and it doesn't mean Nazism can be laid on the feet of Christianity.
We would NEVER evade taxes. Evading taxes is bad, said the CEO at the press conference.
The "by god " was tradition, swearing to god that you kill jews was a nazi invention.
You are ignoring the facts.
"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country. This text presents selected quotes from the infamous anti-Semite himself.
We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race. The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession. It combats the Jewish-materialist spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health from within only on the principle: the common interest before self-interest.
"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth!
-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922
bye keep ignoring every single piece of evidence and keep making up your own reality.
Do you really think Hitler would've been successful if he didn't talk like that, and espoused a virulent form of atheism?
You're being naive as all hell tbqh, and you should stop watching Dawkins and Hitchens videos.
I visited the one near prague, forgot the name of it. They had some sort of museum set up next to it. One part of said museum was an exhibition of pictures painted by schoolchildren around 2012 or so. That was fucking disturbing seing 6 year olds painting the atrocities comitted in the camp. Some fucked up education system if you ask me
>swearing to god that you kill jews was a nazi invention.
No oath any soldier, whether Wehrmacht or Waffen-SS or whatever else literally talked about killing Jews. Even if an oath implied it - the Nazis wouldn't have been literal about it. So you're talking straight of your ass.
>bye keep ignoring every single piece of evidence and keep making up your own reality.
And you are basing the entirety of Nazi politics on two quotes by Adolf Hitler. The Nazi party program speaks a different language and the ideologues behind the party (Hitler was not the only relevant person here) had different views as well. Not to mention that Nazi politics as they were put in action directly antagonised the influence of the Church within the state. This is a fact, and a singular speech from 1922(!) isn't going to change that. Rhetoric is one thing but what matters is what is actually done.
Oh yeah he was forced to, that's why he wrote that stuff a long time before he came to power right.
By that logic he would have used the protestant part of germany since it was way bigger.
So even by your horrible argument it doesn't make sense.
Fuck, you chirstians are really that desperate?
You keep bending the facts if you can't ignore them.
Thanks for proving once again that bein irrational is n1 priority for being religious.
bye I have wasted enough time with you
lets end with some quotes
> "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord..
>-Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922
>In the Bible we find the text, 'That which is neither hot nor cold will I spew out of my mouth.' This utterance of the great Nazarene has kept its profound validity until the present day.
>-Adolf Hitler, speech in Munich, 10 April 1923
>In the life of nations, what in the last resort decides questions is a kind of Judgment Court of God.... Always before god and the world the stronger has the right to carry through what he wills.
>-Adolf Hitler, speech in Munich, 13 April 1923
>We have faith that one day Heaven will bring the Germans back into a Reich over which there shall be no Soviet star, no Jewish star of David, but above that Reich there shall be the symbol of German labor - the Swastika. And that will mean that the first of May has truly come.
>-Adolf Hitler, speech in Munich, 01 May 1923
>We are a people of different faiths, but we are one. Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls.... We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity... in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another in the deep distress of our own people.
>Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Passau, 27 October 1928
>We are a people of different faiths, but we are one. Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls.... We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity... in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another in the deep distress of our own people.
>Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Passau, 27 October 1928
Look, Hitler was a megalomaniacal narcissist who, under the First World War experienced his entire squad getting bombed to hell by artillery just seconds after he left to take a piss or to get something to eat.
I promise you that you would've thought you had a guardian angel if you experienced something like that.
But just because he was extremely proficient at political games and Machiavellianism, does not mean that Nazism is the logical conclusion to Christianity.
I'm not even a Christian, I'm just not a fool, like you.
Sure so the basis for the mindset and ideas of the dictator do not matter ... it is just rhetoric.
Just one question before I leave, how does it work out for you living in a bubble that prevents you from accepting facts?
Do you enjoy making up your own reality?
>does not mean that Nazism is the logical conclusion to Christianity.
No it is the undeniable evidence that shows us that his worldview and actions were based in his religion.
Claiming his actions and politics had nothing to do with christianity is just laughable.
>does not mean that Nazism is the logical conclusion to Christianity.
How about instead of quoting speeches, which is mere rhetoric, you tell me about how the "Christian" party that was the Nazis put Christianity into their political agenda? What did they practically do?
I can tell you what they did: they banned Christian youth organisations in favour of the HJ and BDM. The Gestapo took care of those who still met up in secret.
Look up Kulturkampf. This is not news. A scepticism against the Catholic church in protestant states existed way before Nazism.
Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about.
yes i was there, it didnt really impact me too much emotionally, the room full of hair did a bit, but it is very interesting historically and the logistics are impressive
>us that his worldview and actions were based in his religion.
So what about people like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was killed by the Nazis for his refusal to participate in the Nazi experiment, and used his Christian religion as the justification for that exact thing?
Or Maximillian Kolbe? These were also Christians.
You're right, I find it impossible that Adolf Hitler of all people might stretch the trutch
Or Stauffenberg.
>Also "god with us" on the belts, but sure he wasn't a christian .....
The SS didn't have that on their belts. The Heer did. It was a thing since the time of the German empire. Not something Hitler started.
>party that was the Nazis put Christianity into their political agenda? What did they practically do?
Genocide of the jews?
Whow 2 people, who cares.
That doesn't change the fact that it was christianity that fueld Hitlers hate towards jews and the vatican was his ally.
Stop making up excuses just admitt that he was a christian and christianity and the bible influenced him in his behaviour and actions.
You don't have to be Christian to genocide Jews.
>Whow 2 people, who cares.
>meanwhile we are talking about 1 person, namely Hitler, and he and Nazism is supposed to be Christian
Fuck off you mongoloid.
>no argument
Not him, but you're an idiot who has no idea what he's talking about.
>That doesn't change the fact that it was christianity that fueld Hitlers hate towards jews
1. This is well likely wrong as there is evidence to the contrary. Hitler was not always a fervent anti-semite for example. He claimed he was in Mein Kampf, but there is evidence from his time in Vienna that he interacted with Jews just fine.
2. Even if it were the case - and it's well likely not - it's still Psychology 101 Freudian nonsense and no solid argument.
3. Your initial argument was that the Nazi party was a Christian party and you've yet to present solid evidence for this. A Hitler speech from the 20s doesn't turn a whole political party into a Christian party, in particular if neither in its program nor in its later actions there are any distinctively Christian policies to be found.
>and the vatican was his ally.
This on the other hand is true - but besides the point. Catholics were still distrusted in Germany, a remainder of the Bismarckian period (compare it to the red scare in the US), but also due to a general distrust and dislike in the protestant nations from the time of the 30 years war. Catholics were also quite prominent in the resistance movements.
Stop trying to reason with that guy, he's just a fedoratheist shitposter.
That's probably for the best. We should simply stop replying.
yeah enjoy your chirclejerk bubble
So the leader of a party says it is christian, if that doesn't make it christian what does?
I also provided the evidence in Mein Kampf where he says that it is the christian god he is fighting for and wants him to kill the jews.
But yeah ignore it as usual just like you ignore science.
Hehehe the world is 5000 years old your arguments are invalid deus vult heheheh
Yes the leader of the nsdap and leader of germany is the guy we are talking about he is responsible for what he commands and he was pretty clear that.
1. The nsdap is a christian orginastion
2. He was a devoted christian
3. He is doing it for god
4. He hates jews for killing le jesus
You can tapdance as much as you want these are the facts deal with it christcuck.
No but christianity was his reason to do it.
Read Mein Kampf, he is pretty open about what his motivation is.
So other than ad-hominem you have no argument?
Exactly what I thought, well the evidence is overwhelming.
>Hitler says he was doing it for christianity and god.
>Hitler says he is going to genocide the jews for what they did to Jesus
>Hitler the leader of the NSDAP says it is a christian organization.
>Le semantics le rhetoric le has nothing to do with christianity.
Thank you christcucks for the demonstration of the religious mindset.
evidence wins christian denialism loses
Glue I guess? Like with horse hooves maybe
I just gotta chime in for a second, and leave this here for everybody to read and ponder
To add to that
>started asking critical questions to the guide
>he can't answer any of them
>he's getting nervous because the others in the group started questioning certain things aswell
>got thrown out by security
10/10 would visit again to dig up the truth
>he can't answer any of them
Because it's dumb.
Just wear something respectful
No bright colours, as little skin on show as possible, t shirt is okay if its hot but no shorts. Avoid anything with excessive branding
I visited Auschwitz. I'm not a /pol/tard so don't take my words as some kind of proof the holocaust didn't happen, but it felt really weird being there. The grass was green, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping in the trees and it basically felt like a summer camp. all the buildings were really nice and it was hard as hell to picture it being the hellhole I've been told it was apart from a few displays of hair that's supposedly shaved off holocaust victims, baby shoes, and some other stuff.
I went to the gas chambers and I asked how come it wasn't any kind of airtight, and the guide told me the whole thing was a reconstruction based on reports from survivors, the claw-marks in the concrete and stuff had been made artificially.
Like I said, don't take this as a /pol/tard testimony, simply reporting that it was really hard to get immersed in the horror when the gas chambers werent originals and it looked like a nice summer camp when you were walking around the place.
He's a tourguide, not a historian nor a wrangler for fat neckbeards.
Actually he's probably imaginary like your entire post.
Not to defend how people dress or how well organised the tours are, but you reminded me of the worst type of tourists who sometimes wander deeper into town (the Auschwitz camp is in an urban area) and lash out at locals having a beer for being disrespectful.
It's a blessing that most of them only get in and out directly from Kraków, but there are incidents like that all the time. At least they don't attack nuns anymore.
It's state owned.
>1. Are the local chicks hot?
Yes but I may be biased.
>2. If I visit and cough up enough shekels will they sneak me into the gas chamber at night so we can "debunk the gas chamber myth together"?
I think it's locked up pretty securely for the night but it's possible. It can't be that secure since the Arbeit Macht Frei sign got stolen once (though like I said, that's at Auschwitz; the gas chambers are in Birkenau).
really makes you ponder
>The Nazi regime considered the Jesuits one of their most dangerous enemies. According to John Pollard, the Jesuit's "ethos represented the most intransigent opposition to the philosophy of Nazism." A Jesuit college in the city of Innsbruck served as a center for anti-Nazi resistance and was closed down by the Nazis in 1938. Jesuits were a target for Gestapo prosecution and many Jesuit priests were deported to concentration camps
>Written in German, not the usual Latin, it was smuggled into Germany for fear of censorship and was read from the pulpits of all German Catholic churches on one of the Church's busiest Sundays, Palm Sunday
>It condemned breaches of the Reichskonkordat agreement signed between the German Reich and the Holy See in 1933
>It criticised essentially those parts of Nazism that contradicted Catholicism, and condemned pantheistic confusion, neopaganism, "the so-called myth of race and blood", and statolatry i.e idolatry of the State
>It contained a vigorous defence of the Old Testament out of belief that it prepared the way for the New and, in the opinion of some, contained a veiled attack on Adolf Hitler
>Thus the encyclical was primarily concerned to confront the Nazis anti-Catholic propaganda:
>to defend the Church in the face of totalitarian dictatorship
>Pacelli wrote to Cardinal Faulhaber on April 2, 1937 explaining that the encyclical was theologically and pastorally necessary 》o preserve the true faith in Germany.
>The encyclical also defended baptized Jews, considered still Jews by the Nazis because of racial theories that the Church could not accept
>Nazi response
>The (censored) German newspapers made no mention of the encyclical.
>The Gestapo visited the offices of every German diocese the next day and seized all the copies they could find.
>Every publishing company that had printed it was closed and sealed,
>diocesan newspapers were proscribed,
>and limits imposed on the paper available for Church purposes.
>Frank J. Coppa asserts that the encyclical was viewed by the Nazis as "a call to battle against the Reich" and that Hitler was furious and "vowed revenge against the Church".
>Thomas Bokenkotter writes that "the Nazis were infuriated, and in retaliation closed and sealed all the presses that had printed it and took numerous vindictive measures against the Church, including staging a long series of immorality trials of the Catholic clergy.
>According to John Vidmar, Nazi reprisals against the Church in Germany followed thereafter, including "staged prosecutions of monks for homosexuality, with the maximum of publicity". One hundred and seventy Franciscans were arrested in Koblenz and tried for “corrupting youth” in a secret trial, with numerous allegations of priestly debauchery appearing in the Nazi-controlled press, while a film produced for the Hitler Youth showed men dressed as priests dancing in a brothel.
> the long term aim of Hitler was the "total elimination of Catholicism and of the Christian religion", but that given the prominence of Christianity in Germany, this was necessarily a long term goal.
uh oh the catholic internet defense force is here
hide the children!