Historical memeballs
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this meme is terrible and you should feel terrible
Posted the wrong one whoops
This is high quality shitposting
Do yourself a favor and crop out the ifunny watermark
Yeah, Not really in a creative mood to make my own atm.
I don't get it.
t. person who agreed with it's anti imperialist narrative until the last two sentences and then got butthurt at the thought that muslims won't interate in the west because he's a leftist retard who should go back to Veeky Forums
>this is shitpost
It's clearly not a shitpost though, literally every part of it is correct, the fact you consider it a shitpost means you are a leftist who does need to go back.
I can guarentee the only part of it you/he objected to was the last bit about muslims not integrating, I bet you were nodding your head and saying "haha right on dude far out" through the rest of it.
what ship
"shitpost" has been used on Veeky Forums to refer to any kind of post for a while now
Only by redditors who don't understand it.
m8 I liked the fucking meme
I called it a shitpost because that what literally all of these are.
Just fuck off dude, no need to spoil every thread with modern politics.
It's is a fucking shitpost, and as the other guy said A QUALITY SHITPOST.
Just because you are so fucking insecure about your own political ideology, doesn't mean everyone else is also trying to constantly propagate theirs.
HMS Dreadnought.
anyone have the template?
fuck it
Did they send three expeditions ? I only heard about one.
>tfw during the cold war the Swedish air force was second only to the United States and the Soviet Union
>tfw now we have three air bases
Do balts have depressing folk songs? Link some good ones
Wait, what?
I'm rather doubtful Sweden had a more powerful air force than the UK and France.
Did Buckley write this?
>so you can finally become a colony of your made up country
That's a pretty humorous ending, /pol/tardation aside.
To my knowledge dreadnoughts didn't make anything obsolete. There were still rolls across the planet where their fleet was useful. And if anything aircraft carriers changed the game.
This made me sad and mad at the same time
I saw a documentary that mentioned that it was for a period the third strongest air force in the world
Where is this meme that Germany is the puppeteer of the EU come from?
The Sparrow got its revenge in human blood in the end.
Free from the chains of capitalism*
>who does need to go back.
Muh secret right wing tree house club waaaaah!
Nigga please
>seeing my OC get re-posted
feels good
That is not historical
>the state of /pol/ memes
Never gone on /pol/ and am not a /pol/ack my any means, I just think it's funny how a bunch of autist are crying about an UNDERGROUND pipeline that will help thousands of people.
In any case not 25 years old.
>Help thousands of people
>already fucking with people's drinking water
Oilfags are so delusional
anarchyballs and memeballs started on /pol/
Una Vela (the ball with the sunglasses) started on /int/. It wasn't the same captions and they weren't even in English.
The best. Holy kek
Fresh OC pls rate
10/10, thank god we're so powerful.we should have been taken out a long time ago for all this bullshit.
This hipster millennial "the west has no culture" meme has to die. It's so fucking self centered and unintelligent.
this is shit, brevity people
>annex serbia
this was never the goal of the war
The ball is "Picardia"
"Una Vela" is a related but distinct form of Argentine shitposting
What was then? Why deliver an impossible ultimatum to get some other form of concession?
Anglo nationalists who don't want to admit their country fucked up royally again and again during the last century wouldn't like the post either, aside from the "fuck pakis" sentiment.
The superiority of the US's navy is also due to them maintaining a large amount of manufacturing momentum after WWII while every other country with a substantial navy either disbanded them or lost so many ships they could never recover and keep up with America's ability to add new ones to an already-sizable fleet.
To be fair the poverty of the Indian reservations is also because of tribal leadership being 100% unwilling to negotiate with anyone, even locals, when it comes to developing ANY land whatsoever.
It takes 6+ years just to build an auto repair shop.
>greedy attempt to extort more money from an oil company
>they refused the money
I get it's a meme, but there are people who actually believe that the companies were in the right
what has this website become
You mean under a lake where people get all their water from, with a pipeline that's already fucking blown up once?
regime change to one not hostile towards Vienna
The Arabs didn't take out the Empire though.
And then promptly put them into real chains...
>pipeline that will help thousands of people
How long do you think it takes to build a pipeline? How long does that employment last?
How many people do you think are paid to operate the refinery on the other end?
How many people do you think actually make a real profit from all of this?
I suppose it's better than the other pipeline we were on about, where only Canada benefits, but in the end, you're risking the health of hundreds of thousands (and not just injuns) for the benefit of a few dozen.
I mean, not that I'm generally not all for clearing out these reservations and forcing them all to integrate proper, as kind of used to be the policy, but "pipelines generate jobs" is a shit argument.
The perfidious eternal anglo started every one of the Anglo-Dutch Wars.
How would you describe the west's culture?
I think OP did a good job by closing in the topic on historical memeballs.
Yet, the risk is too high that these threads get flooded with references to current events. And nobody seems to mind
This isn't Veeky Forums.