Why is there a concerted effort to demonize the 1950s?
Why is there a concerted effort to demonize the 1950s?
>blacks couldn't vote
>extremely anticommunist
Gee, I wonder why.
What do you mean?
Do you have examples?
>anything wrong with that
>Why is there a concerted effort to sanctify the 1950s?
This is the real question.
That's what I was saying.
The fact that people say that communists shouldn't be persecuted is a problem.
commie posters, fuck you
>Believing in 50s propaganda
>having to worry about nuclear war everyday
Oh my sweet summer child
oh shit, thought it was bait, sorry
And? The Chinese can't vote.
People were more collectivist back then. People today hate the conformity.
It was a time where not supporting the government made you possibly a communist, and that the majority of Americans supported banning handguns except for police.
Right back at you you filthy /pol/ack. Go back to posting yellow snakes and helicopter frogs on your containment board.
>Believing in 50s propaganda
Many people actually followed the advice in 50s PSAs and become good wholesome citizens.
>having to worry about nuclear war everyday
A war we'd win.
Errr....because this is America, you fucking twat, and political beliefs in and of themselves shouldn't be grounds for prosecution. First amendment and all that, you know, one of those things that makes this country better than those communist shitholes you so abhor. You start taking away rights from those you disagree with, you leave yourself open to having your own rights stripped.
Are you this tolerant to the""""""fascists"""""" as well?
>hey guys did you ever think that anti degenerates are just as bad as degenerates?
>Are you this tolerant to the""""""fascists"""""" as well?
Not the guy you were talking to, but you sound incredibly triggered. Not gonna lie.
Yes, so long as they aren't threatening others.
Because while it was okay if you were white, it was pretty shitty if you were black.
White people got access to WWII stuff like the GI bill, while black people didn't really get that kind of shit.
Also, alot of media was made to be sunny and cheerful to keep people's minds off the bad shit that was happening.
Of course I am, fucking christ I agree with a quarter of the shit they say about the family unit. I aint burning shit on university grounds if thats what you're asking.
>Errr....because this is America, you fucking twat, and political beliefs in and of themselves shouldn't be grounds for prosecution.
Yeah, try telling that to your American left who declares anyone even slightly to the right a fucking Nazi and advocates violence against them.
I come from a former communist country and I say all commies should be bludgeoned to death with stacks of money.
It's a logical consequence of believing in whig history.
The mere suggestion that the past might have been better in some regards has to be demonized, otherwise it throws the whole liberal project and idea of linear progress off kilter.
Of course the 1950s weren't perfect, and part of the plenty that was enjoyed in America was down to the fact other manufacturing powers had been decimated and the US was the only real exporter of goods still in the game until the late 60s.
That said, I dislike this... reflexive autism whenever someone suggests that social, community and kinship ties were stronger in the past that has to jump in and start ranting about how every ostensibly happy wife was actually a battered woman and so on.
The whole "but they didn't have X modern technology!" thing is fucking annoying too.
Just accept that there are some memes about the past that were, if not uniformly, then largely true. People had to have stronger community and kinship relations because they simply couldn't afford to atomize themselves in the way people can today.
>That said, I dislike this... reflexive autism whenever someone suggests that social, community and kinship ties were stronger in the past that has to jump in and start ranting about how every ostensibly happy wife was actually a battered woman and so on.
Also note that this shit comes almost entirely from a simulacrum imparted from movies and television (e.g. Mad Men).
>Yeah, try telling that to your American left who declares anyone even slightly to the right a fucking Nazi and advocates violence against them.
You don't talk to much people, do you?
He's sort of right in that the American left's conception of what is right wing is informed entirely by North American and Western European politics.
Most of the rest of the world is far, far to the right of Donald Trump for example.
Their existence is a threat, same with commies and muslims
So true. idk why people can't accept that past and present is a zero sum game. Lets take the industrial revolution. Some things were gained, others were lost. YMMV if the goods outweigh the bads or the bads outweigh the goods but don't act like it was either 100% better or worse before or after.
*isn't a zero sum game.
Ye but commies aren't human, soooooo...
As opposed to the incredibly glorified 80's, when we didn't have Damocles' sword hanging over us?
Solid b8 desu
It wasn't the adults it was what they produced. The baby boomers are the moat entitled fucks ever. Handed the greatest economy ever, cheap everything houses and cars are 1/10th the price, jobs are everywhere and pay well, school is not a requirement for almost anything. I WURKED HARD MUH PARENTS NEBER GAVE ME NUTTIN.
The top quarter of that image is bullshit but the rest is spot on.
This. Unless you've (actually) traveled you do not realize that the West is the exception in regards to things like feminism, abortion, fags etc
>the leftypol shill actually believes that Veeky Forums is his safespace
Leftists are killing this board
wow, if that one guy didn't come up with the frankfurt school this all would have never happened
Because Cultural Marxism seeks to undermine everything that made western civilization great.
If you've noticed, all of these things are under attack by the radical Left.
because Communists hate freedom and success.
>fascism is bad by default
>democracy is better than fascism
As long as democracy persists, there is a chance of commies gaining power.
I wasn't saying that these were bad things, you mongoloids. I was saying the fifties are being demonized by leftists because of these things.
Of course the left would demonize a period where communists were hunted down like the swine they are.
>The only issues diving left and right are social issues
The world is economically to left of USA in general
if I see another stupid fucking soviet-tier 50s propaganda picture
>I don't listen to foreign music
How is it even possible to be this much of a pleb?
>mfw status quo people have such a huge victim complex
Why is it that mainstream/normal people need some excuse to play the victim role as if it is so highly valuable?
>fascism is bad by default
It is for me, I'm a catholic of Irish and French ancestry, if WASP fascists took over America I'd be lined up and shot along with the Jews and the blacks and my property would be seized.
Because liberals, progressives and communists are revolutionary cancer that want to turn the world upside down.
they see their power structure being torn down, and as such they take measures to prevent it.
not a new phenomenon by any means, those who are at the top of the chain seek to consolidate and hold power, those at the bottom rung wish to obtain said power for themselves.
if it were transsexual blue skinned fags from mars who held the staus quo and "CIS" people were at the bottom rung of society, only the roles would reverse, not the situation
Because playing the victim is the easiest way to garner sympathy for yourself and by proxy your cause
The real answer is because your idealogy is wrong and inherently evil.
>implying communist agenda is pushed nowadays
what is neoliberal economic order dude
we believe in freedom, justice, private property and unalienable rights (constitution) and religion.
communists want to destroy all of that in place of atheistic totalitarianism where the state is god.
"social justice" is just another word for collectivism and groupthink. your ancestors did something wrong? YOU have to feel sorry for it even though you had no control over it! Ben Shapiro debunks social justice very well.
the moment you add a word before justice, it becomes evil. Justice itself is good, judging people by their individual actions, not identity politics race-baiting bullshit that SJWs like to do
feminism has shown to be destructive. it makes women depressed whereas the traditional housewife was fulfilled and happy.
biology and facts > your libtard feelings
>Why is there a concerted effort to demonize the 1950s?
There is? People universally appear to hold it as a Golden Age - even blacks, because they hadn't been forced into urban ghettos yet and still retained their culturally distinct neighborhoods.
Personally, I think they're shit. The 1960s and '70s were much more interesting and aesthetically appealing.
Let's suppose trump supported state owned industries and things like that. Do you think that would make a difference? Liberal hatred of him has already cajoled them into unironically supporting stuff like the TPP.
If trump were an out and out of economic leftist then they'd become even more blatant economic Neo liberals than they already are.
>concerted effort
By whom?
Remember when there was a Republican president who was weary of the military-industrial complex and was fine with taxing the wealthiest Americans at sky-high rates?
Because the nostalgia for the prosperity of these times is dangerously misplaced. Such prosperity was only possible because every other country got blown to bits during World War II.
because certain persons feel that they were not represented or welcome during that time in America, so naturally it's very evil and bad and such.
so one that follows this chart eschews classical music?
>Commonly held ideas that have since been proven wrong/bad
women can't work
smoking is good for you
drinking and driving is fine
Marijuana causes violence and addiction
I do like how it was absent of socially cancerous phenomenons
By me.
The Left constantly demonizes it and likes to use the archetypal "1950s dad" as a boogeyman representing the white Christian patriarchy. The 50s are often portrayed in liberal media is as a #creepy and #sexist era where everything was #bland and #whitebread. Movies like "Pleasantville" are a good example of this.
How can you win if there's nothing left?
>The Left constantly demonizes it
No it doesn't. On the other hand, they're glorified way too much. Go back to /pol/.
>Why is there a concerted effort to demonize the 1950s?
Is there? Only people I've heard talk about the fifties are girls who like the fashion.
Excellent post.
My ex was a sociology major and she would tell me about how they taught her that the 50s were a terrible time to be a woman and how they all suffered from "the problem that has no name" from being #boredhousewives with #nocareer.
>the entire show of mad men( a popular show) has set designers captureting the asthetic and arguably the appraisal of the 1950's in the 21st century
Wow op its like you are just trying to wtite your own narrative
Is Mad Men worth a watch?
I torrented the first series a few weeks ago, not sure if it's any good or if it's plebshit.
Yes it is, your ignorance is no excuse.
Was dull for me but theres definitely worse out there. Some hot ass women in the show though ill give them that.
Nice bait.
>anecdote concerning one person
This is your proof that there's a giant campaign aiming at demonizing the 1950s?
Neck yourself.
Because men were men and women were women.
Today, in a post-modern culture where objective morality and truth doesn't exist, obviously people think badly of the 50's.
You have a happy, succesful, traditional family? That's evil!
You have a white skin colour? That's evil!
You are a Christian! OMG stop oppressing me!
>wears Che Guevera shirt
>dyes hair pink
>wears Problem Glasses
Cultural Marxism has thoroughly infiltrated our academia and schools and created a generation of mentally ill retards out of touch with reality.
Damn. You mad because the stuff they told them in the 50's may have worked user? Maybe if you try it, it'll work for you too. Report back. I'm SURE a joy like you, with that positive attitude you have, will give it a real chance...
There's an equal number romanticising of the 50s. It just depends on your political leanings.
Because people today are idiots.
oh, forgive me, nice things and things leftist hate often overlap
I love all the arguments in this post.
Oh wait.
Mad men is actually set in the 60's.
Yes, it's a great show if you enjoy comfy character dramas and don't need gun fights and explosions every episode.
It's not that hard to believe when you think about it considering that a lot of the leaders of the New Left cut their teeth in civil unrest of the 60s which was an overt rebellion against what the 50s represent. Those hippies grew up to gain prominent positions in academia where they institutionalized their disdain for what they'd been revolting against since their youth. The narrative they've crafted in academia then goes on to influence popular culture.
Neoliberalism is more capitalist than anything. Added with some pandering to soft progressive social changes.
Technically the Soviets didn't possess the technology to launch an attack on continental USA until the mid to late 60s. However, this wasn't known to the US until after the fall of the Soviet Union. Either the poster is retarded, or unable to see the situation in the context of the time, in which case he's autistic. Personally, I'm guessing the former.
>wanting to blindly conform to boring standards
>"free society"
wew lad america sure is free
>peace is boring
Back when women and the coloreds knew their place, what's not to like?
please talk to people
crawl back
I'm not even a big 50s fan, but the media crusade against the 50s is luterally just an anti-white agenda.
Also look at the Hollywood crusade against white suburbia:
>everyone in the suburbs is a serial killer, pedophile, wife beater, creep or a demonic entity
>suburbs are SOOO BOOORING with their safety and hugh living standards everyone should move to a "vibrant" shithole like Brooklyn or LA
>safety and hugh living standards
Maybe some of the suburbs are like that. There are plenty of suburbs that have turned to poverty.
It would prove what is already known. That liberals are not and never will be leftists.
Hell the 50s were more leftist than any other era and they are running on New Deal and haven't fallen for the globalization yet
>literally complain that your husband takes care of you
>have tons of free time and decide you want to squander it on your HR job instead
Sexbots when
Suburbs that are still overwhelmingly white are still the best. Look up the richest municipalities in the US, literally all lilly white suburbs or exurbs.
I've somehow missed this entire concerted effort to demonize the 1950s, although, in fairness, I don't really watch much mainstream media.
Can you give me examples of the stuff you're talking about?