Were there any other famous leaders in history with genital deformities?

Were there any other famous leaders in history with genital deformities?

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Nope! Hitler was the one and only!

That is pretty weird! I'm sure he was the only guy with a dick this weird and that there will never be another.

Damn! I F-ing wish I had a micro penis instead of a pu$sy!

If that's a "micro penis,"

What on earth have you been smoking, buddy?

If that's a "micro penis," then I don't wanna see no MACRO penis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>"his autopsy stated [...] he had a single testicle, black as coal"

What's the source of this claim anyway?



Yes, Chairman Mao only had one bollock which was confirmed by his personal doctor but Hitler did infact have two and this was simply a defamtion ploy

No it was always thought to have been just a myth. However prison medical records from after the Munich Putsch were discovered a couple of years ago and the notes from his medical examination state he had cryptorchidism.

What's with the micropenis and hypospadia?


You can have hypospadias without micro penis.

There are 8-inch guys with hypospadias but I'm sure he wasn't one of them.

Yes, this is true. It may have just been deformed rather than tiny.

I just know that king Dagobert put on his underpants backwards.

Type the words "hypo cock" in google images if you don't believe me. They are not mutually dependent conditions.

It most likely was neither.

The hypospadias couldn't have been too severe because he liked to pee in the woods with Heinz Linge.

This seems improbable.

And as we women know, only men like to do that.

And since he never saw Hitler completely naked, he had to have enough to whip it out and pee one handed without the full moon of a 3 year old.

And I'm sure he didn't use the Travel Mate either.


People forget that before 2000, a baby's penis had to be of a certain minimum size and functionality in order to be assigned male at birth.

Trump. You know what they say about people with small hands...

What would a baby with a small penis be assigned as in Austria then?


The mere fact that he was named Adolf means he was not impregnable nor likely to pass for a girl.




Most ambiguously small babies were made into or raised as girls, and he would never have been sent to a boys school with at least a 2 cm penis as a child.

Without, I mean.

Most doctors consider the minimum size for boys to be a little under an inch.


It is much more likely for a woman to be discovered to really be male than it is for a man to be much smaller than average. No parent seems to want a son who can never StP at a urinal.


Lots of "female" athletes are DQ because it is discovered that they were merely raised female due to a small, deformed penis.

LBJ was hung like a horse.


In color.

Was there ever another leader demonized to that degree? He's literally Hitler

I don't know, but as a woman with just 1 ovary due to a complete hysterectomy for uterine fibroids, it makes me mad when he is demonized merely for being sans body part, if he even was.

I don't mind him being demonized for what he did, but his lack of normal genitalia isn't why.

It's part of the demonization to ridicule his manhood.

I can guarantee you that if my clit suddenly grew to the size of his penis, and my labia began to resemble his scrotum, the LAST thing on my mind would be "Why am I not bigger? Let's start a war and kill people!"

This bed would literally become a trampoline!!!


I'm pretty sure it's a little more complicated. If every person with one ball and hypospadia would start a world war and a genocide there would be a lot less people on this planet. Studies show that there are 18.61 cases in 10k births. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25712311

>Jewish telegraphic agency

Completely trustworthy and totally unbiased m8

Hitler's balls were perfectly fine. You don't have to take fanfiction so seriously.

Every non-American/non-Jew uncircumcised ragamuffin.

I've always wondered how he looked and sounded so decidedly male with ambiguous genitalia? You would think he would have looked more androgynous or feminine if he lacked enough Testosterone to create normal male anatomy.

And he didn't just begin looking or sounding male when he met Dr. Morrell, either. He didn't need bull semen to grow facial hair in WW1.

And he seems to have never identified as anything other than 100% cisgender male, although they didn't have that term. His DNA showed a Y-chromosome, so he wasn't chromosomal you intersex.

I mean chromosomally

It would be interesting to know how he would have felt had he been told that in 75 years, people would actually be debating about his gender and that some teen girls would be able to make their voices just as deep as his was, although we would NEVER cut a square mustache!!!

Hint: it's called Testosterone injections, AKA "Magic Man Juice."

>Every few years come out with more hilariously absurd claims about Hitler.

>Wonder why holocaust denial is a thing.

Dem lampshades though.


/pol/ is going to be mad about this. First you make fun of Hitler, now Trump.


Christina, Queen of Sweden may have had it. They believed she was a boy at first.

>Being this Buttblasted about a joke

Franco got his testicle shot off in Morocco

Too bad they didn't have iPhones back then for someone to "accidentally" take a picture of Hitler's junk.

>most scrutinized man aside from Jesus
>it's somehow ridiculous that they find weird shit out about a dude who saw fit to plunge Europe into a massive war and enact one of it's most brutal genocides

Once again, if this is the definition of microscopic, then I sure don't want to see macroscopic!!!


I would love to trade my triple D boobs for a knob like that!!!

Women can't be faggots!

My mom literally beat me up when I was 12 for saying Hitler was good looking. I like this test for proving me right. My own pictures were only rated 55% and 69% beautiful out of 100.


Same day, same March, different angle. He was packing something and I highly doubt it was a sock or a rubber packer from early2bed . Com

Too many pictures with same exact bump to be purely coincidental.

This is the second thread I've seen today full of pictures of Hitler's crotch.


Why stop? It's fun to poke holes in the micro theory.

I used to like to draw him when I was in my teens. Here is one of the few surviving pictures, my hard copies long destroyed.

How many schizophrenics are in this thread?

None that I know of, just normal white Americans obsessed with Hitler's penis.

Stopping white shame and guilt depends partly on dismantling Jewish lies such as these. They actually believe the Germans would have called a man their Fuhrer, a very masculine title, if he didn't have a normal sized penis!

No one would have called a baby a boy in 1889 barring some resemblance of a penis and scrotum.

Only in modern times have males become feminized enough that a boy could go through school and the military unable to StP without a medicine spoon in a rubber cock that any girl could buy and make.

Gender is still pretty much a hierarchy, not a binary, with males on top and everyone else below. No man could do all that Hitler did without some type of penis.

No matter how much a parent would like to have a son, not that Hitler's needed one with Alois Jr, they can't just call an ambiguous child a boy because in those days, life was a lot harder for gender atypical people. As a result, such children were almost always raised FEMALE so they could have the best of both worlds: no childbirth and no military service! Go me!!! I'm free!!! (Everything has a silver lining.)

What if it just so happened to be that the Fuhrer's hammer was a tad BIGGER than average? I'm not saying that it was or that it matters 72 years since he died, but sometimes the reversal game can lead you to the truth.

Franco, Caudillo of Spain

what the actual fuck is this thread?

There is always some guy trying to damn everyone and if you go along with him he'll get what he wants.

That's right it, I'm talking to you.

So is this just another one of the myriad of alleged deformities or medical conditions Hitler was claimed to have had and we supposed to take on faith because he was evil or what?
>According to "experts" Hitler was
>Mentally retarded
>In the later stages of Alzheimers
>Had terminal cancer
>Was addicted to all the drugs
>had cirrhosis of the liver
>fetal alcohol syndrome
>missing a testicle
>had two Y chromosomes
>was both blind and deaf
>lung cancer
Seriously you people's attempts to defame a man who is not only already the most infamous person in history and dead for nearly a century is just going the other direction at this point and making the fucker sound inspiring that he could succeed at so much with odds so heavily stacked against him.

That's fallacious reasoning.

You need to look at each individual claim made and assess the evidence for it.

It is if you look at it as these are wrong and stupid so these others must be. However it is perfectly reasonable to make the proposition that, based on the number of foundationless and pointless accusations and speculation that the topic in question is one of contention that draws to it a lot of lazy, unethical and quite possibly decietful research. With this understanding it would not be improper to consider each claim with more scruitiny and skepticism than other similar proposals about less famous figures.

That's still fallacious.

Of course vast amounts have been written about Hitler, (he's the central figure in the largest war in human history and someone of interest for millions of people), both by genuinely good historians and charlatans and people that are in between the two.

Just pretending it's all some homogeneous mash that you can just ignore is silly thinking.

Hitler lost a ball in WW1, that's really the only truth to any of it.