What did the "French Resistance" achieve if anything?
What did the "French Resistance" achieve if anything?
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They are a good excuse.
Beating up their women for falling in love with Chad Germanicock
We managed to pass as victors and germany opponent, not collaborators. That's somewhat a good feat.
At the very least, Charles de Gualle's political career. Surely, France's greatest leader of the 20th century and top-5 all time.
the frog/moroccan hates this
Provide intel, help PoWs and downed pilots escape.
It made up for their pathetic surrender and terrible collaboration.
At least it did while the myth of the French resistance persisted. It turns out they did more damage to each other than the Germans and were obsessed with communist revolutions.
Fame. It's because its contact with American military. Many other European resistance groups were bigger and achieved more.
De Gaulle is the reason France is full of North Africans
One source often referred to is General Dwight D. Eisenhower's comment in his military memoir, Crusade in Europe:
Throughout France, the Free French had been of inestimable value in the campaign. They were particularly active in Brittany, but on every portion of the front we secured help from them in a multitude of ways. Without their great assistance, the liberation of France and the defeat of the enemy in Western Europe would have consumed a much longer time and meant greater losses to ourselves.
One American officer, Ralph Ingersoll who served in SHEAF wrote in his book Top Secret:
...what cut the ice with use was the fact that when we came to France the Resistance was so effective that it took half a dozen real live German divisions to contend with it, divisions which might otherwise have been on our backs in the Bocage. And it made the most cynical sit up and take notice when we learned from German field officers that the Germans in central France were truly terrified, had to live under arms, could not move freely, had lost all control in sizable sectors even before we came...It was a military fact that the French were worth at least a score of divisions to us, maybe more".[329]
Having Lindybeige make a video about them
She's been so teutnoticized that even in defeat, she will never leave your side, preferring instead to go to a POW camp rather then spend another moment with Pierre or Jacques
>"Well, little girl. Since your Papa refused to protect your homeland, it is up to us to do it on his behalf."
Every French person in WWII was involved in the Resistance and totally not complying with all Nazi orders and fucking Nazi troops
>When you send your women out to face the invaders and they give them your whereabouts.
well that's a sham, since they only exploited that country
>They watched in stunned silence as their men flee to the countryside, or to Great Britain, or volunteer to serve in the Waffen-SS by the thousands. You can see it in their faces as they begin to to wonder if carrying the Gaul genes on to the next generation is worth it, that perhaps it is time for an upgrade.
At least the Germanic and Soviet women women were victims of rape. The Eternal frog went to bed happily with Hans. For the future of their people, anyone was better then Pierre.
Pic related, totally worth it!
Literally just intell. Where choke points were, where the Germans would likely ambuch, where they had supply caches. They didn't do much else through out the occupation.
>Something the matter Jacques? You seem nice enough, it's just Hans treats me like a woman. I hope we can still be friends. Good luck in your... ahh... resistance movement I guess?
im dying lol
Don't worry Pierre, these things happen. I mean the arrival of the German soldier kickstarted the the sexual revolution for Dutch women. It got them so turned on, generations later and they are still writing about it.
>"Welcome to Latvia boys *giggle* Your Europe tour is to die for!"
For the men of Europe, the Heer was the scourge of Europe
For the women of Europe, the Heer was the 10 million members of the Beatles
Nice cuck fantasies
But taking these pics of German soldiers in Germany and Eastern Europe and giving them imaginary captations won't change the truth, which is that 90% of French women German troops fucked were professional hookers mandated by their high command (who were the only ones allowed to fuck regular French women)
The clothings on this pic make it obvious it was on the Eastern Front
Put some effort to it at least
>German women were victims of rape
Only if you consider that giving a bj for cigarettes is rape...
It gets cold in France and occupying it for four years means you're going to face winter as well.
Anything to help you sleep at night, I suppose.
Don't worry Pierre. Pavel had the same problems as you.
Yes, it has come to my attention that, suddenly, every Frenchman had his grandfather fighting full time in the Resistance against nazi occupation... when the fucking truth is that they either run away or cooperated with the nazis.
As Ivan ran, the Ukrainians collectively took in a deep sigh of relief. Their liberators had arrived. They would do whatever it took to show them their gratitude. The men prepared to aid the Wehrmacht's eastward march, their women were prepared for more... horizontal services.
The backgroud looks Eastern European
Provide a source for the pic proving it's in France or fuck off
They are Estonians. My apologies Pierre. Shall I apologize by redirecting my attentions to your beautiful, defiant country once again?
>ITT: People just discovered that women will sleep with the enemy
Big fucking new!!
Ever unwashen uncivilized nignogs from Africa had hundreds thousands of German women sleep with them when they occupued the Rhineland after WW1
>The term "Rhineland Bastard" can be traced back to 1919, just after World War I, when Entente troops, most of them French, occupied the Rhineland.[1]
>A relatively high number of German women married soldiers from the occupying forces, while many others had children by them out of wedlock (hence the disparaging label "bastards"). The resulting children numbered from 160,000 to 180,000.[2]
>"I know he wants to exterminate my people and I, but maybe if I allow his Germanic seed in me, I will be granted a few months of survival. If my child comes out with Aryan features, it could get sent back to the Reich as a part of the Lebensborn program!"
>"yes jean-pierre was a nice guy, but not much more. Fritz and the boys really showed me how different things could be. What even happened to him? He died, thats too bad"
"Please don't go. Pavel is off fighting as a partisan, and I'm lonely Herr Hans. I know I am not of racial stock you would consider aryan, but what is a little fun?"
>"i for one have always know my fertile womb, just like elsaz-lotharingen, belongs to the germanic race. Feeling his little legs kick in my belly makes me so happy"
Welcome to Italy! My Mario is off in North Africa, but as a dutiful fascist woman. It is my pleasure to greet you and... and... my you are... the perfect male specimen... Mario will... will understand if I go out with you for a while."
Assassinate low-ranking German foot-soldiers, put shit in the drinks of soldiers, spit at Germans when they aren't looking, then when the Allies come and do the big boy work they come out of hiding and act all high and mighty and start pushing around and beating up people who so much as said a friendly word in passing to one of the Germans.
>tfw your great-grandfather fought in the Charlemagne division
>tfw he recognized Bolshevism was the real threat to Europe
>tfw everyone in his village agreed
>tfw history has been revised to make him the bad guy and everyone pretends they were with the resistance
feels bad
>"There was also a theory that French prostitutes were the first rebels against the invaders by refusing to service their needs. However many of the photographs show soldiers cuddling with women in brothels and clubs"
French women literally surrendered their pussies
>as many as 3,000 Finnish women had relationships with German soldiers. An estimated 700 children were born to German soldiers in Finland
Hans Ubercock strikes hard and true.
Now let's see how muslims would court Italian women
>Marocchinate (pronounced [marokkiˈnate], Italian for "those given the Moroccan treatment" meaning "women raped by Moroccans") is a term applied to women who were victims of the mass rape and killings committed during World War II after the Battle of Monte Cassino in Italy.
>Monte Cassino was captured by the Allies on May 18, 1944. The next night, thousands of Goumiers and other colonial troops scoured the slopes of the hills surrounding the town and the villages of Ciociaria (in South Latium). Italian victims' associations such as Associazione Nazionale Vittime delle Marocchinate alleged that 60,000 women, ranging in age from 11 to 86, suffered from violence, when village after village came under control of the Goumiers. Civilian men who tried to protect their wives and daughters were murdered. The number of men killed has been estimated at 800.[4]
>making a soldier brothel in a former synagogue
Were Nazi officers master trolls?
>claim to be the master race
>lose every war you participate in
what did the Germanic race mean by this?
>The Dutch Institute for War Documentation originally estimated that around 10,000 children by German fathers were born to Dutch mothers during the occupation. However, recent figures, based on newly available records at the archives of the German Wehrmacht indicate that the true number could be as high as 50,000.
Reminder that Italians unironically saw this "battle" as heroic for them
The goal was not to win, but to weaken the rest of Europe until the only one left strong is you.
Crashing Europe. WITH NO SURVIVORS.
meh, Italy had it coming
sounds like something a weak people would
Wonder if any children were born of these encounters...
Pfft... Nothing personal Mario
>but to weaken the rest of Europe until the only one left strong is you.
>This can be achieved by losing wars repeatedly
>be German
>get killed intentionally
The picture is actually from Estonia
Don't mind me, just passing through to remind you people that Nanking Rape is fake story and Korean women was consenting to all that
The British released a miniseries about the Channel Islands occupation called Island At War. One of the central plots is a love story between a British woman and a Luftwaffe bomber pilot.
She doesn't care he goes night after night to bomb her people He even killed the father of her friend. She cares only that he returns safely. Although this was fictional, even the British knew the pleasures of the Ubercock.
It made France not look like absolute garbage in EVERY conceivable way.
Don't forget... surprise, surprise, the Dutch women wanting some East Aryan cock.
That's nice but I'd like a love story between a Jewess and a Death Camp guard better
It would end with a lewd sex scene in the shower before he leaves and turn on the gas
Adolf Eichmann had Jewess mistresses.
Well, according to De Gaulle Paris and France liberated themselves, by the will and strength of the french people who so valiantly hid in attics and basements during the whole war and came out when they saw allied tanks and troops in the horizon.
BTW, those allied tanks and troops had nothing to do with the liberation, it was all french people.
While you're out SABOTAGING MUNITION DUMPS with your comrades, JULIETTE is at home with HANS DONNERSCHWANZ, letting his ARMORED COLUMN penetrate her LEBENSRAUM
get rekt Pierre
Sounds like Hans made a tactical error. Should have been protecting the ammunition, now Germany will fall and Hilda will go home with an American soldier.
That's a British soldier (or a Dutch in the British army) in your pic
If that's a mistake my bad. Here's one of two fine young Dutch Maidens informing Hans Ubercock the location of where their boyfriends are hiding.
Not to worry, Jacques father will have to work overtime in a munitions plant in the Greater German Reich to supplement the loss.
As she held her half Germanic daughter in her arms, Gerlinda could not help but feel pride that her efforts to wipe the Belgian taint from out of her descents future had finally started. She looked lovingly into her young Luftwaffe pilot husband's eyes and knew that Lieven would have never been a good enough husband as her parents tried to convince her he would be in their naive ernestness. No. The only man she wanted now was Jurgan.
It was a rather pleasant surprise to find out just how well Belgian waffles and German sausage could mesh together.
Belgians are a Germanic people, cretin
Germanic (Germanisch) =/= German (Deutsch)
>What was your best experience of the war grandpa?
And then she moved out east only to get raped by russians as they taunted her with the severed heads of her child and husband.
So much LARPing in one thread!
Seriously though, why would you take photos of this shit?
You're recording a court martial-able offense
Already got that one covered user
Based Latter Day Saints.
Personally, it should end with the guard taking her twin sons to "safety", and then turning on the gas when she realizes that her sons are now Mengele's play things. Would be much more bitter than sweet.
go back to /pol
>"Mommy, why is the doctor sewing us together?"
>g-go back to /pol/
Hear the mumbled half hearted attempt to deflect the truth which Pierre's grandson Muhammad attempts to make.
no really
They provided some minor support for British commando efforts and some were actually somewhat competent after having been taught by the British how to actually fight.
>women are sluts everywhere
What else is new?
So they provided minor support to a minor player (the British) of the war?
>husband gets shot down by a Polish ace from the 303rd Squadron
>money gets tight
>forced to work as a every day prostitute
>Canadians march into town
>gets her head shaved as a collaborator
>gang raped by resistance fighters then Canadians
>child dies to disease
>lives the rest of her life in a shack of an apartment, hidden in shame
I didn't know contemporary American officers held the French Resistance in such high regard. Thanks.
>see anything that triggers you
>"go back to /pol/"
Kneejerk reaction: the post
While I don't want to entirely disregard Eisenhower, he was also jerking off the allies a little bit to keep relations smooth.