How bad did I fuck up, Veeky Forums?

First time buying non-trivial amounts of ETH.

KEK. Enjoy your loss.

20,000 ETH is a good start.

Better man than me, who kept waiting for a dip from 250 to 300 to 340.

his photo is of 2 (2.0000) eth...the price in USD under it confirms it

You did good

I brought at 321 yesterday
we gon be alright

Oh. That's not a good start.

it will go down, but just hold. Even if it hits 1700 and below in a crisis event, just hold with superman strength

In 5 years bitcoin could double what you bought at today.

So basically forget about it or pool up a smaller bank to invest in other coins

i don't want to wait 5 years i want a lambo tomorrow

everyone keeps forgetting bitcoin is $3k now. and when that finally dies on aug 1, ETH could easily reach 1250-1500 range.

$365.97 x 2

It will be $70+ profit by the time it ends up in your account in a few days.

why is btc dying on aug 1? and why the fuck would that help eth, if anything it would hit it hard cause it would prove the whole crypto is a meme.

as long as the market is bullish overall you can't fuck up buying shit. the only bad thing that could happen is that your funds are bound in a coin that's not mooning right now.

contentious hardfork. and the banking systems currently wouldn't support such a large cash out, so everyone will hedge in eth. are you completely oblivious to the fact btc transaction fees are $5 on average and take many hours to confirm?


Every crypto tied to bitcoin will dip hard, except usdt and eth

And as that user said, you cannot convert all that btc to fiat so quick, so eth will be used to ride the storm

why wouldn't eth dip also though? the growth and fall of eth/btc are almost always in lockstep.

you couldn't be more wrong. bitcoin has been dying for months. it started as soon as the blocks became full.

so then what's your plan? dump everything into eth in the next couple months?

HODL. shit is going up no question

I'm already 90% eth + eth tokens. I've gone up 20k this weekend. I'll be fine.