Thought you intellectuals would enjoy this peice about Weimar Germany, interesting stuff
Thought you intellectuals would enjoy this peice about Weimar Germany, interesting stuff
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Are we being raided by /pol/?
we are /pol/
No raid, just thought I'd get your take on the info I've provided
Anyone have thoughts on Weimar Germany?
it was set up to fail
You're pre-supposing there are objective morals regarding sexuality and that people have all uncovered these truths and accept them.
Critical thinkers have realized actually that this is an impossibility and moved on.
The premise of the article's argument (as poorly disguised as it is) doesn't resonate with people who aren't dummies, probably why your thread isn't taking off.
Are you seriously saying morality regarding child prostitutes, hyper sexuality, and proliferation of pornography in society is subjective? Good God what is wrong with (((you)))
Can you explain further?
Ithink those things are bad but yea, they are pretty subjective.
I only wholly disagree with child prostitution, the other points I don't know enough about and could imagine people producing arguments that support these things.
Anyway, yes it's subjective.
If you were to claim raping and torturing toddlers is morally bad that still would be subjective, retard.
all nations got an army, their own or someone else's.
the weimar republic lacked an army so they had a bunch of paramilitaries instead undermining the government's authority
didn't help France had to undermine it by occupying the rhineland
if you think really much everything in society is sujective
Rev. 3:15-3:16
>and so I spit you out of my mouth, for you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, Oh how I wish you would be one or the other!
Read the article, many children were forced into these circumstances, there isn't anything subjective about this evil, that's just a cowards way out of an argument.
Clearly some people agree with child prostitution, why are they wrong?
If it isn't subjective you should be able to defeat their position with logic alone.
God can't you just stay in /pol/?
If you were to produce one bit of objective morality you would -literally- destroy philosophical canon spanning over thousands of years.
I suppose I should have been more specific, I was talking about the social decay and radical changes in society during the Weimar years.
What you say interests me tho, can you talk me about pic related?
Explain to me why it's ok to have sec with a child? Why it's ok to force children into prostitution as was done in Weimar Germany?
Normal kids don't think about sex, at least no where near prostitution.
>Explain to me why it's ok to have sec with a child? Why it's ok to force children into prostitution as was done in Weimar Germany?
I can't, because there's no logic behind morality.
I can only tell you why I personally think it's wrong, because I don't like it, because I have basic human empathy and children are deserving of sympathy and protection IMO.
I'm aware I couldn't really produce a logical argument to prove someone who disagrees with me wrong.
It doesn't mean he's right, also doesn't mean he's wrong.
pol infographics are not a substitute for studying
You can't be afraid to take stances on such issues just so you can give off an intellectual air.
If this was really a subjective issue as you claim then theft murder and pedophlilia cannot be considered crimes and cannot be punishable.
A pedohile could easily say that he thinks his action was morally just because he did it out of love or something sick like that.
That's why the argument is inherently flawed, it pulls the rug out from under every basic law
I meant the communist revolutions in Germany during the time, should have explained along with the pic my bad
You are dense, read some philosophy before you construct moral arguments.
>If this was really a subjective issue as you claim then theft murder and pedophlilia cannot be considered crimes and cannot be punishable.
They weren't crimes for many time periods in many different cultures, again it's subjective you dunce.
I'm not even defending pedophilia, I'm saying your argument falls flat on the first steps it attempts to take.
You're clearly too thick to engage in this debate though.
Listen autist, if subjectivity is the issue here then wouldn't it stand to reason that SUBJECTIVELY speaking, the aforementioned crimes are seen as morally unjust in MY culture? In European culture in General? If no one really had a problem with all this degeneracy in Germany why did Hitler come into power?
No, they're objectively unlawful in your culture not objectively morally wrong.
Again the problem isn't that I'm disagreeing with the morals, it's your attempt to vilify Jewish people by presupposing everyone here agrees to your morality, a common problem with the low-IQ /pol/ mind, everyone ought to think like me! And if they don't, they just don't know they think like me yet!
It's intellectually dishonest and retarded.
Now even if this wasn't an issue, this shit is easily debunked either way.
You can't .jpg yourself through a scholarly subject like history.
>everyone ought to think like me!
Ok so can we agree that Germans felt that child prostitution, hyper sexuality, and social decay was something they disagreed with? If they didn't Hitler certainly would not have come into power.
That being the case then, would you then agree that it was wrong of the Jews who did participate in the manevolent activities aforementioned to push that on the German people without their consent?
>Good God what is wrong with (((you)))
Nothing a precisely administered dose of between 7 or 14 grams of lead (depending on the size and weight of the patient) to the base of the skull can't cure.
No we can't, you're acting as if there's a monocausal explanation for the rise of Hitler.
If people were engaging in sexual degeneracy then it obviously was popular.
Child prostitution being a different topic.
>people had too much sex
Just out of curiosity, what happens if you study and come to the same conclusion as the infographic?
You ever listen to Hitlers speeches? What he talked about, what he viewed as evil?
You know what type of books the Nazis would burn? Pornography, which in most cases was written by jews
The info graphic is proven as correct and you end up with egg on your pseudo intellectual face
then you're able to defend your views without resorting to simply regurgitating simplistic infographics compiled with an obvious bias in mind
Where does genocide fall on that list?
What is it that motivates people like you to defend the indefensible?
Do you get a thrill out of it?
Is it like trolling and you do it for the lulz?
Genuine question from someone who doesn't understand what it is about destroying morality that you find so enjoyable.
Explain? Are you trying to say that the genocide was also wrong? Just trying to clarify
I bet you did t even look at my link
>Genuine question from someone who doesn't understand what it is about destroying morality that you find so enjoyable.
You retard, reality destroys morality.
I'm not a moral nihilist, I just understand that I cannot use reason to tell someone why his moral code is fucking wrong.
This is one of the most basic truths of philosophy, we cannot find objective morality, it's impossible.
Thats not how sage works you idiot, you gotta put it in options not name.
But aren't you saying that subjective morality is an OBJECTIVE truth in philosophy, when philosophy is (supposedly) a purely subjective thing?.
Sounds like a paradox m80
I'm not him but I also agree that morality is subjective. There is nothing I get out of it, what can you even get from some shitty anime fagsite anyway?
The reason why some believe that morality is subjective stems from the idea that all men are equal. If all men are equal, then aren't all ideas worth the same? Therefore, if one man believes in A, but the person next to him believes in B, then who is right? Person A, or Person B? What philosophers of the past argued is that neither of them are right, since morality stems from a creator, someone/something greater than man itself. That brings up another argument; can morality exist without a God?
Reminder that age of consents are completely arbitrary. Reminder that restricting what two people voluntarily choose to do in the privacy of their own homes is no different than the brutality used against homosexuals and other so-called "sexual deviants" in the past.
No ought-statements about morality are subjective, that moral codes are ultimately subjective is objective.
Is-statements can be objective.
Ought-statements cannot be.
You really really need to educate yourself before you venture outside of /pol/ homo.
This person is also wrong about most things he said.
>all men are equal
No, not to imply inferiority or superiority, but equality just does not exsist between mortal me, not even two brothers are equal to one another
>Morality comes from God
Yes, it is the only unbiased source of such a thing like morality
>You retard, reality destroys morality.
No it doesn't, anymore so than reality destroys any other human construct.
>I'm not a nihilist I'm just a nihilist!
>This is one of the most basic truths of philosophy, we cannot find objective morality, it's impossible.
I wasn't aware all philosophy was atheistic in nature.
And how does this prove that forced child prostitution, sexual depravity, and much more was ok in Germany, after it was artificially introduced to the society/culture from a foreign entity?
>No it doesn't, anymore so than reality destroys any other human construct.
You're right, what I meant to say was reality destroys the objective nature of anything that we bring into existence.
It's subjective per definition.
Moral relativism isn't the same as moral nihilism.
I believe in my own personal moral values.
>I wasn't aware all philosophy was atheistic in nature.
It isn't.
All philosophy agrees we can't find objective morality.
Those few that try either fail or stray away from morality and deal with ethics like Kant.
Man, if you were to find literally -one- instance of objective morality, then you would have made the greatest discoveries of the past 2000 years.
>The reason why some believe that morality is subjective stems from the idea that all men are equal. If all men are equal, then aren't all ideas worth the same?
Then perhaps it's time we stopped pretending that all men are equal if it leads to us drawing nonsensical conclusions.
Created equal and dying equal are two different things, not that anyone would be a fair judge anyhow.
>one piece of a bjective morality
Murder is wrong throughout every culture, regardless whether it's tribalist If or not
>these sources
ayy lmao
Can you disprove it?
It's all cited at the bottom of the article
>Moral relativism isn't the same as moral nihilism.
There is no functional difference.
>All philosophy agrees we can't find objective morality.
So you're claiming philosophers who operate from a religious premise don't believe in objective morality?
"jews did shit and control us but I still believe in free will"
>believe in free will
Can you explain what that has to do with your answer? Are you saying that Germans willing oarticipated in this? Just wanting to clarify
Still not fucking objective and again that's not true you idiot.
The Mayans sacrificed people as often as they could, one could argue war is murder and practically every civilization has engaged in it etc.
Murder of Jewish people was OK in Nazi Germany aswell.
Even if every single person on this planet agreed to one thing regarding morality, it still wouldn't be objectively true, it would be inter-subjectively true you complete dunce.
Yes there is.
Moral nihilism says there are no oughts.
Moral relativism says there are many contradictory oughts.
>So you're claiming philosophers who operate from a religious premise don't believe in objective morality?
No. But it would be wrong and not held to any regard by philosophical imperatives.
You don't even need to look at religious philosophy for that, look at Sam Harris' attempts at finding objective morality and the destruction it has brought upon his merits as a philosopher.
The lengths that people go to avoid admitting that Jews occasionally become involved in shady shit never fails to amaze.
Yea everyone avoids the jq dont know why
bro you're just a fucking retard I'm 100% right legit go read a real philosophy book mr. fedora
>Moral nihilism says X=0
>Moral relativism says X=+1-1
>Moral nihilism says X doesn't exist
>Moral relativism says X can equal 1 or 2
>Mayan sacrifice was murder
Human sacrifice can't be properly considered murder, it was ritual
>war is murder
Are you retarded, gay, or both?
>murder of Jews was ok in Germany, got you now Nazi!
I honestly think the holocaust is very sketchy, looking at the design of the gas chambers/creamatoriums, the fact that the only "death camps" were those inspected by the soviets, and even recently how that Israeli cane out saying he made up the 5 million dead goys number
I'm not saying no one died, they did, but it's blown way out of proportion
That said I'm talking about infdividual murder, like I break into your house and shoot you in your cuck head
Why was I included in that? I'm not the same guy
How autistic do you have to be to not realize that a digital clock that flashes random numbers tells you the same amount of information as a digital clock that doesn't light up?
Almost as autistic as you :^)
That's pretty god damned autistic, he should get help
A shitty sensationalist article from a neo-nazi propagandist.
Apparently people were perfectly okay with this alleged degeneracy then because in 1928 the Nazis got only 2.6% of votes. Please don't believe everything you read on the Internet. Even Wikipedia is a vastly superior source to neo-nazi articles.
>everything that goes against my perception of the world is X Propoganda!
It's pure propaganda for ignorant people.
They brainwashed and manipulated you. Start thinking for yourself.
This is /pol/ without the fucking reddit faggots.
How is it propoganda exactly?
You don't think the holocaust narrative is in the slightest supcious? You don't think anyone benefits from it?
Good constitution actually, perhaps the best. Except for the part where the President should have been Wilhelm II and not Adolf Hitler.
Hitler as chancellor was fine but if he hadn't assumed the power of the presidency too history would have been much better.
I wish, sure we have reddit niggers but there's a lot of low energy cucks
here like this guy
No. Also you clearly don't know the academic holocaust narrative.
Article 48 was a mistake.
I don't know the academyic holocaust narrative? What led you to that conclusion? They teach us WWII and spend a few days on the time period and the war then three weeks on the holocaust because it's that special apparently.
>Here's an example of what they teach in schools this is a us history class btw (18 yo senior)
You still haven't answered my question, how is my article propoganda?
I'm talking about academic works, not your high school books which tend to be simplified.
If you really don't see why your article is propaganda then you're a dumb naive person. Ask yourself why the mentions of child prostitution came from 1923, then check the sources, for example Karl Wiehe was a member of DNVP, then look at the sensationalist and emotional style of writing.
And the most important question. If it was really that bad and the Germans hated it so much then why the NSDAP was largely irrelevant until 1930 and why those 'foreign' communists were more popular than them throughout 1920s.
>child prostitution 1923
Yea Weimar years, what's the issue there?
>emotional style of writing
I got pretty heated reading this couldn't imagine what it felt like to write it
>foreign communists more popular in 1920s
Your just highlighting how bad the Weimar years were, how foreign communist Jews were able to bring society to such a low point where they would be vulnerable to communists
>why wouldn't your academic view of it be propoganda/misinformation?
You're an idiot. I'm wasting my time.
So that's your only argument? I'm an idiot?
Tell me where I'm wrong, where the article is wrong, it has sources cited at the bottom.
Why is this such a taboo that can't be discussed?
You ignored my arguments. History is roo complex for you, go back to your meme board.
How did I ignore your arguments?
>history is too complex for you, believe me I post on Veeky Forums regularly this gives me the authority to say such
Piss off
>posts link from fake news website with an obvious political agenda as proof of Weimar Germany being an immoral hellhole
They were more sexually liberal than a lot of places, but I highly doubt they were much worse than any other place that experienced an economic collapse.
The point is that they fell deeper into moral decay than ever seen before the Great War
Mostly because their economy collapsed. Shit happens when an economy collapses.
As I said, they were more sexually liberal than a lot of places, but they weren't the pit of Caligula this conspiracy rag is making them out to be.
What about disproportionately Jewish involvement in
[citation needed]
Also fucking irrelevant. Jews are just more Germans. If anything, I'd wager there was a disproportionate number of Jews that weathered the economic collapse well (thus owning businesses, and thus more likely to be involved in just about anything) due to the fact there were a shitload of wealthy Jews in Europe in general.
>citation needed
Read the fucking article
Isn't weird that a group that makes up less than 1% of the populace is so concentrated in media/entertainment/academia?
great arguments everyone
I've read it before, his claims are spurious.
well what do expect from a thread made by a teenager still in highschool who spent the last couple years learning from the /pol/-institute of memes & political science?
How so? Explain
you still didnt say whats wrong and why
High IQ, nepotism and money.
It's not a plot, things just turned out that way.
They're not academically credible. The site is a conspiracy theory website.
What about the sources cited? Sorry this arycle wasn't posted on Huff post
Their religious cdevhas nothing to do with it right?
>Messianic Judaism
I thought it would be wisest to save myself the effort given the state of the thread.
very nice
i thought Veeky Forums would be better
back to memes i guess
Ah, fool that you are to think he should pick every fight.
>tfw too smart to argue
Are you serious? Hahaha