
What are your toughts on nihilism? Do you relate/agree with it?

C.S. Lewis debunked it.

Think about it this way, if you expect the worst, you'll never be disappointed

its an important tool for deconstructing the lies we are all taught but its by no means an endpoint

According to you is there anything C.S Lewis didn't debunk?

yes it should never be since the main idea is that we have no purpose or objective

Have been doing that my entire life...

C.S. Lewis simultaneously believed Jesus told a false prophecy and was God

Yes but he debunked that too.

then he debunked it


On point

It's not possible to prove/disprove it, so why embrace it?

You embrace ways to live and think, some people like a empty way I guess

They won't like it for long. An empty ideology soon leads to an empty person.
Many have came to the conclusion that suicide is better than nihilism and they probably aren't wrong.

Maybe... but it would be awkward if that in the end they were correct

If being correct gets you killed or, worse yet, makes you where you want to die, you should really rethink your idea of correct.

I meant that in the end/future we find out we really had no purpose... I think nihilism can never be right or wrong its just an idea or a way to view things

>Be Nietzsche
>Be incredibly smart philologist
>stumble onto nihilism
>freak the fuck out
>give over to fear because you don't realize fear is a chemically-induced mental construct
>desperately search for meaning even though there is none

Wew lad

Nihilism is fucking bottom tier.

This post triggers me because it implies that Nietzsche was a nihilist

>search for meaning even though there is none

[citation needed]

It's fuckin stupid. If you go along with it, you may as well kill yourself.

Does it?

Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism--at least it's an ethos.

I agree that if you tried to look at an it from an objective level, nihilism is the only answer that makes sense unless you believe in God (which there is nothinges wrong with.) But to my mind any sort of morality or purpose we get out of life is either a biological or social construct that could just as easily be something completely different. Now that doesn't mean you can't take enjoyment in life and find purpose in something want. You can make your own purpose (usually though your own purpose is dictating by your biology and society) but it is still objectively meaningless.

nihilism is a moot point op

Being in itself and objectivity are the same though.

tenth post best post.