What was the greatest Presidential race?
What was the greatest Presidential race?
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How the fuck can American parents name their children Richard when its most common alternate form is also the most common word for penis?
Why on earth is Richard and Dick interchangeable?
>in your guts, you know he's nuts
Unironically this past one. It was enraging, hilarious and beautiful. It never stopped a wild ride right up until the last count. If I could relive election day I would goddamn that was fun.
As a political scientist, what I like the most about that election is that the candidate-ignoring models called it. Put another way: the forecasts that 100% ignored who exactly was running predicted either a tiny popular vote margin for Republicans or an electoral-only win. They were the only class of model that reliably got it right.
The obvious next step is to use these models to predict which party will win the next election, and replace their candidate with a decomposing deer I found on my property. We can then use the deviance from the calculated result to really advance the field.
>If I could relive election day I would goddamn that was fun.
Richard here
I ask myself this everyday of my life
1912, where Teddy Roosevelt got mad that the republicans chose Taft and created his own party, allowing Based Wilson to come in and BTFO both of them.
God damn this is literally what someone would say years after they lost, not an election poster.
>based Wilson
you are absolutely a fucking cancer cell
I read an article that explained how autistic Anglos loved to randomly change first letter in a name so over time Rick become Dick for no reason. Bill -> Will and Rob -> Bob.
everybody knows it's funny
>He doesn't like the President who fixed our tax system, won WWI, decimated corruption, and made the US' transition from minor power to major power more seamless than ever in history
I hope you aren't an imbecile who blames him for Alien sedition or claims that his foreign intervention was ill advised and not a masterminded series of calculated bets that paid off more than they took. That would be embarrassing.
>fixed our tax system
you think the IRS was a good idea
>decimated corruption
>won WWI
People who hate Wilson are usually either lefties mad about historical racism or libertarian nutters who believe tax is theft and isolationism.
Yes, I want government programs funded by income taxing and don't want faggots to get away with not contributing. The entire reason he made a name in New Jersey was because he promised the bosses that he'd do what they wanted and then he instantly threw them under the bus calling nationwide attention to himself. And yes, he was on the winning side of WWI, so he did win.
Ask Clint Eastwood.
>WE need mo moneyy fo dem programz sum finna WUZ drank muh fugga!
his administration was infamous for being almost entirely corrupt because Wilson was completely naive.
No, the naive thing comes from his mind working too fast for Republican sensibilities. He knew what he wanted and put his thoughts into action immediately, which the Republican congress took as arrogance and an attempt to do things behind their back so they tried to put a stop to many of his policies. This is seen as politically naive because he needed to work with them to get everything he wanted done, but Wilson was never considered blind to corruption. Unless you're talking about post stroke Wilson where he was basically braindead.
No, he was famous for stikeing down corruption you troglodyte.
Probably the first one in 1800:
>fixed our tax system
If you like ridiculously high taxes.
>won WWI
A war the united states should not have been a part of at all.
>made the US' transition from minor power to major power
Leftists would love his taxation policies if they only knew about them and not all libertarians are isolationist. In fact none of them are if you count free trade as anti-isolationist.
If you want govern programs funded by taxation, you need lower rates that Wilson's.
After Harding cut taxes in the early 20s, tax revenues actually increased due to a higher incentive to work and a lesser incentive to avoid tax.
>not 1796
>cutting taxes increased revenue
Are you suggesting this works in any economic environment? Its only worked twice in American history.
he also supported creation of independent Poland
thanks mr. Wilson
No one stood a chance against Washington, so I count Jefferson v. Adams as the first real election.
Not any environment, only when taxes are too high.
If you had a 2% tax rate and lowered it to 1%, revenues would probably fall, since there is far less increased incentive to work more or avoid less tax.
This definitely happened however, when the top rate was reduced from 77% to 58% and then eventually to 25% because of the drastic decrease in tax rate.
Adams and Jefferson first faced off in '96 though.
Is it just me or are his glasses at an insane angle?
I agree with the Goldwater race, too
>Ridiculously high taxes
That allowed tariffs to come down and make the US an actually competitive market, part of the reason why the US got enough money to become a superpower.
>the US shouldn't have gotten involved in WWI
Why? The Germans were being retarded and asking random countries to attack us and destroying our property. What kind of bitch nigga would just let that happen?
He made the US look like a helpful hero to the other major nations by helping in WWI which avoided any sort of competitive confrontation between the US and France or Britain. He proved to be completely right about everything his 14 points put forward so future generations carefully considered American advice in future endeavors and proposed the League of Nations which was a good idea just without proper leverage and got him international respect despite domestic uproar. He also bolstered US influence around the world, quietly dominating vulnerable nations in latin America and ensuring US interests were given an advantage.
Will went to Bill, not the other way around.
Hard consonants are easier to hear at the start of a name, particularly if introducing yourself in a noisy environment. Rick goes to Dick, Will to Bill, Ed to Ted, etc.
Because that worked out so well
>That allowed tariffs to come down and make the US an actually competitive market, part of the reason why the US got enough money to become a superpower.
Why not lower taxes as well?
>He made the US look like a helpful hero to the other major nations by helping in WWI which avoided any sort of competitive confrontation between the US and France or Britain.
The US had already been friendly with both of the countries before joining the war and I don't see why not joing the war would somehow create a confrontation.
>The Germans were being retarded and asking random countries to attack us
Such as?
>and destroying our property.
Sure, but protecting American shipping without going to war would be a more prudent route.
>He proved to be completely right about everything
Except racism and taxation of course.
>the League of Nations which was a good idea just without proper leverage
It was impossible for an international organisation, especially back then, to prevent WWII. Take a look at our current United Nations. It's a complete shitshow despite the vast quantity of money being pumped into it. We even have a higher participation rate and better transportation/communication technology and it's still ineffectual.
>quietly dominating vulnerable nations in latin America and ensuring US interests were given an advantage
At the expense of latin America of course.
Wilson was also responsible for fantastic policies like economic planning, conscription and prohibition. He is largely responsible for almost 5 million dead Americans.
Other than 1964, probably 1800. The peaceful transition of power was much more rare at the time than a lot of people realize.
>either lefties mad about historical racism
Still mad about Eugene Debs
How the fuck do you not know what the Zimmerman telegram is? The rest of your post isn't even worth reading if you're at this level of ignorance.
>Such as?
The Zimmerman telegram proposed an alliance if United States joined the war. So no, the Germans were not telling Mexico to attack the United States before they joined.
If you want to disregard a whole post because of one thing I got wrong, please at least make sure that I got it wrong in the first place.
Isn't anyone going to name the 1972 race? The wildest shit in the history of the 20th Century?