
Are humans the only animal that has sex for pleasure and not just making Babies?


All animals have sex for pleasure

IIRC dolphins also have sex for pleasure. I know for sure they kill just for fun, too.


No. In fact we're the only animal that has sex for making babies.

Sorry for my bad english

Not forgiven.


My rabbit raped a male guinea pig when he was in the pet store


and we didn't even realize having sex made babies until relatively recently

because the stork lost his day job?

>and we didn't even realize having sex made babies until relatively recently

[citation needed]

>and we didn't even realize having sex made babies until relatively recently

>Prove my claim for me

>someone posts obvious joke
>multiple people take him seriously
I've noticed this kind of thing is especially common on Veeky Forums and sci, what causes it?
Personally i think it's a product of intellectual insecurity, people want to believe others are REALLY stupid because it makes them feel good.

Because the human gestation period is relatively long compared to other mammals (about 283 days), many anthropologists believe that early human cultures did not make the connection between sex and pregnancy. Instead, pregnancy was perceived as a somewhat miraculous act of supernatural forces in combination with a woman's fertility (hence all the Venus figurines) Since women were the carriers of life and men were not, there is speculation that earlier societies afforded a greater social role and respect to women.

Dogs were among the first (if not THE first) animals we domesticated, about 12-14 thousand years ago. The canine gestation period is much shorter, usually about 63 days. Once humans lived together with dogs, the connection between sex and pregnancy began to become more clear. And since now it was clear that children were the result of male sperm sparking "something" in the female, women were reduced from progenitors of life to passive recipients and "carriers". It must have been a huge shift in our collective mental consciousness.

There is a book called "The Great Divide" by a historian named Peter Watson, who addresses this.

That's a myth

Hey Reddit

Im not joking though. I seriously want to know

I think most mammals have sex for pleasure senpai.

Dog doesn't think
>Hmm, this female is in her fertile period, time to make puppies
More like

And it couldn't really be any other way, they don't have the capability to intentionally plan to make babies.

It would indeed seem, that family planning and demographics is beyond the grasp of individuals from other species.

Sure but not even family planning.

I mean an animal doesn't go
Want babies --> have sex, ever, it's want pleasure --> have sex.
It's pleasure that causes them to copulate, not some specific drive to generate offspring.

Hard to say that pleasure is the only reason in certain organisms. I mean some of them have pretty limited nervous systems so, it might not be pleasure just some primal urge.

You're right, i meant to use mammal instead of animal in general

It's mostly instinct, and not pleasure, especially for female animals. Sex generally isn't a lot of fun for female members of most species. I mean, cats have barbed dicks and bite the shit out of the female

IIRC Dolphins were proven to have sex for pleasure. So Dolphins and humans are the only 2 species of animal that follow the case.

Female cats are wierd.
Copulating does hurt them but they definitely want to do it, cause when they don't, such as when they just did it with another cat, they don't let it happen no matter what.


Because animals do not make sex for pleasure ?


Are female cats all masochists?

This could be right but your OP about the connection only becoming apparent "recently" is wrong.

Also FPBP.

>and we didn't even realize having sex made babies until relatively recently
Eh, no, that particular line of cause and effect is pretty self evident. It's not as if humans were retarded until a few centuries ago, or that whole planting seeds to make fields thing wouldn't have caught on ~10,000 years ago.

There have been, however, rare isolated tribes that believed more sperm from more men == stronger babies. Thus, the concept of fatherhood (let alone being a slut) wasn't really a thing in most of those tribes, and the child was more or less raised by the village.

Nonetheless, that was rare, and it was still clear, no sex = no baby.