Saw this pop up on my facebook feed? Why is everyone else but us fucking retarded?
Are we the master race Veeky Forums ????
Saw this pop up on my facebook feed? Why is everyone else but us fucking retarded?
Are we the master race Veeky Forums ????
I don't know, I pretty much just want the world to burn now a days. Just kill us all, God will know His own.
Dude same.
You and I should go bowling.
Maybe not the superior race, but definitely the superior culture.
Totally agree. I mean we have are few bad noodles and the occasional/pol/ leaks, but still we beat all others. Kinda glad Veeky Forums isnt mainstream
I agree. If we were as mainstream as /pol/ we'd got all the retards who make historically inaccurate statements to support ideologies.
>Hur dur, this out of context letter from the red cross proves the holocaust was fake!
>Holodomor was a Ukrainian genocide? That's just capitalist pig propaganda?
What's scary is that the second green text is almost becoming a thing.
Fuckin /pol/ish fags.
stop posting tumblr pic
arent the fire nations the japs since they have almost the same goals.
plus the fire nation won the war
and got some territory from the Earth kingdom, and divided the water tribes
Water Nation = Inuits
Earth Kingdom = China
Air Nomads = Tibetan
Fire Nation = Japanese imperialist
>>Races living in harmony
Okay the "all the races lived in harmony" bit is overkill. But there is some parallel: conquering, slavery and such have always existed but European colonialism was the first to do it on that massive of a scale. Literally most of humanity was subjugated and it's a major cause of much of the strife you see in the world today.
Actually opening narration was lie in Avatar.
World wasn't in harmony before Fire Nation. Avatars constantly tried to achieve world harmony but never fully succed.
I see Commies on plebbit and facebook say it was a "natural occurence"
About as natural as the boatloads of wheat being sold to other countries
Your virtue has been signaled.
Please proceed to the nearest Caucasian self-flagellation station for processing.
that image is horribly eurocentrist, wonder if they understand it
ugh like literally can you not??? ugh
>>Saw this pop up on my facebook feed?
Is this a question?
Never go full normie.
Modern education of history is now simply a reverse white man's burden.
They were the first to do it but they definitely weren't the first to try.
>European colonialism was the first to do it on that massive of a scale.
Just because someone later did something worse or on a slightly bigger scale, does not mean he is the only wrong party. This is like my murder being excused because tomorrow you kill two people.
>it's a major cause of much of the strife you see in the world today.
Completely unfounded assumption.
it's a joke, though the tumblr caption makes it irritating. For all the bitching people do about SJWs getting triggered by everything this sort of shit seems to really get people's panties in a knot.
sadly ill informed retards will take it seriously, both butthurt /pol/tards who desperately want to feel offended and idiots who desperately want to believe that whites are the root of all evil.
>Are we the master race Veeky Forums ????
You are using facebook. I'm afraid you aren't part of this "we".
How about you fuck off and go back there, instead of bringing retarded facebook shit from whichever side here?
sup social retard master race who thinks not being on facebook is something to be proud of.
we know, muh secret club.
I'm genuinely angry that they would make Earth citizens Africans and Water citizens Asians when the Earth Kingdom is obviously based on the Chinese Empire and the Water tribes, while based on Inuits, are the dark-skinned ones.
People embracing grossly inaccurate and easy to digest versions of history is honestly par for the course. Most people are idiots, you can learn to live with that.
That's funny, because it's pretty clear the fire nation is based on Imperial Japan and the earth nation is based on China
>the first to do it on that massive of a scale