Daily reminder that evolution is a lie.
The earth is approximately 6000 years old and dinosaurs lived with man. This is a historical fact.
Daily reminder that evolution is a lie.
The earth is approximately 6000 years old and dinosaurs lived with man. This is a historical fact.
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If you want attention why don't you go make friends or something instead of shitposting here
Not an argument.
>tfw no dino buddy to ride around on top of and explore the brand new world that popped into existance suddenly
Are we doing alternative historical facts now?
Oooh, ooh, can I do some?
The HRE was the Roman Empire. This is a historical fact!
Finland doesn't exist! This is a historical fact!
The world was taken over by bimbos 20 minutes ago. This is a historical fact!
Hmm, strange. It seems that claiming something is a fact on some anime message board doesn't change reality. Who knew?
>implying the world didn't begin in 6,000 BC
>OP sprouts bullshit
>surprised that we don't legitimately argue back
Why would we touch the shit that you're rolling in?
>People find fossils and see massive scary shit + hear tall tales about animals from far off lands
>omg it must be true!!!!
You gonna be looking for one legged giants who use their feet for shade next, op?
Also the Earth is hallow and inside the crust is the the Illuminati Utopia of the Magestic Lizard People who bound their radio-waves off the chemtrails to sap our Vital Fluids in our sleep.
>what are analogizes and classical tradition.
William of Apula talks about how Robert Guiscard kills a massive sea monster and eats it. Does that mean that happened?
No, no it doesn't you retard. It represents how he defeated Byzantine forces and influence in Italy, while stressing the dangers from the east arranged against him.
New agers/american cultists.
e.g. the Calvinist offshoots.
The Lutherans aren't this retarded.
Fuck user. I was not expecting that feel.
>I will never be a caveman dinosaur rancher with a ten-gallon cowboy hat
>implying dinos don't exist now, but feathered
The Lizard People are Nazi's that have an army of Adolf Hilter's high on speed, ready to invade the United States on March 13th 2017. Get it right, faggot.
Reminder that King Arthur was real and a girl.
And also very cute.
This is a historical fact.
Sorry the New World Order didn't transmit this to my Brain Microchip yet.
>implying that most of non-bird dinosaurs weren't feathered too
What part about "historical fact" didn't you get?
It's ok. I've picked it up from the albino alligator communists in the New York sewers. The New World Order doesn't want anyone knowing what's going to happen till it's too late. Be wary my friend, be wary of the black blue jay and the white crow.
>archeological discoveries and stories are bullshit
Atheists on suicide watch.
don't bother OP, you're arguing with brainwashed idiots who believe in monkey myths instead of real history
>seeking evidence to justify beleifs
>not using faith alone
Are you mad that science points to the Bible being true?
Does it make you gnash your teeth that your precious prophet Darwin is wrong?
Just curious why you atheists are so filled with rage and cognitive dissonance.
ty for this OP
I believed in evolution myself until I saw this amazing documentary about the stone age that changed my mind
Hovind-user is back! How long before you get banned again?
Not arguments.
they are scared at the idea of genesis being true because that would mean accepting god exists.
it would also destroy their belief in communism, humanism, eugenics, feminism, etc. they have no arguments so they can only shitpost and try to bury the thread so others won't see it
Is it better to have Faith in God, or to blindly believe in what you are told by "experts"?
If you had real faith you would welcome an cosmology that could ONLY work via an omnipotent God.
>Creationist's evidence dinosaurs lived with man
Real historical photographs, books of ancient men that describe encounters with giant lizards, depictions of dinosaurs on pots, clay, cave walls, stories of killing and hunting them
>Evolutionist's evidence dinosaurs lived millions of years ago
Jurassic Park and pop-culture
Really makes you think
what do you mean? before the flood man lived in constant fear of the dinosaurs (or leviathans as the bible calls them) lead by King Koopa.
>>Creationist's evidence dinosaurs lived with man
>Real historical photographs
This I gotta see.
The Pterodactyls shot down during the U.S. Civil War are really interesting.
Apparently the Smithsonian tried to hunt all copies of the photo and burn them. These radical atheists who believe in Darwinism destroy evidence that points to the Bible being correct, they are afraid that people will start to question evolution.
Thanks for the image OP, saved.
>ITT: atheists show their irrationality and dogmatic cult behaviour
>real historical photographs
Please provide these
Are you blind or just pretending to be retarded? Look at the image that started this thread.