>he thinks there is a god
>he unironically dedicates his time to deities that have no evidence of existing
He thinks there is a god
what evidence do you have that you exist anywhere but in your mind?
>he believes in existing things
Yes, He revealed Himself to me.
So... why are you so stupid to throw away your only chance at eternal life while young?
You will need all your youthful brain vigor to decipher the gnostic texts.
Just have faith bro.
>he revealed himself to me
isn't this called schizophrenia or something. why do religious people get a pass on obvious mental issues?
do you have any evidence of said illness other than hot opinions?
christards btfo
To be frank, I don't know what my faith is anymore. I was raised a Sunni, played around with Shi'isme for a year, then went retard atheist. Now I call myself agnostic but somehow I believe in a personal God. Not from a creed, no. Not Allah, Jove, Ahura Mazda.. Just.. A God that exists. Someone I talk to every now and then
universe is too spoopy, it's all just too spoopy for me to preclude the idea of a one above all type character existing out of hand, strict atheism is about as entry level pseud as you can get
>he thinks there is no such thing as a God.
>spends all his free time trying to disprove him on message boards.
why would i try to disprove something that doesn't exist? lol
you mean schizophrenia?
Yeah, theres no evidence for it.
are you asking me that question, or are you asking yourself out loud?
yes, christians are just that stupid
>no evidence of existing
Sure about that, buddy boy?
>current year
>falling for the "existence" meme
Is it autism or are normies simply cucks?
>Implying anything exists at all and this isn't just a creation of my mind
Prove me wrong, mental simulacrum
dedicating an hour a week on sunday is a small price to pay for the soothing opium of not worrying about my existence ceasing after death. if i didn't believe in God, I'd probably have daily freakouts about the prospect of dying and just ceasing to exist. Believing that it will all be fine allows me to relax and continue on with my life.
I suspect its the same with many people. Belief does not require evidence, if the need to believe for peace of mind is strong enough, then the belief will come. See: men who seriously believe their wife isn't cheating on them
Oh please, you're far too self-aware to actually believe, you can't lie to yourself and you're not very good at lying to us.
>of not worrying about my existence ceasing after death. if i didn't believe in God, I'd probably have daily freakouts about the prospect of dying and just ceasing to exist.
There is nothing to fear in non-existance, one moment "you" exist but then "you" just cease to exist.
Porking your mom last night was pretty convincing. :^)
believing in a god is better than believing in nothing
Prove it.
sub replacement level birth rates
strong sense of self worth
duty to god and country
glorious renaissance
atheistards btfo :-)
>birthrates and dresscode are the most important things about religion
Inshallah, borther.
>>muh birthrates
Birthrate decline is a result of economic growth, and mainstream religion cannot effectively counter it. You need to be a part of some weird sect that walls itself off from most of the modern world and it's conveniences in order to still have an average of 3 to 5 children per family.
One other thing:
>glorious renaissance
You mean the very same thing that ultimately led to increased amounts of political and religious repression in response?
or u just gotta be really horny
Why do trannies and gays?
>still hasn't provided an argument as to why atheism is better
har har
>Christian science
big bang theory, geocentrism, expanding, evolution, gravity, pasteurization, quantum theory, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics
>atheist "science"
eugenics, autism, remake of carl sagan's cosmos, tweeting about how the stars that appear in james cameron's 1997 film titanic are incorrect for the actual night of 14/15 april 1912
nice try
>strong sense of self worth
>tells you are horrible sack of shit that needs forgiveness
What did user mean by this?
>glorious renaissance
Not an argument.
>a- a- atheists btfo!1 HAHaha... *awkward silence*
Stop being retarded.
Name one (1) prominent atheist scientist off the top of your head. No meme pop science allowed, people who have actually contributed to their field
The very premise of your comparison is retarded. You might as well blame the holocaust on Christianity or your speeding ticket on Christianity.
Religion is so fucking gay. So is believing in anything otherworldly.
>can't name a single noteworthy atheist scientist
yep that's exactly what i thought
Steven Hawking
>inb4 pop scientist
he has contributed to his field: Hawking radiation has greatly changed our understanding of black holes
Atheism is not better it is the only logical position.
It is not a mindset not another religion just being intelectually honest.
*tips fedora*
>You might as well blame the holocaust on Christianity or your speeding ticket on Christianity.
Kek shouldn't have said that lad
>"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.
-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922
>Accepting something without a single piece of evidence.
Now tell me how this is intelecutally dishonest
Your pathetic tips fedora answer just reveals how weak your position is, you could destroy my point but you go for ad-hominem.
Thanks for proving me right.
Then might as well kill yourself right now
a public speech doesn't neccisarily reflect his private religious beliefs. I doubt Hitler was an atheist, but we know from Goebbel's diary that Hitler thought that Panthera was Jesus's father
Well we got a couple of options here:
>drug induced hallucinations
>bearded old man in white dress
>>drug induced hallucinations
So... gnostic?
Yeah sure why would he accept what he said and wrote in Mein Kampf.
You argument is extremely weak.
His actions: killing Jews shows that his intentions were serious and his justification shows he was doing it for god.
tapdance more
What is left of your "glorious renaissance" now, you sack of shit? A couple of dudes believing, that dinosaurs lived 6000 years ago alongside humans
why would he kill the jews for the jewish god? racial anti-semitism is rooted in social darwinism, not in traditional christian hatred of "christ killers". certainly Hitler spoke of "Providence" even in private, but this doesn't make him christian, though he may have been a form of deist. certainly the SS weren't allowed to be christian and many refered to themselves as Deists in order please the elites. I find an entry in Goebbel's diary much stronger proof than a public speech in a country still primarily christian