>falling for the vaginal jew
Gay sex is objectively better than straight sex. Prove me wrong.
protip: you can't
>falling for the vaginal jew
Gay sex is objectively better than straight sex. Prove me wrong.
protip: you can't
Other urls found in this thread:
being gay is the ultimate redpill
Oh fuck you're right.
Very True
Embrace homosexuality or be crushed by the boot of the eternal v*gina
Homosexuals build great civilizations (Greece, Rome), heterosexuals are the real barbarian degenerates
I fully agree but this is not Veeky Forums related retard.
>roman empire converts to anti-gay cuckstianity
>collapses shortly afterwards
surely this was mere coincidence?
Go away /polgbt/, nobody like you.
two words: poop dick
Were you unaware that you can talk about absolutely anything on Veeky Forums and claim it's humanities?
Celibacy except for purposes of reproduction (if desired) and maybe the occasional blowjob is superior to both gay sex and straight sex. Prove me wrong.
WTF i'm gay now
Technically anything other than sex is women is superior to sex with women, it's a shame we need to fuck women for reproductive purposes. Maybe science will discover some alternative means of gestation so cunts could be avoided completely.
Basically heterosexual sex sucks. Even lesbians have more orgasms than straight chicks.
>women have orgasms
Nice meme.
Well, what do you think they do when they get that big rush and shit?
"& Humanities", everyone.
Just sage and move on until mods come to their senses and make Veeky Forums history only.
>big rush and shit
You mean diarrhea?
I don't have any personal experience with gay sex.
Despite knowing of course that everybody has personal preferences when it comes to performing sexual intercourse, are there still some general statements that can be made for gay (male) sex?
For example, does it concentrate more on oral sex than penetration?
When it comes to penetration, is it more pleasing for the the pentrator or the penetrated/can you come from being pentrated?
Are there certain roles during the intercourse, combined with social status? I know that a grown man in Greece who got penetrated by another man (his age) wasn't taken seriously...
Thanks in advance
is there an option for that in w3?