>200,000 starving peasants with a few guns and a donkey cucked the US into a 250 mile retreat and even took Seoul
>200,000 starving peasants with a few guns and a donkey cucked the US into a 250 mile retreat and even took Seoul
@ user a year ago in Korean war thread
>the Chinese never took Seoul
But then they took the long dick of Inchon right up their ass.
"but.. but muh amerishit military might :( muh tactical victory.. muh borgers"
Veeky Forums
mostly because the UN coalition wasn't expecting a force of hundreds of thousands to respond. They honestly thought China would not get involved in Korea as they were still recovering from the civil war.
The Coalition's forces in North Korea at the time was less than 80,000, and were overwhelmed by forces twice their size that they weren't prepared to fight, so more troops were called in to counter the Chinese units which dragged the war on for those 3 years.
>Although the PVA had been weakened from their earlier battles, with nearly 40 percent of its forces rendered combat ineffective,[21] i
And they still beat the UN.
>Battle of Chon'gon River
>UNC forces: 254,571[4] Communist forces: 230,000[5][6]
Casualties and losses
676 killed
813 missing
3,034 wounded
2,055 captured[7][nb 1]
218 killed
94 missing
455 wounded[8]
Total UN casualties:
Chinese estimation:
23,000[10] Official data:
~20,000 battle casualties
~20,000 non-battle casualties[11][nb 2]
>676 americans killed
fucking kek, amerifags never go wrong with minimizing the shit out of their casualties and exaggerate enemy casualties to the fucking sky.
The US alone at Chosin Reservoir had 80,000+ men trapped
The reality is that the Chinese were fighting with practically nothing. Peng Duhai didn't expect to even win back NK.
The NK army was actually better equipped than the PVA.
US deaths were around 40,000 in the war. That is known.
The difference is that for much of June 1950- February 1951 the South gooks were the ones doing most of the up-close fighting.
>US deaths were 40,000 in the war
Maybe from the perspective of murishits who bury and minimize their losses because they were in a giant tug of war with the USSR and both sides ddin't want to look militarily inept but dumbshits like you are too narrow-minded to operate their brains to their full extent so they settle with believing what they read on wikishit
>Well, if they go fast enough, maybe some of them can be home by Christmas.
—General Douglas MacArthur[12]
If it was 60,000 it really wouldn't change a thing
The PVA were fighting with sticks
The fact they didn't get slaughtered like the NK is astounding.
It was the same situation as Vietnam. South Korean troops just weren't as disciplined as North Korean ones and their morale was low.
no one wants to fight for the greedy white man who came in a boat and plane around a globe toting a gun in your land and killing people for their political affinities and exporting "muh feedom" with killing and death
Chinese soldiers were and are shit. Deal with it Asian """""""""American"""""""" faggot.
I agree. Not a single white person should have died for gookland. Gooks would be better off under their fat gook king or the Japanese who half civilised them in the first place.
Any proof that America purposefully lies about their own casualty figures? Of course the PRC, a bastion of truth if their ever was one, has no incentive to under report their own casualties.
Do Veeky Forums a favor: grab a shotgun, choke that shit down like the faggot you are, and reward yourself with the money shot by pulling the trigger you ignorant fuckstain of humanity.
guess who did the swimming back home after that war, shitlord? your amerishit homies left tens of thousands of dead burgers to fertilize the soil, deal with that
Wasn't Korea like an African country before the Japanese annexed it?
I'm not American, fifth column chink. And north gooks breached the 48th parralel in the first place. They invaded the south and were forced out.
The PVA pulled off a amazing victory because MacArthur was a vainglorious blowhard incapable of strategic thought and through the fact that the neutralized American air power by only moving at night and using strict noise and light discipline with camouflage netting during the day to remain unseen to American aircraft. The Chinese pulled off a humiliating victory over the U.S. because of this and the fact that MacArthur was too busy sucking himself off to be a effective combatant commander.
>Asian American
Kek. I thought I was the only one who paid the picked up on that. They're so obvious once you've learned to spot them.
Asian Americans should be put back in Internment camps where they belong. The women can stay being cockslaves to white men though.
Sometimes I just want to burn Buddhist temples to the ground to piss them off.
Self-hating Asian American males detected.
Seriously, it's so obvious every single time. "PLEASE RAPE MY WOMEN JOHN" my word, chinks. Your bizarre raceplay-cuck fetishes never cease to astound me.
fucking kek, ameriniggers always go for assumptions when they are cornered. I'm not from your shitty country faggots.
>north gooks breached the 48th parralel in the first place. They invaded the south and were forced out.
and than amerishits tried to invade north and got escorted out while nicely decorating the countryside with burgers to fertilize the soil.
I'm not American chang. My only experience of your people is fucking your women when I worked in Hong Kong for 18 months.
I'm not even from Asia, shittard. Try again
I hate these goddamn chinks so fucking much. We could have been a whole country but the Chinese have to fucking shit up everything being dirty irredeemable chinks. Sometimes I find myself staring at my Chinese wife when we're sleeping and thinking to myself, Fuck your whole goddamn people.
>I-I'm not a chink guys, YOU'RE THE CHINK
We actually keep records of our KIA's and MIA's. If there were thousands of unrecorded casualties someone would have noticed. Now please kys subhuman.
fucking kek the burgershits never cease to impress with their kiddie shit
> Sometimes I find myself staring at my Chinese wife when we're sleeping and thinking to myself, Fuck your whole goddamn people.
>it's all a lie 'cuz it hurts my feelings
>n-no glorious china could never be BTFO'd by a bunch of fallipenis and aussies
t. wang
Yes, we keep records. I'm sure this practice is quite a revelation to a third-world mongrel like yourself. Take a moment to let the idea sink in.
I'm Chinese :((((((((((((
Why do you guys hate me for being me?
The USSR kept records too when they went into afghanistan, they claimed they suffered 500 casualties during the first 1 and a half years of the invasion and kept their casualties under the table for atleast a decade before regime change and declassification, do you think your burger country is above this, faggot? get a fucking life and deal with it. your country will try to look good just like every other super-power wannabe tries to. take these records and oil them up and insert them into your vagina, they don't mean shit among realistic historians who have the most basic and simplest forms of knowledge on the field of wartime propaganda and dick-showing.
Yeah the difference is that we're not an authoritarian shithole so our government can't get away with that.
>Hmm, my son/husband/brother went to Korea, and never returned but the government never said shit.
>Oh wow, apparently there are thousands more people like me, we should try to get to the bottom o this.
>Goes to the media
Except the above scenario never happened and you have no proof that the U.S. underreported casualties. You're literally just making it up and justifying it with hypotheticals. Kys.
tl;dr i am an angry chink
>'re not an authoritarian shithole so our government can't get away with that
t. burgershit mcfreedomz edgelord
Because of your fucking faggot intervention, 30 million of my people live in crushing material, intellectual, and spiritual poverty worse than antebellum slavery. But hey, let's not do anything about it! Let's in fact prop the regime that is worse than the Third Reich or Khmer Rogue at its peak!
>But muh geopolitical security!
Why isn't there a Perfidious Cathay meme
>t. buttmad commie faggot with no imperical evidence to support his claims
Cry more
>t asshurt burger with want-believe thoughts about how good and righteous america is and how it never lost a war and how they shitstomped most the countries they fought with but still had to pull out cuz reasons
try again burger
>want-believe thoughts about how good and righteous america is
You're so fucking ass-deep inside of your own hatred for America you think everyone that doesnt make up lies or unsupported claims about them are pro-american.
>Sperging out this hard
Provide sources or get the fuck out.
Literally LMAOING @ ur lyfe.
eat shit normie niglet
Haha, yyou lost an argument!
ITT commies getting rekt.
ITT amerifags with their "we have a country that's open to the citizens, we're not like every other country that existed throughout human history, this is a different one, a disneyland country that the people run" faggot teens with their fedoras and brandishing their mcburgers in their hands
america got handed by chinks carrying sticks to a gunfight and they minimized their casualties like every big state does in every war. get over it apologist faggots
>tfw mad chink gets triggered and calls Non-Americans Americans
t. chang getting paid by the word
Sure must feel nice to have a comfy job in the CPC. Sucks about your micropenis, though.
>tfw mad burger normie shitter gets triggered and calls non-chinks chinks
>tfw paid by an authoritarian shithole to spread bullshit online so the bureaucrats at the top can feel marginally more secure in their positions
>burger normie shitter
Chink confirmed, must suck having all your women sucking of non-chinks.
cuz americans r cucks and suck at war
>tfw a burger is speaking about paid bullshit online and media propaganda
the burger is speaking about cucking when half the women in his country are landwhales and the other half are riding niggers
>Beta chink really thinks I'm an Americlap
>tfw a chink is speaking about anything but living under a repressive polluted shithole where breathing the air puts you at bigger risk for lung cancer than smoking a pack a day
>beta burger really thinks i'm a chink because it's the only way the asshurt amerifaggots are gonna have a shot at return fire or an argument
>Try again shitcan
Did someone drop a silverware drawer ITT or something?
>beta burger
>beta chink never provides good arguments other than Hurr Amerinigger faked number hurr
>still calls me an Americlap
>Lung cancer is a major health issue both in China and in the USA. An earlier study reported a 1.63% increase in lung cancer incidence per year from 1988 to 2005 in China [4]. The mortality rate of lung cancer was 30.84 per 100,000 in 2005, rising by 465% over the past 30 years [5]. In the USA, an analysis of long-term trends (1975-2005) showed that both the incidence and death rate of lung cancer have decreased statistically in men and women. This decrease is believed to be driven largely by tobacco control in the country [6]. Data show that lung cancer is an ongoing health issue in China and that the problem is becoming more serious very year. Effective long-term strategies on lung cancer prevention and control are important, especially since the strengthening and maintenance of tobacco control programs in China is faced with continuing obstacles. Yano et al. [7] designed a case-control study of 1,139 asbestos workers with 41 males identified with lung cancer in China in 2001. Findings confirmed the strong association between exposure to chrysotile asbestos and lung cancer risk and supported the important interactive effect of asbestos exposure and smoking.
Hey thats Union Square.
How the hell is it so clear? The place is always crawling with niggers and Occupy dregs.
Thousands of stormtroopers with sacks of Grenades and SMGs.
>USAians retreated in the face of WWI tactics
But didn't Macarthur then regroup and BTFO of the Chinese? Or am I thinking of something earlier in the war? I seem to recall the US counterattacking pretty decisively.
Wtf someone actually asking a pertinent question? Anyway, MacArthur's thrust North happened before the Chinese intervention, which he did arguably cause.
Okay, so not Macarthur. But I seem to recall the US counterattacking at some point, and then both sides were ready to roll out the nukes after that, and so they signed the ceasefire.
Chinks BTFO.
Oh, hey, I was right. Based Ridgway.
You're speaking of Ridgeway. He sacked MacArthur's officers, got the army's shit together, and BTFO the Chinese quite hard.
>cucked back 250 miles and lost Seoul/Daejang
Does that mean the UN forces were dogshit?
>my Chinese wife's son
You do realize if the US had won in Korea the Soviets would have intervened?
The ONLY reason the UNC didn't withdraw in February 1951 like they planned to is because the Soviets began pushing for a ceasefire (indicating they wouldn't intervene).
Great thread about the tactical and strategic situation during the early stages of The Korean War.
Very insightful and filled with careful and thoughtful posts.
Excellent use of sources along with an impartial and unbiased view of history.
Good job Veeky Forums.
Haha nice try, but Chinese people are all atheist and don't care about culture. But I wonder how you'll feel when they burn down your churches.
Yes in 1950 against Nk
He pushed back poorly-armed/supplied illiterate farmers 70 miles.
Then the Soviets started providing the logistics they promised to provide in 1950.
Why the fuck was Stalin such an asshole?
Some autistic guy started claiming the US lied about its casualties (which is retarded since MUH KD ratio is the worst war meme), and it triggered the 14 year old /pol/tards we have here
haven't read the thread yet. I can only guess if this post is being sarcastic or not.