Why didn't the Mongols just go around the Great Wall?
Why didn't the Mongols just go around the Great Wall?
The Wall was more of an alert system and temporary barrier in case of full scale surprise invasion than about actually keeping the Mongols out indefinitely.
How many people died to create that wall?
because your pic is in manchuria, not mongolia and the other side is in the middle of a desert
the great wall basically ended the annual practice of mongols crossing the border to raid chinese villages
a fuckload when the first emperor started building it, when the Mings got serious about making it a single contiguous wall not as many as you'd think. It was insanely expensive though.
>I get all my history knowledge from school textbooks, peer-reviewed essays, and History channel :^)
Because the Great Wall you and I know of was mostly furnished in the 17-18th century. The original Great Wall built during the time of the Han Dynasty would act and look more like Hadrian's Wall in Britain: designed to regulate flow of traffic and trade, and to serve as an alert system, not to keep the Barbarians from the gates.
Stop shouting you stupid Paki, we can read.
In Spanish, Moghol and down syndrom are synonyms... maybe there is a reason, after all.
that happens in all languages with mongoloid
>17th-18th century
wrong, the great wall as we know it was built by the Mings, not the Qing
Horses don't swim so good with a heavily armored Mongol on their back.
I guess in those times, a 3 meter wall was huge and insurmountable....
Is this a compliment?
The wall wasn't meant to be insurmountable but to slow down and restrict the logistics of the invading army.
They LITERALLY did user.
>waste a ton of time, money and manpower building a wall
>they just go around it
How will Chinklets ever recover.
Trump will show them how to build a real wall
weak to water
>Build a bigass wall
>Airplanes invented
Good thing it doubles as a tourist attraction.
whether or not it was worth it is up for debate, but the great wall stopped Mongol raids on northern China which had been a serious problem for centuries
Because the Chinese were skilled diplomats and divided & conquered the fuck out of them.
There were also buffer zones between the Mongols and the Chinese (See: the Jurchen and the Tangut), as well as hostile tribes and kingdoms.
The Chinese also had outposts/military camps in Mongolia to spot for incoming attacks and regional forts, as well as spy networks.
So the Mongols in reality, seldom attack the Great Wall. They only attack when the defences are poorly maintained or weakly-manned.
Normally, they attack and raid territories outside of the Great Wall (Esp. after the Ming fortified the fuck out of it)
Why didnt the chinks just genocide them like they tried with sparrows?
They already have. How many Mongols do you see today? And no, "we wuzers" don't count.
Because Mongolia is a barren fucking plain (Nothing much can grow and there is not enough Fauna/crops to keep an occupying force fed)
The Mongols also keep running the fuck away and performing guerrilla warfare, stretching Chinese logistics to their breaking point.
A standard Mongolian manoeuvre would be to
outrun the Chinese expeditionary force and
nomadic auxiliaries for entire months, luring
them to traps/ambushes until they become
utterly exhausted/starved of supplies (See: the Ming expedition into Eastern Mongolia under the Yongle Emperor).
The Mongols never directly attack unless they think they have an absolute advantage in horses and men.
The Chinese also rightfully see no value in
occupying land of little-to-nil agricultural/mining
value so they don't attack the Mongols unless
provoked to.
During the Ming, majority of the Western Mongol tribes became Tributaries/allies/auxiliaries of the Chinese.
Later in history however, the Mongols get double-penetrated by the encroaching Russians and Qing Manchus and annexed by the Qing
How many?
A few million more then Genghis Khan's time
Why didn't the germans go around the maginot line?
The best part was when Ming Trump made the Mongols pay for the wall.