The one thing I think Gnosticism did right was it had an explanation for why the God of the Old Testament was such a...

The one thing I think Gnosticism did right was it had an explanation for why the God of the Old Testament was such a dick.

>the OT god was a false god known as the demiurge that's why he's an imperfect being who genocides people for the lulz

As opposed to mainstream Christianity which never seems to reconcile why the OT god is the polar opposite of Jesus

>As opposed to mainstream Christianity which never seems to reconcile why the OT god is the polar opposite of Jesus

If you had bothered to at least Google it then you would see that this isn't true.

I've never seen where the whole "God was a jerk in the Old Testament" comes from.

I still don't get Gnosticism

Educate me then.

If you see the demiurge as some sort of "false God" that does evil things then you either have an awful understanding of what the demiurge actually is or you are using the wrong word.

Then what is the demiurge?

It is a literal reflection of "the one," which carries out His will by creating the material world.

Nobody but the insane do.

The claim that God is presented radically differently in the OT and NT is just wrong from the beginning. It also disregards how the books were all written from the perspectives of men.

That completely depends which gnostic writer you are reading. That's a very neoplatonic view of it.

Well aren't there different "sects" of gnosticism? Don't some believe that the demiurge was created by a higher power but ultimately is not the one true "source" god

Demiurge doesn't really explain anything, it still makes the true god who created the Demiurge seem bad by proxy.

That's like saying a father whom raises a kid who grows up to be a serial killer is guilty by proxy

Well, yeah? I am arguing that the neoplatonic view of the demiurge is the correct one. None of the other views make much sense to me

Is the father in your analogy omnipotent too? Because if he isn't then that's why he isn't to blame.

Well if I'm understanding it correctly the demiurge works on the free will perspective it just has much more power than humans

Even in mainstream Christianity you have this, where God creates the angles and Lucifer rebels against him even though angels don't have any free will and there was no conceivable way an angel would have been able to rebel

"Free will" was always a bad excuse. There are all sorts of things a given person isn't free to will. You can't make someone's head explode just by getting really mad at them for example. And a guy with ALS stuck in a hospital bed can't decide to steal anything or kill anyone.

I think you're mistaking almost infinite potential of choices with mainstream media depictions of psychic powers

The point is if you're using free will as an excuse for why bad things happen, it doesn't make much sense given not everyone has access to the same range of free will and no one has access to anywhere near what would be true free will to do whatever you want.

The demiurge is a perfect being though. Gnostics misunderstood Plato and mixed it with Jewish garbage.


Never listen to bible thumpers who speak about gnosticism.
Gnosticism is the true path, its texts are older, which proves them genuine, the bible is tthe forgery.
Where gnosticism talks about not giving alms, not praying and spiritual sex, the bible speaks about giving all you have, never ceasing prayer and chastity.

The bible is just a book of darkness.

Iirc Plato always depicted demiurge as a benevolent being

It was just some cunts who thought "everything sucks ergo the being that created it all must be a real shit" that turned the demiurge into some malevolent entity and then they thought "well who sucks most of all? the jews of course, so it's the jewish YHWH who's bullying us"

>Be gnostic
>Read first 11 chapters of OT, not even carefully
>Claim that God the Father of NT is different that God the Father of OT
Gnostics are fucking retards by definition.

>polar opposite of Jesus
>Mark 11:12–14: Jesus curses a fucking fig tree
dunno, they sound pretty similar

>be gnostic
>read gnostic gospels
>do not give alms, do not pray, spirit sex
>read bible
>give away all you have, pray all the time, dont fuck
a-are you from hell?

>spiritual sex

What did he mean by this?

Answer to this question is opposite to answer to "Is your post retarded?"
So no.
Orgies on drugs.

>The one thing I think Gnosticism did right was it had an explanation for why...


>do rite to enter trance
>youll fall asleep
>your dream will look like you travel spiritually to somebody whom youll see only spiritually and whom youll fuck
>wake up
>your dick feels as if it just shot its load

I always thought he was a cunt for that one. Tree was born without the ability to produce fruit - is destined to die without offspring. Fuck you tree for no feeding me, die you disobedient slave!
Then when he tells the reveltion about the servants who are to keep the money while their master is away and all of them invest it and then return the money with some extra - but then the one dude who didn't risk his master's money is punished for literally just listening to his orders. This is not fucking justice, this is jew justice with a lot of presumptions and precedence.
Or when he doesn't want to help the Canaaite chick because she is a goy and only when she compares herself to dogs and asks for the crumbles from the plate of her jewish masters' is her daughter helped.
Fucking shit-tier desert religion.

The whole point of the New Testament is to reconcile that fact. He creates a new testament with man by sacrificing his only son, instead of requiring annual sacrifice. That's fucking why it's called an old testament and new testament.

wtf i hate jesus now

>doesn't want to help the Canaanite chick

Never happened.

21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.”

23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to Him and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” 24 He answered, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before Him. “Lord, help me!” she said. 26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” 27 “Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

27 Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

I don't either. He's no less of a cunt than for example Zeus.

Jesus was pretty much like "You're from a subhuman race fuck off stop pestering, or actually you know what I'm gonna make an exception since you suck my dick so much". He did help her in the end but still acted like a cunt.

Gnostics were just primitive people who fell into magical thinking, like most religious people. Their beliefs can't be taken seriously today.

However, many people, including many renowned scientists, think nowadays that it is very feasible that we live in a simulation. Their argument is very simple: in the foreseeable future, it will be possible for us to create a near perfect simulation of the world we live in today, with humans who think they are real and have free will, and so on. So how can we be sure that we aren't in a simulation created by people who reached that stage of civilization before us?

OT is such an enormous load of bullshit.

>Obey God, worship God, follow God's commandments and you'll be rich as fuck and have a lot of children
>a guy obeys God, worships God, follows God's commandments and he still gets anal herpes and cancer and becomes a beggar and all of his children die of AIDS
>"B-but Lord I was a loyal follower"

The religion seems shitty because it has been touched and changed by shitty people. It becomes obvious with a small bit of knowledge of ancient languages and by reviewing recent finds like the gospel of Thomas, as it has been touched less.

Firstly the gospel of Thomas has "Yeshua" saying to not fast, not give alms nor to pray.
Findings by researchers also argue that the first christians practiced spiritual sex.
Meanwhile the bible is all about fasting, giving alms, praying all the time and chastity.

Secondly by knowing ancient languages you will discover that the word "baal" (the demon you are not to worship) is translated as "lord".
So yeah, you have a bible filled with "the lord" left and right.
There is no excuse for this, as God is very insistent about His name as opposed to alleged "titles".

So yeah, probably the original religion was a very engaging, pleasant thing with both meditation and spiritual sex, but the people of the devil changed it for stupid idiocies like becoming a emasculated cuck, damaging so your spirit, which is why none of these faggots do as they preach, as it wrecks your shit internally and brings ruin.

Funny how just before that St. Anna is praised for fasting and praying at the temple all day. Also Christ told people to pay their taxes, and said the poor women who gave one cent (which was all she had) did more than the rich men who gave more money.

>Gnostics were just primitive people
False. In many ways ancient Greeks and Romans were far smarter than we are now, even if they were less knowledgeable.

Wise, not smarter. You stupid fuck.

You fail to understand the purpose of earth (to make us stronger) and the fact that the old testament isn't a monolithic entity. The book of Job and Deuteronomy, for example, come from two different times, places and cultures.

having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.
"if he was that smart he would never have been tricked"
synonyms: clever, bright, intelligent, sharp-witted, quick-witted, shrewd, astute, able; More
(of a person) clean, neat, and well-dressed.
"you look very smart"
synonyms: well dressed, stylish, chic, fashionable, modish, elegant, neat, spruce, trim, dapper; More
(of a wound or part of the body) cause a sharp, stinging pain.
"the wound was smarting"
synonyms: sting, burn, tingle, prickle; More
intelligence; acumen.
"I don't think I have the smarts for it"
sharp stinging pain.
"the smart of the recent blood-raw cuts"

You stupid fuck.

>create rules
>your worshippers follow them
>you break your own rules
>get butthurt when your followers call you out on it

People are pretending like God; the Demiurge doesn't experience time to hide how unread they are.

t. Dexter Jettster

OT: there lord your God is one; if you don't believe this you're going to hell.
NT: just kidding I'm actually three; and if you don't believe THIS now you're going to hell.

OT: if you don't obey my Law you're going to hell.
NT: whosoever is under the Law is under a curse (!).

What the actual fuck are you talking about, the Gospel of Thomas was never apart of "the original religion", It was written way after all other gospels and barely even known by the only sect who considered it authentic.

Nigger, the bible is a book of darkness designed to cuck and damage the spirits of the unaware.

>science is beginning to figure out what ancient man, through prayer and meditation had known since his origin
>they put it in inferior terms, having never picked up a book on metaphysics in their life
Many such cases. Sad. I'm any case, just as the statement "the sky looks like a canvas" should more accurately be "our canvas looks like the sky" it wouldn't be "life on earth is is a computer simulation" so much that it would be "our computer simulations mirror that which life on earth is."

Said no gnostic ever.

That's nice hun but this is a Gnosticism thread.

I said it.
Yes and I'm a practicing gnostic, so?

No user, your a roleplayer, there's a difference.

Huh, no, pretty sure that I'm a practicioner and that customs of yours like roleplaying sicken me.

>However, many people, including many renowned scientists, think nowadays that it is very feasible that we live in a simulation
I find it absolutely absurd that these people are ready to pounce on the claim that our universe is a generated simulation, while the idea that it was the creation of something beyond us is apparently going too far.