Did some of your ancestors get killed in historical events?

Did some of your ancestors get killed in historical events?

Brother of grandpa (french) got killed during oran's massacre. (1962)

Cousin of my father fell in Dien-Bien Phu

Great grandfather's brother was in waffen SS and got killed during bagration. Don't know much more than that.

>Brother of grandpa (french) got killed during oran's massacre.
good. fucking invaders deserve death

Brother of my grandpa (greek) died during the siege of Constantinople (1453)

My great grandfather, (mother's father's father) was swept away in the Great Flushing of 1906.

German btw.

Légion étrangère 2nd degree cousin then?

I'm named after my great uncle, who got shot down over Italy before he could have any kids of his own.

Wouldn't second degree cousin mean we'd have to have the same great grand parents?
Either way, some sort of cousin, as it was my father's first cousin, and yes, Legion. 1er bataillon étranger de parachutistes (1er BEP)

>good. fucking invaders deserve death
Your epic edgeyness has been signalled and recorded.

Thank you for your fascinating contribution.


My great grand uncle (Venetian) died of STDs he got when raping Byzantine sluts in the siege of 1203.

Dubs speaks the truth. Byzantines were sluts

My great-grand uncle on my mother's side was the leader of the anti-japanese communist Hukbalahap.
I met him as a child, I remember he was running for congress that time in at the age of 89.

Funny enough my great-grandfather was killed by a communist at the at end of the war.

Great great father died fleeing the 1917 Russian revolution, he was the intendant of a noble family.

Grand uncle was in the army and disappeared in German concentration camps during WW2, probably got gassed.
Great grandfather got wounded during WW1 while bringing message to and from behind the enemy lines and got a silver medal of honor for that

Great great grandfather*

So yuropeans should massacre muslim minorities?

If it was a camp in Germany he died in, he was probably shot or starved. Gassing tended to happen in Poland.

great-grandpa was sent to German internment camp, got out and got GULAG'D and ended up somewhere in Siberia, never to be heard from again

My great-great uncle died in a gulag.

Gassing tended not to happen in any camp

Unless they were the ones with the really big death tolls. Birkenau, any of the Aktion Reinhardt camps, Chelmno, etc. Lots and lots of gassing.

Nah they're all still alive.

get at it famalam. too bad ur too cuck

whats edgy about hating people that take over someone elses rightful land?

>what's so edgy about murdering people because they don't 'belong' somewhere?

I want underagefags to get off my board

grandpa died at Verdun

One of my Italian ancestors was killed at Cannae in 216 BC

Which Verdun ?

My grandfather died in Auschwitz.
Fell from a guard tower.

Had family of ancestors killed on both sides at Culloden.

This. I don't think one non-White who isn't in the west would give to two shits if Europe went Hitler on the aliens.

First cousins have same grandparents, second have common great grandparents, etc.

Cousins who are in the same generation from those grandparents have no "removes." Cousins separated by one generation have one remove, etc..

>Cousins separated by one generation have one remove
Explain that "remove" thing please

a true Veeky Forums joke, a lot older than 25 years and as stale as a fossile

He deserved it, why did the fuckheads fire on FLN troops? What did they expect? They got what was coming to them.

The pied niggers fired on the FLN first. What did they think would happen? Dumbshits.

I'm pretty sure one of my great-great-great grandparents got killed during the mexican revolution.

He went off to fight and never returned.

know that some ancestor were in the french foreign legion in the 19th century. They died in Indochina. Got a cool sword.

Great granduncle was killed during the White Terror in Spain.