If the British Army landed in Europe, I'd get the Belgian police to arrest them

>If the British Army landed in Europe, I'd get the Belgian police to arrest them.

Other urls found in this thread:


>If the British Army landed in Europe, I'd get the Belgian police to arrest them.
b-but Germans heff no humor

> I have full sympathy with their(Poles) condition,

>BEF BTFO's the German army at Mons

The British army have been the least powerful in Europe for centuries
During the Napoleonic Wars, the British army was so despised that it was a punishment for disgraced generals to be sent fight them (because no glory could be achieved by beating such weaklings)

>The French forces were commanded by Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, who had just been stripped of his command after disobeying orders at Wagram.
>Dismissed from Napoleon's Grande Armée, Bernadotte returned to Paris and was sent to defend the Netherlands by the council of ministers

You can't make this shit up

it's almost like britain has no military tradition due to being a naval power

no bretan is jost pufetic xd

No one denies that Britain was a strong naval power
How does it conflict with aknowledging how pathetic their land army was for most of history?

Because the budget is placed less into the land army, and more into the navy. It's too expensive to maintain both. Britain deliberately kept its army small and with not too much training so they could divert funding to the navy.

Now please:

I understand that
Britain had a pathetic land army because it was an island focused on naval strength
Still it had a pathetic land army and you should deal with that fact instead of getting butthurt

I never denied it?

I'm telling you to go to /int/ because you're turning Veeky Forums into a pathetic country vs country argument.

>pathetic country vs country argument.

More like pathetic British army vs non-pathetic German army

This isn't about discussing history though, you just want another 'Country i don't like hate thread'. There's no discussion here just:


You have no point, no discussion, you just want to shit this board up with your /int/ tier trash.

Kill yourself.

>*crowd yells "Get outta town!"*
>*crowd cheers "I knew you wouldnt betray us, Louie!"*

>pathetic British army
manages to be on the winning side regularly despite its faults
>non-pathetic German army
loses two world wars and its territory is constantly shrinking

maybe discuss how a small German fleet always puts up a much better show for their money than the RN

The OP isn't even about the navy, retard.

And the Germans had the 2nd largest Navy in Europe.

>whaaa mommy they badmouth Britain on the Internet

>Still it had a pathetic land army and you should deal with that fact

we did - it's called 'becoming a naval power'.

What? i'm a fucking american, I don't care, I'm just sick of this board just being country vs country instead of discussing actual history.

anglo is anglo is anglo is anglo

Britbong detected

>this is considered a great general in the British army

A tax-dodging brit it is then.