The only two countries that know how to tell royalty exactly where to go

The only two countries that know how to tell royalty exactly where to go.

I can't believe that it is the present date and people still have monarchs and Royal lines. Why is France the only Western European country with brains?

Da, tovarisch. Monarchs are the ultimate manifestation of bourgeoise oppression, and must be snuffed out at any cost.
That way we can make room for true representatives of the people, the vanguard of the proletariat, to make all the decisions for the uneducated masses instead.

t. Lenin

>Be American
>Strong believer of private property and property rights
>wtf you can't own a country thats unfair just because your ancestors owned that land doesn't mean you should

??? You're starting to sound like a commie faggot

do you believe the royal's will establish themselves at the forefront of modern day politics?

do you fear the rise of the monarchies?

No I just hate Prissy bastards walking around like they are better than everybody else

they are puppets tho , they are like gorillas in a zoo

think of the paparazzi tormenting them everyday lad

At least with a king you know who is ruling over you.

Right now France is ruled by the Freemasonry, by the Grand Orient de France, who's leader is more powerful than any Valois or Bourbon king has ever been, but no one knows who he is.

>Why is France the only Western European country with brains?
Plenty of Western European countries don't have monarchies you ignorant fool

America is ruled by thieves.

consider suicide pham

France has been an abomination since the Revolution and America is an absolute shithole today

>he would rather be ruled by a pack of rats than one lion

The Republic assures us that the most successful criminal is elected and according to Machiavelli criminals make the best leaders

>one lion

>have a revolution
>people are exhausted from the aftermath
>insane man takes advantage of it and goes halts progress for over a century

Many such cases.

Robespierre did everything right

Free educations for peasants began under Lenin

Capitalism is also antimonarchist retard capitalism is all about the best gaining power and wealth through hard work smarts and luck. How does popping out of the right cunt show any of that?



>capitalism is all about the best gaining power and wealth through hard work smarts and luck

This is your brain on ideology.

you need some way to explain the world

The world is a flock of wolves.

Like blowing his jaw off in a suicide attempt?

>i-it's only ideology when it doesn't suck off zizek and marx

funny how it's only socialists with their head firmly up their ass that even use 'ideology' in a derogatory sense as if implying every last one of you isn't huffed up on your 'ideology'.
