How can any civilization be this autistic

I mean who the fuck even came up with this weird shit

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this is what happens when you let furries get their way

I know right? They are not enlightened as modern Americans, who think their forefathers were expelled by a wizard from a secret garden because a serpent told them to eat a forbidden fruit.

Would you prefer if they believed in materialism and fornication instead?

>hating on creation myths

>modern western women literally fuck their dogs
Such progress, truly an Age of Enlightenment

Uh, they do it anyway.

Also choosing what to believe in instead of believing in the truth.

Weird of you to say since your mother was a stout believer of fornication.

for it's hedonistic exploitation I mean, i didn't want to spell it out to be crude

Nothing compares to Aboriginal Australian creation myths. Not only do they not make sense, every feature of them is totally arbitrary.

Women from every culture fuck dogs though

In the Elder Scrolls there's a character in the lore called Reman Cyrodiil who created an empire that united the men of Tamriel and saved it from a fantasy Japanese invasion. His origin story is that a local king fucked a hill where an ancient Saint/Empress named Alessia was buried and then he died. A little bit later Reman Cyrodiil popped out of the ground and was pronounced king.

I refuse to believe animals could come up with something even with such a low complexity. We're talking about a race with an average iq of 60. They don't really have any comprehension of logic, reason or even time itself so of course it makes no sense. All they know is "me see food, me stab" It's like trying to lay out the dreams of a retarded dog in a logical, chronological fashion when it lacks all those elements. African languages don't even have words to describe events occuring in the future or the past(they were added in), only the present because the savage mind has no comprehension of time. Their "creation myth" was probably even more incoherent but was ordered by western standards of chronology and causation.

>hmm our civilization's myth isn't old enough
>he Caesar check out my sick new Troy fanfic

>African languages don't even have words to describe events occuring in the future or the past(
This isn't a bad thing.

yeah, maybe not. just keep those violent animals out of the west

Apparently the same 'mythic ruler being fed and raised by wolves' thing happens in Turkic myths as well. Don't remember where I read it so can someone kindly elaborate on this?

People believe in retarded shit. See

People in the past always spoke in allegories. It is an allegory. What the allegory means is beyond me.

common indo-european origin of the myth I guess
Rome was founded by Ertruscans from Turkey who had migrated so I guess common origin of myth I'd guess

The genesis myth is just as retarded, if not more. At least the she-wolf didn't talk.

How do you get a stick that large up your ass?

Why are fedoras obsessed with calling God a wizard?

Don't know anything about Etruscans' origin but I'm pretty sure Turks or Turkics had nothing to do with Asia Minor those times.

He has a white beard and can magic.

*tips fedora*

This has little to do with the topic but we've got a similar stature here in Cincinnati, Ohio. A gift from Benito Mussolini himself, Cincinnati being named after Cincinnatus, a roman crisis dictator.

You believe in a retarded myth. You can never say anything about any ancient Romans and Australian aborigines believing in retarded shit because you are on the same level.

Surprised antifa corporate gangs didn't vandalize it yet,

Cincinnati was a nice city when I visited it, I'd hope there aren't too many retards there

Wow that's really cool.

It's not terrible here, but what pisses me off is the city counsel just voted to become a sanctuary city.

They probably don't know about it.

What if Remus had won instead of Romulus?

Would it be called 'Reme' instead of 'Rome'?

Most people don't take it literally save for creationists and maybe some protestants.

neither do the chinese languages btw, but im sure user wont shit on them

You're expecting AntiFa to have any historical comprehension.

This is a serious mistake in judgement.

In the turk one the forefather proceeds to fuck and breed his surrogate wolf mother and have mutant dog children who become the turkmen.