Walk in

>walk in
>see this
>son ur grandpa passed away and left these to you
wat do

Other urls found in this thread:


Buy Lambo

I found treasure!

tidy up while parents cope

buy niggers

dive in and take a swim in the style of scrooge mcduck.

buy grandpa life

Put it all on DGB.

Wonder why my dumbshit grandpa would spend so much over spot for tiny 1oz bars when he could have saved easily 15% by buying 10oz cast bars.

This little 1oz bars shit me.

Sell all, buy crypto

Smelt and sell steel armor at grand exchange

all in on mooncoin

Finally started doing this, feels good


Jizz, immediately.

>buy a shitload of fake gold/silver
>leave it to my grandson
>die laughing at my final prank
>laugh even harder when I realize my grandson is going to sell it to some idiot for cash
>family tells tales of my laughing, joyous death for years to come
>they become less afraid of death itself and live happy, non-neurotic, wealthy lives

I would do this.



>avoid taxes
>buy a nice hause
>2/3 of the rest of it invest in real estate and 1/3 into crypto and stock market
>buy lambo for memes and post it on Veeky Forums

I own a cash for gold, that is less than 20k, discounting the ambiguous burlap bags.

that collection is worth 100$.

Get down on the ground, thank God profusely, trade in 25% of it for SiaCoin, HODL THE REST

then all of it in IOTA or btc at the crash

Are you talking about fucking runescape

how much is all that worth?

>he didn't move onto WoW years before the grand exchange on rs
