Buy now or get left poor. Gonna moon today

Buy now or get left poor. Gonna moon today

Looking good. Everythings rebounding again. BUY BUY BUY



stay poor then


Yobit is legit, gonna buy on the low

Its lower in bittrex? wtf r u talking about

What are you talking about?

what? its the same price. yea gonna buy in heavy as the price remains under 100

this coin is supposed to go down further


Dropping to 80 by tonight.

this coin needs to die already

foretold user prophecies. the jump may be to suck people in precisely for this reason of hovering around 100

however, I am but merely user myself

i have some pocket change in RDD, just in case.
used to be 10 bucks, is now worth 16 still.

>12BTC wall

god this thing looked like it was about to take off earlier. i bought in and its literally not moved. what a shame. getting real sick of this shit

Idk made a quick million sats and bougt lite doge.

Buy lisk and lite doge senpai.

Then buy redd

You have untill august

it surprises me how many faggot shills will say anything EXCEPT for "I missed the fucking boat, I fucked up"....go on Bitcointalk and see all the faggot shills saying this will never get to 4 sats, or 14 sats, or 40 sats, or even now over 140 sats...they just cannot wrap their minds around the fact that Redd-ID might be the one thing that finally gets normies to the crypto party, and even when it dips down for a brief period, a small voice inside their atrophied brains says "maybe i should pick some of this up now" but then their prejudices won't allow it: they just don't want to really make money, period. They would rather bleet with all the other Veeky Forums sheep over niggercoin or mooncoin, with the hopes of $500 overnight, so they don't have to go back out on the street once again and suck dick for crack; no, this time will be different, this time I will get that $500 profit from niggercoin and show Requise that I don't need to suck his dick, that this time I can afford my own crack, that I don't need him.

Yes, this time will be different

Finally. Dropping these bags...

>Finally. Dropping these bags...
You're dropping your bags @ 95 sats?
What the fuck lmao

I got caught flipping it around that range.

Don't know if I should risk day trading or keep pumping into the coin

I'm accumulating

So many fucking idiots in here. You don't get rich by chasing every single fucking wave. HOLD. This coin has real value.

Accumulate you retard

Just kidding, you could probably day trade but why daytrade with RDD?
Go look at other coins, plenty of coins to daytrade that are easier

should I trade all my DGB for RDD?

Step 1. Invest $1
Step 2. Ride 2000 +1% waves
Step 3. Cash out $439,286,205
Hope it made you think.

LOL, so many FUDers missed the boat, keep being poor then

If you bought DGB at top then I feel sorry for ya

If you made profit then you do whatever you want

People never listen and than cry :)

This is a single pump. Literally A SINGLE PUMP. Something fucky is going on.

because the real pump for this isn't supposed to start until tomorrow, but because there were so many walls up, this single pump helped break a 50 BTC wall at 100 and walk down some other walls

>i-it w-w-will m-moon guise, I promise!
It's the 102010238923812931 time I see this fucking thread and this fucking shitcoin never moons.

Why is it going to moon today?

because it was pushed down and Redd-ID is coming my good man.


It literally mooned 20sat

1mil rdd bag holder checking in

is there a more disapointing coin than this? i swear to god ive bought into rdd like 3 times now, and each time ive been left with empty promises. im close to just selling it and moving on

It was briefly below 80 yesterday

Very poor missed out opportunity and no faucets to get any. can someone send some to my reddcoin address please??? Thanks in advance

whatever... I'll sell the 10k I got from staking.

its not a ton, but maybe it will help you start off.

>One Whale buys a fuckload of coins
This is not mooning this is one fucking whale. You should have sold your bags and let it trickle back down and bought back in like the rest of us.


>20% growth
We are trading stocks now?

If anybody feels generous to send me some RDD to someone who lostin NGR, thank you.


please stop shitting up threads with begging

it surprises me how many faggot shills will say anything EXCEPT for "I missed the fucking boat, I fucked up"....go on Bitcointalk and see all the faggot shills saying this will never get to 4 sats, or 14 sats, or 40 sats, or even now over 140 sats...they just cannot wrap their minds around the fact that Redd-ID might be the one thing that finally gets normies to the crypto party, and even when it dips down for a brief period, a small voice inside their atrophied brains says "maybe i should pick some of this up now" but then their prejudices won't allow it: they just don't want to really make money, period. They would rather bleet with all the other Veeky Forums sheep over niggercoin or mooncoin, with the hopes of $500 overnight, so they don't have to go back out on the street once again and suck dick for crack; no, this time will be different, this time I will get that $500 profit from niggercoin and show Requise that I don't need to suck his dick, that this time I can afford my own crack, that I don't need him.

Yes, this time will be different