What does Veeky Forums think of generation Z??
What about the millennials?
What does Veeky Forums think of generation Z??
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Theyre basically the same thing
t. boomer
I've heard they are actually quite the opposite at some points, being slightly conservative to compensate the degeneracy of the millennials
It's just counter culture, the generation after Z will be even more liberal than anything we have seen before in human history. Sweden of today will be seen as a right wing conservative country.
Do not know i am gen Z if you count people born from 1995 i am 1997. And i oppose this forced cultural marxism.
>the generation after Z will be even more liberal than anything we have seen before in human history
Generation Z will ensure this won't happen.
There is something of an unsustainable ultimate conclusion of liberalism, I'm pretty sure
Sweden is a good example of it as they're actively destroying all of the perfect things they built up and generating widespread bitterness in the process, it's going to be a mess
You are firmly in the milennial age range. Why on earth you ever thought you're Gen Z is beyond me.
counter culture is always localized to its own country.
Look up the actual millenial ages, genius.
Gen z includes people currently 18,19. Just like the memelennials term includes people in their 30s
You and the other retards just use the terms incorrectly
is that whole generation thing really that relevant in usa?
Gen Z is conservative when it comes to sex and drugs but radically left politically
Gen Z is a bunch of libertarians
In terms of politics? Not as much as it could be, given the percentage of individuals who actually vote are overwhelmingly from older generations and its legislators can serve until they're voted out or die.
This is because at least in America, Gen Z is only 50% white. Non-whites aren't as cucked as liberal as whites.
When is someone considered Gen Z again? After 2000?
25-year rule.
Some people say those born between 1995 - 2010
Others say 2000 - 2015
I'm with the latter on his one.
first off, Millenials are Gen X, second off, Gen X was literally "Generation Looking For A Catchy Name", with the X used in place of the algebraic "unknown value".
Thus somehow Gen X being renamed "millenials" while people born immediately before or after the millenium are named as though they're lacking some defining event in their lives when there's fucking 9/11 right fucking there, is horseapples of the highest order.
Call them "Twin Towerers", or "Gen Qaeda", or "lolcat barneyfags" or "the cellular generation", or whatever, motherfuckers should put some actual thought into their terminology and actually define the group.
More like Gen Z is just ignorant about reality as they are just coming of age.
All of my friends are increasingly conservative and I know alot more people my age who are becoming more and more conservative. But I stil think there's a bit of a split of people who are "conservative" and "liberals". I still think "liberals" are the majority, even though my generation are become increasingly conservative.
T. 1996
Generational identity is a spook.
They will be the salvation of the west, the first generation since the 60s who's deliberately turn right wing, may they kill all the degenerate shit that started since the 60s
The generation of kids in high school today are so different from people in my own age range ( 22 - 27), it's weird, even though there's less than a decade at most between us. Smartphones, social media, and mobile data has changed the way they manage and conduct their relationships. Their memes and slang are unrecognizable to me. Their jokes don't make any sense. Is this what it feels like to be an oldfag?
>Gen X is Millenials
but thats wrong you fucking retard.
I think millenials should end and gen Z should begin based on memory (or lack thereof) of 9/11.
I see the exact opposite. Increasing polarization and radicalization, with the main division not between liberal and conservative but between social democracy and libertarian socialism.
t. Also 1996
This. Most research says anywhere from 1996-1999 is the fuzzy region between the generations.
They obviously won't stay this left, but they're still the most left wing cohort on record
lmao /pol/ is really reaching trying to paint gen z as some kind of a generation that will trigger a rebirth of the far right, all because of that one survey saying they don't like tattoos, they will be just as degenerate as any other generation if you think the tumblrinas just wait another five years or so when they all start entering college as freshmen heh you are going to be in for a treat
Gen Z is definitely gonna be more right than the millenials, but we need to give it time, and wait until at least one year worth of them finishes college to see.
>I think millenials should end and gen Z should begin based on memory (or lack thereof) of 9/11.
That's a bit unfair considering people who live outside of the US may or may not care about such events.
People begin to vote more conservatively as they grow older. That's why Bernie Sanders didn't get a lot of support outside of leddit faggots (i.e. young, college-educated white males). Traditional Democrat demographics rejected him as too radical. Once you start getting older and you having more things that have can get taxed, you will understandably try to keep as much of it as possible. Then you want to protect it, so you buy a gun.
I do think that we're hitting SJW and PC culture levels that shouldn't even be possible. Tropic Thunder would have never been approved today. Miss Doubtfire made me vaguely uncomfortable because of all the transsexual and gay jokes.
>lmao /pol/ is really reaching trying to paint gen z as some kind of a generation that will trigger a rebirth of the far right
I wouldn't go as far as to say that, but they probably will be a bit more right than millenials as a sort of counter balance, politicians are also scared shitless of places like /pol/ radicalizing younger minds.
If you think about it, altright - anti sjwism / pepe memers are generation x and z right wing movement
hell, as far as i remember Veeky Forums only started turning right since feminist try to mess with gaming, which only young people do
These generational designations only apply to Americans. It only makes sense in the context of American history
But all these generations are specifically American, they don't apply to other countries. Boomers are named after the American postwar baby boom for example.
>which only young people do
You mean Gen Y (Millennials). Gen X are people born between 65 and 80.
That's so wrong I don't even know where to begin
>which only young people do
I'm young and don't play video games.
The average age for gamers is like 30 anyway.
Oh wait I'm sorry I didn't have my glasses on and I thought that said that gen x are people between the ages of 65 and 80.
What do you think old dudes like to do with their time? Don't say spend it with family because I fucking hate my family.
>only young people
I'm 30 and I play vidya every day like no tomorrow.
The point is not the game itself but how left wing has gone overboard in their culture war, naturally backlash happen
look up gamergate, the whole right wing internet meme culture start and formed with it
this. I'm 38 and I do too
Not even a leftist, but what's the point of conservatism? It's literally "things are changing and I want them to stay the same >:(" the ideology. When the fuck has that ever worked?
Also this .
Right now the "rising" conservatism is on par with with the larping Christians all over Veeky Forums, who don't actually give a slightest shit about god, but do that to piss off mom and dad / the establishment.
>look up gamergate
Nigger I was a part of it, I don't need to look it up. Have you arrived on Veeky Forums last summer?
This is why traditionalism is superior to conservatism, conservatism is a cuck ideology that want to preserve the world as it is now or as it was a few decades ago, which is why so many cuckservatives now praise modernist concepts like nuclear family or capitalism. 100 years from now conservatives will be fighting to preserve the sanctity of gay marriage and tranny bathrooms or some shit, bank on it.
>Generation Z
Worthless generalizations.
can you throw fireballs already?
I was born in 1998 and don't remember 9/11 or the subsequent wars beginning. Does this square me in with Z?
Welcome to the club
>Tropic Thunder would have never been approved today
Wtf are you talking about. The blackface there is used to lampoon cultural appropriation and stereotyping. RDJ's character is the butt of the joke, not the stereotypes he plays up in his absurd efforts to become black.
Gen Z is owned by Millenials. We literally control them with memes and dumb jokes.
t. Teacher
All the liberals would just see a white man wearing blackface and bemoan that "racism is stronger than ever"!
>impying the meaning would matter
people have been wearing blue jeans since the 50s
this has to come to an end
>Most research
Generation-labeling is inherently nothing by arbitrary guessing. They don't really mean anything, and differences between the labels for similar generations are mostly the result of different sociologists using different words to compete with each other. There isn't a single agreed upon classification for any of them.