>Read Bible
>Woman gets turned into a pile of salt
>People died over this
Read Bible
Other urls found in this thread:
>Read Quran
>BTFO hypocritical Jews and Christians numerous times
>Corrects nonsenical parts of the OT and NT
>Makes complete sense within its framework
Read proverbs ecclesiastes and job you fucking heretic. Then come back with some criticism.
Allahu akbar, famm.
New International Version
Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.
>(((David Wood)))
childhood is Judaism
Teenagehood is Christianity
Adulthood is realising the truth of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)
What's next, WikiIslam?
And ascension is realizing that all still carry marks of their polytheistic past
>see fedora
>all his life was spent in a basement
>but he knows about all
no ascension is Sufism
Dumb fucking frogs.
> Denies the historical fact of the crucifixion
> Blatantly lies by claiming the Jews are commiting shirk by believing Ezra is the son of God
> claims Muhammed flew to heaven on a winged horse and received a unique exception from God so that he could have 9 wives
> Instantly schismed into two denominations who consider each other heterodox
Not sure if troll or shill
When it's raining fire and brimstone from heaven, yeah, stopping to be hit is a bad idea.
The rest of her family barely got out of there alive. They had to be dragged out by angels, or die.
Literally (You)
>shit religion
It adds up
>Read Bible
>King fucks his friend's wife
>She gets pregnant
>Sends friend into a hopeless battle and get him killed
>Mfw this piece of shit is supposed to sire the salvation of Israel
Fuck David, what a cocksucker
David was the best king Israel ever had.
uh he wore rags and repented its cool bro
Are you a better man than King David?
Ah, you believe Isa, peace be upon him, was killed on the cross, but you see not the truth. For he still lives, as all live in Allah, and Allah protects those who submit to his will. Looks like you still have things to learn, sadiq.
Wasn't it a random soldier?
>Sends friend into a hopeless battle and get him killed
He sent him home, so that he would fuck his wife and think the child was his.
Well he hasn't sent any dudes into hopeless battles after fucking their wives, so yes he is.
He has done way more good than evil though, he just fucked one random guy over.
David was to Israel, what Augustus was to the Roman Empire.
He was one of only three or four kings so that's not even that great of an accomplishment.
Uriah refused to leave his post so David had him murdered. The divine punishment for this crime was the rebellion and death of Absalom and the miscarriage of the baby.
David was no more than a petty king and honestly a huge piece of shit. He seized the throne of Israel, murdered Saul's son and heir Ishbal, had to suppress rebellions for the rest of his life, and let that whore Bathsheba disown his older sons in favor of her son Solomon, who subsequently murdered several of his brothers.
After Rehoboam, the United Kingdom was no more and Davidic rule over Israel ended.